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    fragik reacted to beaty in How to create Quest profile   
    Thanks, Tomorrow'll redoing worgen. dude you picked me up)
  2. Like
    fragik reacted to Nicki Anonymous in How to create Quest profile   
    I've created some and got them working but, honest feedback which I hope helps, it needs to be made much easier.
    I'm sure it's being worked on and will come, just trying to provide some constructive feedback and am looking forward to the new versions as they are released :)
  3. Like
    fragik reacted to AudreyH in How to create Quest profile   
    It's the beginning of a great Adventure :)
  4. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
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    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
  6. Like
    fragik reacted to creativextent in How to create Quest profile   
    Thank you for the beginning tut.
    I think my self and other users need a direct with images showing how to put it all together.
  7. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
    It is hard to explain this with images.   I think the best method is to look existing profiles.   If you have specific questions I'll reply but it is difficult to explain all.
  8. Like
    fragik reacted to creativextent in How to create Quest profile   
    Yes, i understand.
    Maybe a full profile with full comments inside so go from :)
  9. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
    Quest profile

    Quest profile contain two files:
    Quests.cs > C# code - What the bot should do for completed the objectives of the quest, one class per quest. (I recommend for edit this file to use visual studio and add for reference wManager.dll at the project, this file)
    Profile.xml > Xml code – In this file is defined:
    The order of quest step (sample: quest1>PickUp ; quest2>PickUp ; quest2>Pulse ; quest2>TurnIn ; …) List of Npc quest giver (starts and ends quests list id) List of Npc (vendor, repair, mailbox) (You can use editor (You can found it in “Profile creator helper”) or block note) Useful tools:
    Select product « Quester », Click on button “Start”, new window appear, click on button “Profile creator helper”.

    Quest Tools
    Return entry id and position of your current target (text formatted to c# syntax for Quest.cs). Return your position (text formatted to c# syntax for Quest.cs). Return game objects information (game object is Mailbox, chest, mine, herb, …), entry id and position of all objects loaded in wow memory (position order by player distance) (replace “GameObject Name” by object name (case sensitive)) (text formatted to c# syntax for Quest.cs). Return unit information (uint is player, pet, creature, Npc, …), entry id and position of all unit loaded in wow memory (position order by player distance) (replace “Creature Name” by unit name (case sensitive)) (text formatted to c# syntax for Quest.cs). Create base quest class (information extracted of wowhead, it is recommended to manually check if they are correct) (replace “Quest ID” by your quest entry id”) (text formatted to c# syntax for Quest.cs). Create Npc quest giver, prefilled PickUp, TurnIn quests and position (information extracted of wowhead, it is recommended to manually check if they are correct) (replace “Npc ID” by your unit entry id”) (text formatted to xml syntax for Profile.xml). Return information about your current quests, this return quest entry id, stat of objectives 1, 2, 3, 4 and time left. Convert Zygor guide to WRobot quest profile (it don’t convert all, this can help you to gain time because you need to fix errors and bad information manually) (you can found guide in “ZygorGuidesViewer\Guides\Leveling”) (copy text of guide in textbox (14) for convert it) (return xml and C# code). Quest Profile Editor (for Profile.xml). This extract all quests classes name of c# (Quests.cs) file. Open Windows Notepad. Open Windows Calculator. Open Development tools (very useful tools for extract wow memory information). Textbox where are returned values. To get entry id of a unit, quest or object go to wowhead, on this URL wowhead.com/quest=26378 entry id of this quest is 26378.
    Download this file for get positions of NPC (extract it in wrobot folder): http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/Data_creature.csv.zip

    For edit this file you can use “Profile Editor” (9) or notepad.

    Path to c# file.


    Action of quests (WRobot reading this list in order)NameClass: The C# class name of the quest selected (case sensitive) (class name is in Quests.cs).
    · Pulse: Execute objective of the quest.
    · TurnIn: Return to Npc for complete the quest.
    · PickUp: Go to Npc for accept the quest.
    · PulseAllInOne: Execute PickUp > Pulse > TurnIn.

    List of Npc and Game Object quest giver. Don’t forget to complete PickUpQuests and TurnInQuests (list of quest id), you can use Quest Tools (6) for gain time.

    List of mailbox, Npc vendor, repair…
    I recommend to edit existing quest profile to better understand.

    For edit Quest.cs you need base know of c#.net and POO. You need also Visual Studio 2010 (or 2012).

    You can use notepad, but I recommend:
    · Open Visual Studio
    · Create new project Class Library.
    · Add reference at your project wManager.dll and robotManager.dll.
    · When you create project with visual studio a .cs file is created, remove all text of it (Quest.cs don’t use namespace).

    Quest.cs don’t use namespace, you need one class by quest (it is possible to use two classes per quest if necessary). I use quest name for naming class (no compulsory), don't forget to use public class and inheritance of Quest.....Class.

