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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Also, this would work for any expansion that wrobot supports, but not for retail classic wow. This is a private server bot.
  2. Then why did you bother commenting on a thread that's specifically in regards to anti-cheat on a very specific TBC server? Could it possibly be because most of your posts are to make yourself sound more important and knowledgable while contributing nothing to the topic at hand? I've said this many times, but often your answers are so incomplete or off-topic that they do more damage than they help anybody. This was just another case. So as long as you keep doing that, I'll happily correct you publically so people can actually find an answer to their question. I genuinely don't understand your need to push your post count into oblivion and make yourself seem soooo important at any chance you can get.
  3. Smokie, your input is basically entirely incorrect. The warden module that let's you execute arbitrary Lua code on the client doesn't work in 2.4.3. So everything you said is true for wotlk (but by far not the only way they're detecting hacks and bots) and has been known for years. Still doesn't apply here at all and you're just making yourself look like a fool to anyone who actually has a little understanding on the matter.
  4. You'd just write your own product that simply does nothing but queue for bgs. All the other stuff, including combat behavior is an integral part of wrobot and if you want to reuse literally anything from wrobot, even fightclasses, you can't change that. Also, they might not know if it's a player, but in my experience they simply don't give a shit. If you then don't reply to a whisper pretty much right away, you're banned. And getting caught is a lot more obvious. Trust me, I've tried as far as back on Warmane tbc.
  5. argsForCombatLogEventPuller = { } There you go, that would've been more than enough. You don't have to assign it to the global pseudo table.
  6. Don't create a frame locally and you'll find you can actually access globally. It's Lua 101.
  7. Well, once you buy a wRobot license I'm sure someone will be willing to help. But this is very specific and probably can't be done just with existing plugins. You'd need to modify existing code, especially for requirements as specific as only picking up mail items until the bags are almost full. "Craft" is also not very specific at all. Basically you want a whole profession automated from 1-450? Good luck.
  8. I highly recommend using this: Mars has done an excellent job with it.
  9. Pro tip: There are no events being skipped. If you look at my framework it works perfectly. If you're running patch 6.x or higher, you need your own combatlog parser. Create a lua frame that subscribes to the event, get the payload, store it in a table and periodically empty the table and read the contents "line by line".
  10. Matenia

    Pathfinder wrong path

    Even with offmesh distance 1000+ it does not work. I PM'd you the code, you can take a look. It's 6 different offmeshes for all directions.
  11. Matenia

    Pathfinder wrong path

    Can you remove the path I have shown anyway? It is wrong. The bot falls down a wall. There is no valid path down there.
  12. Matenia

    Pathfinder wrong path

    In my case, I have 6 offmeshes. Darnassus Portal Down Darnassus Portal Down and Auberdine Ruth'eran to Auberdine So depending on where the bot is, it should always find the correct connection, I think. I will try incrementing search distance.
  13. It's definitely possible to hook GetTickCount() and modify it. But we are taking a very WILD guess that this is what they use to identify your computer. This is mostly because I cannot think of anything else they would use (from Lua) to create a "hardware" fingerprint. You'll be better off just running VMs.
  14. It will simply create a straight "path" without meshes if you disable that option.
  15. Pathfinder seems to think there is a path here. [N] 07:04:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 53 (4214,631y, 679ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option)) I added offmeshes to go through the portal in darnassus (even with useifcanmakepath) and they are ignored unless I am already close to that route. Even with blacklisting this area: Can I somehow remove any vectors from that path and make it unusable for wrobot? It simply DOES NOT exist.
  16. Dude, I'm only taking guesses. It's up to you to figure out what they do. And yes, custom MPQ that loads FIRST is probably what you have to do.
  17. If they don't check your IP (seems you're proxying) they might check your GetTime() (Lua) result because it is unique to your computer. You can modify this function by hooking it and adding a random offset. Search the forums.
  18. Um, you don't have a wRobot license. The updater likely isn't working because you're not actually using the correct wRobot version. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about ?
  19. So basically they hook CastSpellByName etc. Smart and exactly what I thought they were doing. Load another custom before BEFORE this one and hook it BEFORE them. Then you may use your own custom function.
  20. Did you just link him to a thread where the answer was his own?
  21. They probably disconnected you, because you didn't have their MPQs. You can probably add a custom MPQ that's loaded at the very beginning that just loads FrameXML or something that copies CastSpellByName originalCastSpellByName = CastSpellByName -- later in wrobot use this code: originalCastSpellByName("Frostbolt") Maybe that will work. Otherwise - weird. THey definitely heavily modify the UI with their MPQs
  22. There is no classic bot. It's a private server bot. You can download the trial and see what it includes.
  23. You need to add UseEvenIfCanFindPath or w/e it's called to the connection.
  24. Do a clean wrobot install to a new folder. Automaton grinds everything you want it to, if you use the options correctly and add some mobs to the list. It was only meant as a suggestion to figure out if your pathing issues are consistent across all products, which means somehow wrobot doesn't work for you.
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