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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 5 hours ago, morris79 said:

    Ty for the replay iMod. I have found the fault....guess what.... Casting at an training dummy, does not but you in combat.

            if (burstMode && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) = well... why cast then.

    But then again, how should I know. 

    Again, many thanks for all of your replies. 

    Under advanced settings
    Target dummies are probably disabled.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Apexx said:

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had the offset value for MoP 5.4.8 (18414) Main hand item id for player as well as unit? Thanks in advance!

    public static int MainHandId(WoWUnit unit)
        // Using 3.3.5a(12340) offsets.
        if (unit.PlayerControlled)
            return wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadInt32(unit.GetDescriptorAddress(0x4E4));
        return wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadInt32(unit.GetDescriptorAddress(0xE0));


    I believe I've seen a list of offsets on owned core.
    I am at work atm. But i will check when i get home. ?

  3. 7 hours ago, Apexx said:

    It's funny to think if perhaps @Droidz runs the Tauri server, and doesn't want his own bot running on it? :laugh: I have seen him comment on other topics, but he doesn't seem to be particularly taking interest in this thread topic. No offense Droidz. I have moved on to other servers since then. It's not really worth the time perhaps?

    Don't worry guys, he will get around to you.
    He answers questions where he has a quick answer first.
    Things like this takes a lot of time and testing.

  4. 8 hours ago, Moneyclip59701 said:

    I've gotta say, first and foremost, I truly appreciate you responding to me. Do you know of any active admins i can potentially message for aid?

    I know that Archangelo used to make questers, but i think it was taken down. Try @Enraged

  5. 33 minutes ago, luckystrike said:

    Hey Ordush, thanks for the guide!


    I'm considering using your method and I checked the proxy provider you linked. Do you think using IP replacement/month is useful when botting?

    Do you use it?


    Thanks for the help!

    Hey Luckystrike.
    Well it really depends on how the server behave on banning.
    If you end up getting banned, AND they decide to IP ban you. Then you need to replace the IP's.
    However, on all the servers I've been banned on, for some reason they have never IP banned me.
    It's obviously not as safe to reuse an ip if you get banned. ?

  6. 2 hours ago, Moneyclip59701 said:

    It seems i can't find any paid horde side quest profiles, and there's nothing for farming AV ore or herbs. Am i just not looking in the right places? (specifically vanilla)

    I am pretty sure there is some questing profile. I remember buying one at some point. ?

  7. 23 minutes ago, Moneyclip59701 said:

    Seems like there aren't many active creators on this site anymore. Do you build profiles by chance?

    There are plenty of active creators.
    No i don't. I mean i do, but i don't do custom jobs. It's not worth the time in any way. ?

  8. 2 hours ago, Meyverick said:

    Thank you! ? Just one last things ? Is it possible to create a condition that he don't try to cast "Shoot" while casting another spell? Because actually, my Shoot works but when I'm casting another spell it's spam "Another action in progress" ? The only solution is to add the condition "Casting Spell Name" for every spell ?

    There is a condition for not casting while casting. ?

    Think it's called "IsCast"

  9. 3 minutes ago, Apexx said:

    The first forced log off was within seconds after hitting level 10 while the bot was running. When I logged back in, I didn't have the bot started. I let the game load up, and started the bot, and within about  8-10 seconds, the second forced log off occurred. I tried to log back in a third time, with the message that my account was banned.

    Alright, something is giving away you are using wrobot that is for sure, now the question is what. ?

  10. 1 minute ago, Meyverick said:

    Thank you! Do you know how I can use my Wand? Because "Shoot" is skipped ?

    using wand is a bit tricky especially on Vanilla, don't know what version you are coding for.
    But a nice "google hack" is to google site:wrobot.eu Wand vanilla
    This is just an example you can replace "Wand Vanilla" with everything. ?
    I know there is a guide in there by Droidz on how to use wands. ?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Meyverick said:

    Thank you! But I have to learn C# to do that, impossible with the Creator ?


    In the fightclass editor, make a new spell after your healing spell.
    Where you normally write spell name you write:


    and then scroll down in the settings to Is C# code.
    and obviously set that to true. ?

  12. 51 minutes ago, Meyverick said:


    I reported this as a bug but I would like confirmation.

    I made a Fightclass with heal (party) and combat spell.

    When the bot engage a NPC and switch to an ally to heal him, it stuck on him, it don't switch back to the enemy target.

    Any solution?

    Thank you! ? 

    Not exactly a bug, unless you tell your FC to swtich back.
    Don't switch target to heal. You can heal someone by Name, PartyID orwhatever instead. ?

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