    Quest simple, without objective, just pickup, turnin:
    public class ReportToGoldshire : QuestClass // inheritance of QuestClass { public ReportToGoldshire() { QuestId.Add (54); // Add quest id } } Quest type kills or get items find on creature:public sealed class BeatingThemBack : QuestGrinderClass // Inheritance of QuestGrinderClass { public BeatingThemBack () { QuestId.Add (28757); // Add quest id Step.AddRange(new[] { 6, 0, 0, 0 }); // Objective required count, for this quest he has only one objective to kills 6 creatures, if quest need 10 items replace 6 by 10 HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8885.293f, -62.18237f, 85.49203f)); // Position where you can found creature at kill HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8850.301f, -94.07894f, 83.14889f)); // Position where you can found creature at kill EntryTarget.Add(49871); // Entry id of creature at kill } } Quest type gatherer for pick up items:public sealed class ABundleofTrouble : QuestGathererClass // Inheritance of QuestGathererClass { public ABundleofTrouble() { QuestId.Add(5545); // Add quest id Step.AddRange(new[] { 8, 0, 0, 0 }); // Objective required count EntryIdObjects.Add(176793); // Entry id of game objects at gather HotSpots.Add (new Vector3(-9364, -1274, 60)); // Position where you can found game objects HotSpots.Add (new Vector3(-9494, -1464, 60)); // Position where you can found game objects } } Quest type use item on GameObjects/Unit:public sealed class ExtinguishingHope : QuestUseItemOnClass // Inheritance of QuestUseItemOnClass { public ExtinguishingHope() { QuestId.Add(26391); // Add quest id Step.AddRange(new[] { 8, 0, 0, 0 }); // Objective required count HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8921, -354, 73)); // Position where you can found game objects, creatures HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-9037, -314, 73)); // Position where you can found game objects, creatures ItemId = 58362; // Entry id of item at use Range = 5 ; // Range of item EntryIdTarget.Add(42940); // Entry id of game objects or creatures/npc whose you need use item on it } }  For quest type use spell on GameObjects/Unit replace inheritance class QuestUseSpellOnClass by QuestUseSpellOnClass and ItemId by SpellId
     Quest type interact with Npc:
    public sealed class FearNoEvil : QuestInteractWithClass { public FearNoEvil() { QuestId.Add (28813); // Add quest id Step.AddRange(new[] { 4, 0, 0, 0 });// Objective required count EntryIdTarget.Add(50047); // Entry id of creature/npc at interact with GossipOptionNpcInteractWith = 0; // This options is only if npc has menu HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8781, -105, 83)); HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8783, -187, 82)); } }  Override, Add condition for get if character can get this quest:
    public class ReportToGoldshire : QuestClass // inheritance of QuestClass { public ReportToGoldshire() { QuestId.Add (54); // Add quest id } public override bool CanConditions()// Override method CanConditions { if (ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Monk) { return false; } if (ObjectManager.Me.Level > 5) { return false; } if (ObjectManager.Me.WowRace != WoWRace.Human) { return false; } return true; } } If the character is an monk, or level is bigger than 5 or not human this quest is skip
    Override PickUp for accep quest of item:public sealed class TheCollector : QuestClass { public TheCollector() { QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 123 }); Step.AddRange(new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); } public override bool PickUp() // Override method PickUp() { ItemsManager.UseItem(ItemsManager.GetNameById(1307)); Quest.AcceptQuest(); return true; } } Quest without objective number count and with special objective:public sealed class TheJasperlodeMineQuest : QuestClass { public TheJasperlodeMineQuest() { QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 76 }); Step.AddRange(new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); } private bool _step1; public override bool Pulse() // Override Pulse, special objective (need to Explore the Jasperlode Mine) { if (!_step1 && GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-9097, -565, 61))) // Go to Jasperlode Mine { Thread.Sleep(3000); _step1 = true; // character is at Jasperlode Mine, objective complete } return true; } public override bool IsComplete() // Override iscomplete for add _step1 { if (IsCompleted()) // If quest already turnin return true; if (!HasQuest()) // If character not have this quest return false; return _step1; // Return _step1 } } Multi Quest in one class:public sealed class BeatingThemBackQuest : QuestGrinderClass { public BeatingThemBackQuest() { QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 28757, 28762, 28763, 28764, 28765, 28766, 28767, 31139, 28763 }); Step.AddRange(new[] { 6, 0, 0, 0 }); HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8885.293f, -62.18237f, 85.49203f)); HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-8850.301f, -94.07894f, 83.14889f)); EntryTarget.Add(49871); } }Wow have created 9 quests with same objective, one per wow class, when wrobot check if you have quest, he search if your character have one of quests of the class.
  10. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
    Sorry for my bad English, I will correct later.
  11. Like
    fragik reacted to Dequality in How to create Quest profile   
    What is the C# line for checking if a certain quest is completed already? :) 
  12. Like
    fragik reacted to bael666 in How to create Quest profile   
    You could try;
    RunMacroText("/Cast Frost Bolt")
    or you can also use the command you found but instead of spellid use the position in your spellbook, eg;
    will cast the first spell in your spellbook;
    will cast the first spell in your pet's spellbook.
    Hope that helps.
  13. Like
    fragik reacted to kodec in How to create Quest profile   
    how do i create /cast spell command?
    Rererenced WOW's API
    PROTECTED CastSpell(spellID, "bookType") - Cast the specified spell by ID. spellbookTab is "spell" or "pet". As of patch 2.0, this function has been restricted to Blizzard signed UI mods. Note: You can still use this function to open Craft windows and activate Lock Picking. (protected 2.0) http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/World_of_Warcraft_API
  14. Like
    fragik reacted to PierreDeRosette in How to create Quest profile   
    J'ai bien compris qu'une classe C# définissant une quête doit comporter :
    Une QuestId et le NPC correspondant doit être définis dans le XML.
    Supposons que je veuille effectuer une tache ne correspondant a aucune quête mais nécessitant l'interaction avec un NPC.
    Concrètement, je souhaite apres avoir recolté la mine et la commande de mine, passer aupres du NPC une nouvelle commande.
    Dans le Quest editor, il y a bien une option qu on doit passer a true si la quete ne fait pas forcement parti de notre liste de quetes. 
    Comment définir ca dans un fichier .CS ?. 
    De plus l'interaction ne se fait pas avec le perso si la QuestId n'est pas definie. Peut t on depasser cela ?
    Merciiiii :)
  15. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in How to create Quest profile   
    Salut, si ça peut t'aider regarde dans le dossier "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\Cache\", les profils XML sont convertis en c# (ça te donne des exemples). Pour ce que tu veux faire, reste dans avec un profil XML est utilise une quête de type "OverridePulseCSharpCode" (ou "FullCSharpCode" si elle est complexe) (regarde dans le dossier Cache après avoir lancé le profil pour comprendre ou est mis le code). Si tu veux je peux essayer de la coder, pour ça donne-moi le plus d'information possible.
  16. Like
  17. Like
    fragik reacted to HBS in Selling 1-80, TBC, Vanilla and WOTLK Levelling profiles + Grinders (Masterfile, ported from HB)   
    I am selling a master collection of profiles and scripts that will level you the majority of the way through the expansions in private servers. These profiles have been tested on: Warmane (3.3.5a WOTLK), Hellground (2.4.3 TBC), Elysium (1.12.1a).

