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File Comments posted by Matenia

  1. Should be fine as long as:
    - your connection is stable
    - you don't disconnect and get assigned a new IP

    If you get the error, monitor your network. I can promise you, the connection to the server is timing out or you're losing packets. 
    You should be seeing BOTH bots time out around the same time too, if the connection remains unstable.

  2. 1 hour ago, tinytimbo said:

    This plugin isn't working for me. Not sure if it had to be verified with the order ID similar to the, Quest proile, however, nothing popped up.


    Pretty disapointed so far as this was 20 euros.....



    [F] 13:41:07 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Nick\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\\FightClass\[Free] Lbniese Warrior 1.0.5 (Arms).dll
    13:41:07 - Lbniese Warrior initialized.
    13:41:07 - Lbniese Warrior Loaded
    13:41:07 - [Quester] Started
    13:41:07 - Lbniese Warrior stopped.
    13:41:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
    13:41:08 - Session statistics:
    Elapsed time: 00h:00m:05s
    XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
    Kills: 0 (0/hr)
    Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
    Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
    Farms: 0 (0/hr)
    Loots: 0 (0/hr)
    Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

    You skipped over the installation instructions and also didn't read the part where discord is used for support 

  3. 2 hours ago, Abyeus said:

    Hi Matenia.

    Its a great class and im extremely happy with it, thanks for your hard work.

    I do have a few suggestions however:

    1. Is it possible to have the first frost nova cast at full range when the mob is first coming to you so logic is mob <10 yards. The bot doesn't then need to kite and especially at low levels it would normally die before reaching you - maybe even add this as a setting. It is more human to do this way.

    2. Also, when health of mob is less than 10% ignore frost nova, it looks quite dodgy mob been on 1% and we run away to cast.

    3. This one might be hard - after sheep is it possible to run to frostbolt range and then just wait for the mob sheep debuff to wear off before fighting? This gives best possible chance for some regen and cooldowns to come back, even if its too hard to make it run to range just waiting out the sheep would be beneficial

    Other than these this is the best mage fight class out there.

    Thanks for the considerations

    1. I would have to interrupt frostbolt in most cases. The logic is already to nova within < 10 yards (nova range is 8 yards btw). It's not something easily possible and would interrupt the rotation itself.
    2. I definitely check for enemy HP to be above 50%. The only case in which this is ignored is if you have 10 mobs in melee range on you.
    3. Not possible due to how wRobot starts/ends combat. The mobs are already bugging out (unfortunately) a lot when getting polymorphed and it was a hell of a fight to get to bot to attack them at all. I can't wait around until polymorph ends. 

    Make sure you actually have the fightclass downloaded from Rocketr and not the free demo on the forums here.

  4. Are you sure you've downloaded the fightclass through the link in your purchase email as opposed to the demo attached to this forum post?
    It definitely works - make sure you run WoW without addons and polymorph is activated in your fightclass settings.

    Edit: Also obviously they need to be humanoid or beast so it's possible to poly them

  5. Yes, it means PER purchase, you can only run 2 warriors. However, if you run all wRobot instances through the same IP, you can run as many as you want. 
    So - if you run each wRobot in a VM with a different VPN - only 2 at a time.

    If you run each wRobot in a dfiferent VM with a proxy (only proxying wow through socks5), you can run as many as you want.
    If you run 10 wRobots on your main computer, no VMs, you can run all of them using this fightclass without problems.

  6. Edit your profile, talk to the creator, etc. I don't even know what you're using. Read the log, see what modifies the sell quality settings and then whatever product does it, change it, adjust it, have someone else do it for you (I won't).

  7. 3 hours ago, food4me said:

    I tried to disable 74 manually since it says its for Darkshire 23-24 which I don't know why it would try and load it at level 10 and it just freezes and locks Wrobot the second I hit start. can I get some help on this issue please?

    Don't play around with that. Get on Discord where you can get proper support instead of spamming the comments here.
    You likely had some quests pre-completed. Also if the bot gets stuck in a flying loop, you probably aren't using the flightmaster plugin but instead are using default wRobot flying which is broken as hell.

  8. Just take the quiver off and replace it with an actual bag. Or go into wRobot settings and change "free bag slot space" to a number of 2 + quiver slots or they WILL get recognized as bag slots.
    DefaultSettings.xml is a profile (quester) that gets shipped with FNV's quester and can be selected as the profile to start. It sets some stuff up for you.

  9. 1 hour ago, Reggan said:

    limiting ips is crap.

    With my authentication system, it's either infinite wRobot keys on the same IP or multi IP but limited to 1 key. You don't need more than 1 IP since you can just run WoW through a proxy without connecting wRobot through a different IP. 

    If you're a multi-botter who runs the same class on more than 2 IPs (for whatever reason) I need to at least make sure you aren't sharing it with any friends for free or aren't reselling it. So there is always the option of purchasing twice in the case that you'd want to run more IPs.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but I need to protect myself. There have been too many resellers and scammers lately.

  10. It's not the fightclasses' fault, it's part of the plugin which makes you attack the other party members' target and you can adjust it by changing the code. My development on this plugin has concluded (that's why it's free and I posted the code).

  11. 22 minutes ago, iseeu said:

    Hehe, alright :D. 

    Strange, because its on Warmane Outland. Sometimes the bot ignores enemies and just try to ride through enemy lines - maybe it has the same reason?

    In Battlegrounder you can set the ratio of enemies/friends around for it to engage combat

  12. It's only using the 2 minutes trinket, I didn't really realize anybody would waste 2.8k honor on the shitty trinket when the 2 minute one is only ~5k honor more.
    What server do you play on? Maybe that somehow causes issues with blind. I have it set to never cast blind on its current target - but MAYBE during target switching it loses its main target for a split second or something.
    Or the server doesn't always handle focus correctly. I've tested this on Warmane and never had it blind its current target.

  13. 6 hours ago, iseeu said:

    Thanks for your fast respone.

    No plugins or addons. But today he did it right - at least the two times i saw such a situation. ?

    My latency is around 40 ms, so i set min 30 ms and max 70 ms or so.


    Makes sense. No chance that he only uses stealth if an enemy is around x yards? like the "get in combat in x yards" setting.

    Latency settings should be 300-500 at the very least. I don't think wRobot can even function with your latency settings.
    You can redownload, I set it to only stealth if there are enemies in your ObjectManager. Keep in mind that in TBC, all players get stuck in your ObjectManager at all times, so it's probably not a big improvement due to that bug in TBC.

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