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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 1 minute ago, Matenia said:

    OP linked to a WotLK DB because he is actually a WotLK player. I noticed his spongebob icon and all the other 3.3.5a threads. So using Lua he can definitely achieve this.

    You are completely right, i totally overlooked that lol.
    I just saw Bambo mentioning me, and i instantly thought it was Vanilla, because that is what my FC is.
    But, yeah wotlk is easy. You can even set the conditions in the FC editor.
    Just add two conditions. one being 1-5 stacks. and another that reapply based on 5 stacks and x time left. ?

  2. 2 hours ago, Marsbar said:

    Ah okay so the way to go about it would be to start/reset a timer (couple of seconds shorter than the debuff duration) on each application of sunder and the condition to be timer.IsReady && BuffStack == 5

    I don't think the FC editor has timers, unless he adds it as C#. ?
    Edit: He also has to base the timer on each mob he has the sunders on.
    What he can do: Use mob GUID, and if mob has 4 sunder stacks then on next application add a timer based on that guid.
    That is why i said the " without a lot of tinkering. " . ?

  3. 3 hours ago, Marsbar said:

    Does ObjectManager.Target.BuffStack not work? I have a prot warr fightclass which used to have this working (can't 100% remember how), however the person said the stacks don't actually matter because sunder is actually just a rage aggro builder as well so it's used as a filler.

    Yea but debuff timer doesn't work in vanilla, so you can't reapply.

  4. 6 hours ago, naviomg said:

    ahh your plugin is auto updating, i was wondering why the heck they moving to all cleared path again.

    atm im trying to solve the last problem which is rolling on items. i managed to modify an old addon to roll greed on all items as well on bop items. any chance you can help me out to add another condition to check the armory/weapon type? i have no clue about lua ?

    I honestly haven't looked into it, but i am pretty sure if you google wow lua weapon type, you will get something. ?

  5. @naviomg
    I fixed the Druid bearform now.
    BUT OMFG I did not understand why it took 5-10 seconds for it to turn "Ready" if in bear form.
    Then after rewriting my code 10 times, i realized that you get more max hp when you go in bear form. And because of that it doesn't turn "Ready" until it has healed back up to 100% lol...
    Working on the "If you die bug" now. ?

    Edit: Fixed the "If you die bug". It now resets the dungeon profile on death! ?

  6. 3 hours ago, naviomg said:

    yep its a bear, not sure if same appears on cats.

    if you can force back to step 1 would be great. my idea was to add another isCombat condition to the CheckArea Condition, but this would only force back to the last step which is still problematic in for example WC where they need to jump.

    Alright, i know how to fix all of it.
    I will be home saturday, then I'll fix it all. ?

  7. 7 hours ago, naviomg said:

    found 2 more issues:
    it seems the status never turns to ready if char is shapeshiftet. Not big issue for me since i can just edit my fightclasses. for people who bought feral fightclasses this might be a issue.

    if the bots wipes, they will continue run in one by one to reach the checkpoint after the pull. I think during the pull the attacking conditions turns true since the mob moved away from its original area for the CheckArea function and jumps to the next Move step. this is by testing your ragefire script.

    Cheers for reportering these things, I will force it to in back 1 step if it dies.

    Is it druid shapeshift to bear?

  8. 13 minutes ago, Nosferatuepic said:

    local questId = The Absent Minded Prospector;
    for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do
        local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, id = GetQuestLogTitle(i);
        if id == The Absent Minded Prospector then


    The Absent Minded Prospector needs to be a string.

  9. 2 hours ago, naviomg said:

    No, all 5 bots on different vms. if all bots need be run on the same machine and wrobot folder it maybe should be noticed at product description.

    Does not need to be same machine but same folder. You can have a shared folder on the network.

    I thought that it would be pretty obvious. ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    ok thank you I'll check, but you have probably this problem with live version too, I have changed nothing about pathfinder

    Most likely yes. I did not know what to look for, so i just started my dungeon bot. Just to see if it would work. That's when i noticed it.
    I don't know what you changed in the version you uploaded here, so wasn't sure what to test. ?

  11. 3 minutes ago, zatvorgt said:

    only for vanilla or maybe adapting for tbc and wotlk?
    eat much processor? maybe need optiop for delay change?Thread.Sleep
    in future you add fight classes for attaking only tank target?

    Right now it's only for Vanilla. Eating much processor? I am not having any issues like that.
    I obviously have thread.Sleep in the  loop. (This is not my first fightclass)
    Forcing the dps to attack only tank target is not a fightclass thing.
    That's a plugin thing. ?
    I may add that to my dungeon plugin later. ?

  12. 1 minute ago, masterli said:

    Ich cant test it now, but i have few questions:
    - which Profile i use, that i move my warrior and your fightclass Fights?

    - when i leveling in arms skill trees, does it works too


    Than i think, awesome Idea! Thx



    Fightclasses are used for rotations.
    You can use any profile you want.
    It's obviously a good idea to use either party or dungeon with this warrior fightclass.
    you CAN level in arms, but it won't use arms abilities, since this is a protection fightclass.

  13. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    I need to fix meshes, you can also try to increment "wall distance" option in advanced general settings (1.5 resolve problem, but use value bigger at 0.6 generate sometime strange paths)


    Awesome, i was running with default values.
    Will check it out when i get home from work. ?

  14. Yeah well I am done arguing with you people not gonna waste anymore energy on it. Just like people did with ND people kept claiming that wrobot was detected... took me so long to explain to there people that was not the case.. finally they began investigating instead.. they ended up finding out that their problem was either their client or some of them having too many clients running on the same pc..

    This is how botting in wow is... it's a risk..

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