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Posts posted by gh0stfac3

  1. With one week left on my free 30day wow gametime, with my $10 battlechest. I've managed to hit lvl 85 and climbing and buy 2 wow tokens. This has been my first time ever botting on wow and I'm just so happy that I chose wrobot. Must I say farming for me has been the quickest way for XP to level for me. I have used a couple of profiles from the downloads section but mostly the default gathering profiles. I must say I've had more fun with this then two seasons I botted awhile back on d3. I will defiantly be buying the lifetime sub when my month runs out. I just wanted to give you guys my success stories as I'd like to call it.

  2. 49 minutes ago, 2face said:

    Actually you can easily solve this with a plugin - just check when you are dead and then make the product wait for certain amount of time. Let me see if i can come up with something simple quick for you. Will post here when im done.


    //EDIT: There you go: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/705-staydead/ 

    I didnt add any timer randomization, but can add that too if requested. The character will just stay dead for the set amount of time, at the graveyard.



    Thank you very much sir

  3. 2 minutes ago, Runaro said:

    Here's a example for a pretty neat "anti gank plugin", for the Vanilla Bot ZZukBot https://bitbucket.org/SeeSharpXD/punk-alert-plugin/downloads

    Maybe someone want to use the base of the plugin and port it to WRobot. :biggrin:


    Dam this thing would be perfect for what I'm looking for. I'm considering rerolling on pve just because im 100% I won't make it to 100 without getting reported from a ganker on the opposite faction.

  4. Ok, so I'm running my bot to level me. Im using grinder profiles. I'm on a populated pvp server just wondering because I get ganked alot. Is it possible to make the bot take a 5min break eveytime it dies. It only dies from the odd player ganking me. Therefore making me look like alot less of a botter. If someone sees me keep accepting the res to get killed over and over it looks heaps obvious. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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