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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. I did the same test yesterday (exact same in development tools). Maybe it was a bad seed or something. My computer had already been running all day. Edit: Just did it again and it still always reports 1 - this is WRobot 32758. I can get it to work if I execute it before even starting the bot (Quester). If I use it while the bot is running without ever using it before, it will ALWAYS result in 1. For now, I just made my own implementation in my quester profile to work around.
  2. I'm sure this worked on TBC back in the day. Currently definitely broken on Vanilla.
  3. Others.Random(1, 3); // always returns 1 Others.Random(2, 3); // always returns 2 //etc
  4. You can't and it's incredibly inefficient for leveling. If you use Rogue.cs you need to learn C# to change the conditions.
  5. My guess: Respawn is too fast and the server is recycling GUIDs. GUIDs are supposed to be unique and generated on every spawn. WRobot blacklists them for a while after killing them. Droidz offers a solution here: A plugin that basically does this (but also unblacklists pretty much everything in the current session - this is not ideal) can be found here:
  6. It's vanilla. Every spell needs to be on the action bars and you need to manually update the ranks as you get new ones. That's why I made the effort of writing a whole framework in C# that tries to automate everything.
  7. If you're using CTM, get Rivatuner Statistics Server and limit your framerate to 60. I have not had issues with that. At least when disabling all kinds of smooth movement options or plugins.
  8. Unless you write something completely custom in C#, you can't. WRobot isn't built around healing (or even raid rotations). Also, expansions matter. There's a free shaman healing fightclass with source code attached here: For Holy Pala there's something here:
  9. That is not strange at all. Stop playing the game on botting character or only use grinders. Vanilla (and even TBC) are incredibly old. There is no info from the server or game regarding which quests you've already done. It's literally impossible to figure out.
  10. No log file, no clue which questers, no clue if WRobot is potentially trying to vendor and a cropped screenshot. Figure out what WRobot is actually doing, maybe read your log
  11. Been running 12 hours non-stop with no problem at all. Once you're out of the starting area and follow my advice above, you're mostly safe.
  12. Not using CTM has a high chance of getting you caught/banned. I recommend RivaTuner Statistics Server to lock your game to 60 FPS so CTM doesn't bug out.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This is not a quester useful in itself. It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes. Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class. It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
  14. Might work
  15. Version 1.0.0


    All credit goes to @Ordush. I have simply added support for HumanMasterPlugin's custom "TownRun" state.
  16. Is it possible to add a new type, "IMPOSSIBLE" or something, with cost 2000? There are scenarios where going around is the only way. BigDanger is good as is. It shouldn't be changed.
  17. I think they analyze movement packets. Maybe CTM or "SmoothMove" option of some kind is spamming the server too much with movement packets of some sort that they can recognize.
  18. Server you're on seems to calculate distance differently from the client. This could be either because they specifically chose to do this (to mess with bots) or because their client is modified. Additionally, WRobot's fightclass range works as specified. If you set it to 40yd, it will ALWAYS try to fight from 40 yd. If you set it to 30 yd but have a spell that works from further away, it might try to cast that spell and stop movement for a second. This is why people do a bunch of calculations themselves to prevent this as much as humanly possible. If you know C#, I open sourced my framework that attempts top to take care of these problems.
  19. No, this: Keep in mind, I am NOT advertising this as a solution to your problems. I'm saying you should do this yourself to fit your own needs. A product that works cross expansion and is made for the public will never do exactly what you personally want it to do.
  20. You're still very obviously a bot. For my product, I reworked all the routes, added offmeshes and made the bot follow objects as well as possible. Even then, you still end up getting reported. Maybe not on massive Russian WotLK servers where nobody cares anyway. I have probably 3-4k hours of BG botting under my hood just with WRobot between Vanilla, TBC and Wrath. Trust me, when I say that just fixing the pathing itself won't be enough to not get caught.
  21. It's because nobody really uses the BG bot. I tediously handcrafted routes and added offmeshes where possible in my own product. I suggest you do the same for the best and most "natural" results.
  22. Even with "only your current profile", it will automatically add new ones. You need to disable that option.
  23. Your fightclass or something similar likely sets WoW to the minimum FPS required with a macro, like /console maxfps 20
  24. Disable unstuck. It does nothing anyway if you ever get stuck.
  25. It's possible that something about WRobot changed since I wrote that plugin. Debug it and adjust the source code, that's why I uploaded the whole project for free.
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