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Everything posted by knights

  1. Hi Droidz, towards that wrobot is not being detected as mentioned in your post, why was there a massive ban of wrobot users?
  2. will there be a fix soon?
  3. I did tried your version, but it still kept casting...
  4. Is there anyway to check if the unit targetted is Hostile in CSharp code? something like below? return ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile() Not really an issue now but the bot is always trying to cast spell on vendor... the spell is supposed to be an opening before combat
  5. Try this? Lua.LuaDoString("OverrideActionBarButton1:Click()");
  6. Thank you~ will test it out
  7. Name of the button is "Toss Stink Bomb" Tried the script above, can't find the spell id....
  8. Hi, I'm having a problem getting to click the button 1 on the vehicle menu on the quest "Stink Bomb Away" I tried to use the code that droidz provided but it did not really work... var nearHostile = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile()); if (nearHostile.IsValid) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Spell(96026, new Vector3(nearHostile.Position)); Thread.Sleep(1000); } it was displayed in the log but nothing was actually cast. [F] 00:38:28 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:32 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:37 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:42 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:46 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:51 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) [F] 00:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb) it works if I manually press "1"... Any advice on this?
  9. anyone?
  10. Tried to do a profile on the candy bucket but can't seems to complete the quest.. can advise what am I doing wrong? Tested a lot of variation by bot doesn't seems to complete the quest.. Any help? CandyBucketv1.xml
  11. If it is too good to be true, it's usually is.
  12. did you change any settings lately? Else a fresh install will likely solve the issue..
  13. Any idea if there is a way not to force dismount if the bot is stuck?
    A great profile, no issue with single target, however it doesn't seems to cast Divine Storm at all
  14. I don't think the feature is there.. but the main point of my reply will be never bot on a account that you cannot lose.... Even you are there monitoring it.............
  15. ok... was looking for the changelog but nothing was mention,.. actually was glad that the changes are often, just curious on the fixes..
  16. Hi Droidz, was there another update yesterday? or is it just me?
  17. You can use wRotation with auto movement unchecked
  18. Great! Hope there's still time for the profiles..
  19. Is there a way to detect world events like the Legions Invasion now?
  20. any solution?
  21. I am currently using this as a workaround. however the Npc moves around. So it will not be the optimal code to do it. Is there auto move to Npc without setting the vector?
  22. No.. it will be just run once. then will move on to other steps to complete the other quest. I think it will work though. But I need to work on the MoveTo issue first..
  23. I thought of an workaround. For the quest giver, I would not use Pickup Quest. Will use interactwithNpc and choose Option 1.. that should pick up all the quest.
  24. The NPC give 3 different quest, should be able to separate it by using IF condition. The ID for the quest are different, with Edge Of Winter, A worthy Weapon and A Blade Fit for a Champion Doing 1 step at a time...
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