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  1. Hey by the way i got a question about blacklisting mobs. It does not seem to work with tbc. I added the mobs in Blacklist Editor and there is this 1 elite next to a mob. and he does not even dodge the blacklisted mob he just runs through it. i wish it would just only pull the elite :/
  2. Just get like 150 food/drink it can run for like 3 to 4 hours at least from my experience.
  3. 516 downloads

    mines Thorium around the edges of Un'goro crater been using this to collect ore's so far this program only support 1 ore at a time so i suggest leaving audio on, when you hear it mines stop the bot and mine by yourself. This way you get all the ores from the vein you just don't have to find the veins.
  4. VeNoMz


  5. Started using it yesterday works pretty fine on 2.4.3 tbc private server and it is pretty easy to setup as well!
  6. Thanks for letting me know, I'm new to this site so i had no idea ;)
  7. Version 1.0.0


    So i made this Fight Class and it works really well it uses Seal of Blood so Blood Elf is required, it uses stun, it heals at low health.
  8. So in TBC you had to collect multiple ore's from 1 vein with multiple clicking. Is it possible to enable this? Since now it just collects 1 ore instead of 4 or 6.
  9. If you can succeed horde questing you are a legend
  10. Wondering if there are any good lvling scripts for TBC?
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