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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Player coordinates on transport are still wrong. Problem with this is as follows: You can't use pathing, because the bot never knows where it is. You need to add the transportmatrix from Zzukbot.
  2. To quote from that profile's post: It's likely that you're missing prequests or your server actually doesn't have some. The profile was created for patch 1.12 as far as I know, idk where you're getting the 1.1.3 from (that was never a valid WoW patch).
  3. Sneak peek at what I'm working on:
  4. Edit: This post is not an update, I just broke something. Will come back if I know more.
  5. Maybe you need better gear. It only wands if you fall below 10% mana or if you can't cast frostbolt (for example, locked out on Frost school). I improved blinking logic a bit - you can redownload. I'm not sure what kind of profile you're using, but if it's a highly crowded area, I recommend you create better waypoints, further away from large packs anyway. You can also enable "Fight" in Logging (green color) and see if it frequently says that iterations are taking above 100ms. This would indicate, that your computer is a bit slow and it might be recommend you turn off frame lock in the fightclass settings then.
  6. I still don't completely understand this. On one character, I have a couple flight paths. However, when checking with the following method, the list is empty (no IsCharacterAvailable for all nodes). private static bool HasTaxiConnection() { var taxiList = Taxi.TaxiList.GetTaxiNodesOfCurrentPlayer(); return wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse && taxiList.Exists(n => n.Name == "Ironforge, Dun Morogh" || n.Name == "Gryth Thurden") && taxiList.Exists(n => n.Name == "Stormwind, Elwynn" || n.Name == "Dungar Longdrink"); } This is after I use the code in the original post. The entries in the original post also don't show up, when opening TaxiDB in development tools. Can you maybe explain this a little? Should I ever add TaxiNodes to wRobot or should I always let wRobot do the adding himself? My goal was to teach wRobot that there are taxis nearby and then let it walk up to the flightmaster before finding out can/can't use it. How do I best achieve that - should I just fill a large TaxiDB manually and share the XML file with others?
  7. Hey @Droidz, would it be possible for you to add ContinentId as a parameter to Vector3? This is important, because I want to implement cross-continent pathing. I already have non-cross continent pathing with transports working now. However, without continent id, I cannot implement this. Default (if null) can always be current continent. But if profiles can add a continent id in XML (or C#), I can intercept MovementEvents and implement my own pathing until I resume normal path.
  8. Add wManager.dll, robotManager.dll and MemoryRobot.dll to your references
  9. Zzukbot has working transport for vanilla: https://github.com/Zz9uk3/ZzukBot_V3 https://github.com/Zz9uk3/ZzukBot_V3/blob/master/ZzukBot_WPF/Objects/WoWGameObject.cs
  10. Lots of coordinates seem to be a bit off: https://i.imgur.com/LaOOlcX.jpg
  11. I noticed this while trying to make the bot take the tram (Object - Subway). The ObjectManager does NOT recognize that the tram is there, even if I am right next to it. It does not show on the 3D radar. Below are memory infos dumped all with the tram right next to me (the far away tram from the portal). These are the coordinates it should show at: Vector3 f_tram_stopped_stormwind = new Vector3(-45.4f, 2492.79f, 6.9f); Get all objects information - 21.07.17 1212 0712in.html Get all objects information - 21.18.17 1212 1812in.html Get all objects information - 21.19.17 1212 1912in.html Get all objects information - 21.23.17 1212 2312in.html Get all objects information - 21.24.17 1212 2412in.html
  12. Hello, I'd like to use the entries the bot has blacklisted in my code (as a list) rather than checking specific entries serpately. Can you please make this accessible?
  13. Matenia

    something happen

    GM ported your character and I guess they didn't ban you because you used your hearthstone. wRobot killed the client, is what that error means.
  14. The above function is broken for ANY inventory slot, currently. It never returns anything (tested on vanilla only). Workaround like this is possible but not great: EquippedItems.GetEquippedItems().All(i => i.GetItemInfo.ItemEquipLoc != "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON")
  15. wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000f; @Droidz can you explain what exactly this does? Does it mean your path has to be at least 1000 yards for bot to try and take taxi or does it mean taxi is only allowed to be 1000 yards away maximum?
  16. 60fps/vsync on, force wow on 60hz (if you have 120 or 144hz screen). Use CTM and Lua to move. That's how you get vanilla to work.
  17. Also, no he should NOT open source it. It took almost a year to get to the point where it is right now. Many people have shared it before, which lead to it even being taken down entirely. He keeps testing and improving, all communication happens on Discord. In fact, a select few people ARE allowed to contribute to his private Git respository. But not random people, some who have made a name for themselves before. If it was freely available, everyone would just share it again, use different versions and cry everywhere.
  18. I responded to this yesterday. This is not the complete error message, so I can only guess - but I'm not going into great detail like I did yesterday. Enable Lua to move or start wRobot with "No Frame Lock" option. Either should hopefully work. The problem is that wRobot sends keybinds to the client while while the frame is locked. This causes a deadlock. If you use any of my fightclasses, they all automatically enable Lua to move - you can disable framelock in the settings. If you profile disables Lua to move (first step) in quester as RunCode, for example) this could be the cause.
  19. That seems like wRobot is sending a key-event (W could indicate forward movement) to a currently locked frame. I've had this issue before, it causes I hadn't activated "Use Lua to move" in wRobot settings. I recommend you enable that and make sure your profile doesn't have C# code in it to disable it.
  20. I haven't really had these problems on vanilla. If any of you use my plugin - about a month ago or so, there was a small bug in it where sometimes it wouldn't disable Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked again, that COULD have lead to this behavior.
  21. It's either your fightclass or your graphic settings. Enable CTM, force WoW to 60 hz. Enable vsync for 60 fps.
  22. Private server trial is free. You just have to solve captchas to use it for 15 minutes at a time. The bot is sold as a framework, everything else the users do on top.
  23. Make sure you run at 60fps (vsync)/60hz with CTM turned on. I haven't had those issues, but they could potentially happen if your combat rotations are slow. You can enable fight logging and see if it says "Rotation took > 100 ms". If that's the case, you might have to disable frame lock in the fightclass settings.
  24. Are you sure you downloaded through the purchase link in your email (sent by Rocketr)? Because that is already part of this fightclass. If you downloaded the free demo version here on the forums, it only does frostbolt and nova.
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