    I have fully working, tested and manually coded 1-60 leveling profiles for Horde from 1-60 on vanilla.
    I have partially, WIP Alliance for Vanilla from levels 1-50. (51-60 still working on).

    I have TBC, 1-70, complete and working for Hellground and Gummys upcoming server.

    I also have 1-80 working for Warmane and WOTLK Servers alike. (Potentially AFK-able, but should supervise)

    I trade primarily on Skype and NOPE -bettersister

    + All profiles have fightclasses with them.
    + I throw in free grinding profiles to compensate for 50-60 not working on Vanilla 1.12.1
  18. Like
    fragik reacted to Runaro in Selling 1-80, TBC, Vanilla and WOTLK Levelling profiles + Grinders (Masterfile, ported from HB)   
    You're not allowed to sell any profiles without a active WRobot subscription and need permission from Droidz to sell them.
  19. Like
    fragik reacted to ravebot in Fishing + Mail   
    Hi everyone!!
    Simple question.
    Im fishing in a single area, and i want, when the bags are full that the bot take me to the mail, mail everything and return fishing.
    its possible??
  20. Like
    fragik reacted to Droidz in Fishing + Mail   
    Hello, yes, use fish bot default settings and in advanced general settings you have mail settings
  21. Like
    fragik reacted to Mangos in What is the point of the WOTLK Wrobot?   
    Hi, I have tried most of the quester profiles for starter area both alliance and horde. None of them are working. The character keeps running into walls. Some profile, the characters goes to pick a quest and simply tries to deliver without doing it. So, I am really curious, what is the point of providing a WOTLK Wrobot if there is not any support for it?
  22. Like
    fragik reacted to dafuqlol in gathering ---> auction house (automated)? sorry for bad english :X   
    hi is it possible to automate this? gathering and then bots sells all the herb/mining stuff?i really dont know how i can make it work :( i hope that this section is the right one
  23. Like
    fragik reacted to kazurengan in gathering ---> auction house (automated)? sorry for bad english :X   
    yes, i personally leave my bots running then i sell all the stuff on auction house and put gold on bots guild
  24. Like
    fragik reacted to kazurengan in Need to lvl up 2 bots, any fast way to get gear for suramar?   
    hi anyone knows a way to get fast gear for suramar without going through reputation quest for wq?
    i need to get good gear for suramar so i can farm SLR but i don't know where can i get those.
  25. Like
    fragik reacted to dafuqlol in gathering ---> auction house (automated)? sorry for bad english :X   
    hi is it possible to automate this? gathering and then bots sells all the herb/mining stuff?i really dont know how i can make it work :(
    sorry for bad english
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