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Posts posted by Matenia

  1. All the info is here

    You need to implement exactly what code I posted in you fightclass as Lua. Then you can use the sample code that OP posted and said he couldn't use. 

    Just be aware that this will make you start backpedalling for a certain amount of time and definitely look like a bot or a retard. 

    I recommend converting your existing fightclass to C# and adding movement through the movement manager. 

    If you are unable to do this, you can pay someone to create a custom fightclass for you. Discord is full of people, but beware of someone scamming you. If they have never posted anything on the forums, don't trust them blindly. 

    I haven't tested it, but that's basically the entirety of the code you'd need to use.

    local C_Timer = CreateFrame("Frame", "C_Timer")
    C_Timer.schedule = {}
    C_Timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
    	for timestamp,callback in pairs(self.schedule) do
    		if timestamp <= GetTime() then
    			self.schedule[timestamp] = nil
    C_Timer.After = function(duration, callback)
    	C_Timer.schedule[GetTime() + duration] = callback
    C_Timer.After(800, function() MoveBackwardStop() end)


  2. 2 hours ago, lonellywolf said:

    I did disable wow addons and reinstalled Wrobot with only profile... Still same problem exist. It say verify keybind. I reset all keybind to default many times but still same problem.

    I actually have the same problem since a few updates ago, where I reset all keybinds and it still says some are not set everytime I start the bot. But because I haven't really had any problems, I chose to ignore that message. 

    It's definitely a bug though, haven't had that problem before. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, Sundance said:

    My bot on warmane recently started to move tiny tiny steps from the graveyard and has very bad pathing going to mobs/different zones. If I run the first 50 yards manually it will continue as usual. 

    99% chance this is a faulty fightclass. The bot tries to cast a spell (for which movement stop is required), but can't actually cast it.

    Maybe shitty pet handling.

  4. Yes, it works in PvE I think, but not in PvP.

    I made this Extensions to help it atm:

    public static bool HaveDebuff(this WoWUnit unit, string name)
            if (unit == null)
                return false;
            var tmpFocus = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid;
            ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = unit.Guid;
            string luaString = @"hasDebuff = false;
            for i=1,40 do
    	        local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff(""focus"", i);
                if name == ""{0}"" then
                    hasDebuff = true
            bool hasDebuffType = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(string.Format(luaString, name), "hasDebuff");
            ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tmpFocus;
            return hasDebuffType;


  5. If you keep your Search Distance low and turn off pathfinding altogether in your general settings, it will ONLY follow the path you create, given you do create a path and not several hotspots. 
    The bot mainly functions through hotspots, at which it tries to find enemies in WoW's objectmanager (basically any unit your client knows). If it finds a unit, walks to it, then finds another, it will keep chasing them far away from your path.

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