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Everything posted by ScripterQQ

  1. You need to do test on a dummy, like manually use charge, switch stance (to berserker), and go away, and see if it intercepts automatically the dummy. If yes, then the code is correct, and you just need to add the automatic Berserker Stance switch. In few words, you need to test step by step, don't try to execute too many spells/combinations, test one at time and see if it works, then proceed to the next spell. What you should test step by step is something like this: Automatically charge if target is away and in charge range > switch to berserker stance if target is away and you don't have charge but you have intercept > Intercept Also don't forget to check on the top right corner the conditions like "combat only (put false)" or "check if target is in view (put false)" and so on.
  2. You wrote "end" two times instead of one, you need only one "end", because of the "if" statement. That being said, you must add an ability with higher priority that switches the stances (from battle to berserker or from defensive to berserker), otherwise it can't Intercept in Battle/Defensive Stance. Create "Berserker Stance" ability with these conditions: Charge in CD + Intercept not in CD + Stance ~= 2 + Intercept in range Also every stance is not a buff so adding Buff: Berserker Stance will never work. You need to use GetShapeshiftForm(). Greetings
  3. When using Auction feature to buy items, sometimes it stucks and can't read data from server and you see only "No items found". You need to stop the bot and restart it to fix it. I tried to increase the time between scans from 10 seconds to 20 seconds, still there is the problem.
  4. Then put him on ignore, end. Don't be paranoid, a level 1 char, random inviting, is the last of your problem if you are using a bot. (not to mention it's very likely he's a bot aswell)
  5. Just accept the invite and ask what he wants?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    After a long time working on it and making it the best I could do, I decided to publish my personal Paladin Retribution profile for PvP (Battlegrounds). Features: - Auto Trinket important CCs longer than 4 seconds (Every Man for Himself if Alliance, or Medallion of the Horde if Horde) - Auto Freedom stuns - Auto Dispel important Debuffs - Auto Dispel Friends from CCs (On/Off in options) (Announces in chat what is trying to do for example "Dispelling Fear from Bob", only visible to you) - Auto HoP Friends Blinded (On/Off in options) (Announces in chat what is trying to do, only visible to you) - Check immunity before launching every spell (Spell Reflection, Grounding, Divine Shield, etc..) - Check target debuff to avoid overlapping of Stuns/Repentance - Smart use of Judgements, Wings, Repentance, HoJ - Perfect PvP Rotation - Bubble / Lay on Hands - Self Healing with Art of War - and more... I can guarantee if the group is good and you have some healer, you will be top dps at the end of the battleground, even with relentless gear! I managed to end first in damage done and HKs many times, this profile is very good! Feel free to try it, and please report problems if you find any! Ratings and Reviews appreciated! Thanks, have fun ?
  7. The purpose of this topic is not using additional lines or plugins, but just reporting a bug to fix that is present on the battleground feature. I believe after reading my log @Droidz or other admins can spot where is the problem and in next updates they will make the char change target, instead of trying to attack it. Maybe the problem is here UnitFlags = PlayerControlled, _SelectableNotAttackable_3, Pacified, Combat, Skinnable "_SelectableNotAttackable_3" is my guess. Let's hope for an update ?
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Alliance Battleground profile for Alterac Valley. Tested on WoTLK, if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  9. Target informations: Name: NameXXX (Entry: 0 ) WowRace = 1610 PlayerFaction = Horde IsHorde = True IsAlliance = False IsNeutral = False PlayerRace = BloodElf PlayerRaceString = Blood Elf BarTwo = 14863 BarTwoMax = 14863 PowerType = Mana BarTwoPercentage = 100 ComboPoint = 0 IsDead = True GetEquipedItem = 36975 Eclipse = 0 MaxEclipse = 100 MinEclipse = -100 EclipsePercentage = 50 GetDynamicFlags = 0 GetUnitDynamicFlags = None WowClass = Priest IsLocalPlayer = False IsBlacklisted = False Position = 1262,608 ; 1559,812 ; 311,4859 ; "None" PositionWithoutType = 1262,608 ; 1559,812 ; 311,4859 ; "None" PositionRelativeWithoutType = 1262,608 ; 1559,812 ; 311,4859 ; "None" Health = 12560 MaxHealth = 12560 MyCharacterInFrontHim = True HealthPercent = 100 HealthRatio = 1 IsGoodInteractDistance = True InteractDistance = 4,5 CombatReach = 1,5 IsSwimming = False IsFlying = False IsStunned = False AggroDistance = 0 Rotation = 0,8896918 CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate Mana = 14863 MaxMana = 14863 ManaPercentage = 100 Rage = 0 MaxRage = 100 RagePercentage = 0 Focus = 0 MaxFocus = 0 FocusPercentage = 0 Energy = 100 MaxEnergy = 100 EnergyPercentage = 100 Chi = 0 MaxChi = 0 ChiPercentage = 0 Runes = 0 MaxRunes = 6 RunesPercentage = 0 RunicPower = 0 MaxRunicPower = 100 RunicPowerPercentage = 0 SoulShards = 12560 MaxSoulShards = 0 SoulShardsPercentage = 0 UnitClassification = normal IsElite = False IsWorldBoss = False HolyPower = 1000 MaxHolyPower = 0 HolyPowerPercentage = 0 Alternate = 0 MaxAlternate = 0 AlternatePercentage = 0 DarkForce = 100 MaxDarkForce = 0 DarkForcePercentage = 0 LightForce = 0 MaxLightForce = 0 LightForcePercentage = 0 ShadowOrbs = 0 MaxShadowOrbs = 0 ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0 BurningEmbers = 1000 MaxBurningEmbers = 0 BurningEmbersPercentage = 0 DemonicFury = 0 MaxDemonicFury = 0 DemonicFuryPercentage = 0 ArcaneCharges = 0 MaxArcaneCharges = 0 ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0 Faction = 1610 DisplayId = 16031 GetMove = False SpeedMoving = 0 GetDistance = 3,362828 GeHitBoxtDistance = 0,3628278 GetDistance2D = 3,361799 GetDistanceZ = 0,0831604 IsAlive = False IsLootable = False IsTaggedByOther = False TaggedByMe = False IsTapDenied = False IsMyPet = False HasTarget = True IsTargetingMe = True IsTargetingMyPet = False IsTargetingPartyMember = True IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = True IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = True IsMyTarget = True IsMyPetTarget = False IsPartyMemberTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True Target = 504403158268153399 TargetObject = blablabla Level = 80 IsBoss = False PetNumber = 0 Name = XXXXXXXXXXname DBCacheRow = 0 UnitFlags = PlayerControlled, _SelectableNotAttackable_3, Pacified, Combat, Skinnable UnitNPCFlags = None Skinnable = True IsNpcSpiritHealer = False IsNpcRepair = False IsNpcVendor = False IsFlightMaster = False IsNpcInnkeeper = False IsNpcVendorFood = False IsAuctioneer = False IsNpcTrainer = False IsNpcWildPets = False Summon = 17379391291997028409 CreatedBy = 0 CreatedBySpell = 0 SummonedBy = 0 IsPet = False PetOwnerGuid = 0 InCombat = False InCombatFlagOnly = False InCombatWithMe = False CastingSpellId = 0 CastingSpell = (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) CastingTimeLeft = 0 IsCast = False CanInterruptCasting = False IsMounted = False MountDisplayId = 0 TransportGuid = 0 InTransport = False Reaction = Hostile IsTracked = False IsOnTaxi = False NotSelectable = False IsAttackable = False PlayerControlled = True Silenced = False Rooted = False Influenced = False Confused = False Pacified = True Fleeing = False Possessed = False NpcMarkerId = 0 NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True NpcMarker = None IsOutdoors = True IsIndoors = False IsPartyMember = False IsPartyLeader = False GetBaseAddress = 400579540 IsValid = True GetDescriptorStartAddress = 400586028 Guid = 504403158268897415 Type = Player Entry = 0 Scale = 1 This was a priest while in Spirit of redemption, found in BG.
  10. Nono it goes smooth on Alterac valley, even against Multiboxers, it's not an issue, until I launch another WoW window. I will try with different fight classes, maybe some basic with 1-2 spells and see if I still get the problem.
  11. Do you have any tip about improving my computer performance? Like some folders to clean, I don't know..I remember time ago I was so smooth with 4+ windows ? I don't know what happened
  12. Ok it was the fight class. But it happens on every class I use (Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Rogue) and they never lagged so bad, so I don't understand how suddently every fight class makes the game freeze. Anyway, how can I focus where is exactly the problem in the fight class? I don't think it's poorly coded, my fight classes are all made by myself step by step. Can it be a fight class too complex and long? For example I use a lot of LUA conditions (for kick, for stunning, for trinket..). And the warrior's fight class one has like 6-7 rows of charge/intercept based on every scenario (it's 30kbs size). But again, these fight classes never lagged so I don't know... EDIT: Also I remember, if I run 1 single WoW session, the fight class is smooth, doesn't make lag/freezes. So I believe it's my computer at this point, I just wanted to know if something has changed in WRobot that now requires more memory/better CPU.
  13. I noticed it happens when I have multiple WoW windows, but I remember multiboxing 5 chars together with ISBoxer and WRobot, and I have a laptop..So I don't know if something changed in last updates but the CPU basically is always at 100%, WoW is at 40% around and each WRobot is 30-35% (which is huge imho). How can I reduce the WRobot %? Any help is appreciated ?
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Horde Battleground profile for Eye of the Storm. Cycles through bases and middle. This profile worked good for me (tested on WoTLK and MoP), if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Horde Battleground profile for Arathi Basin. It doesn't run into water and it does a nice path. This profile worked good for me (tested on WoTLK and MoP), if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Alliance Battlegrounder profile for Eye of the Storm. Cycles through bases and middle. This profile worked good for me (tested on WoTLK and MoP), if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Alliance Battleground profile for Arathi Basin. It doesn't run into water and it does a nice path. This profile worked good for me (tested on WoTLK and MoP), if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  18. The bug is back apparently. I'm on a WoTLK server, noticed it multiple times, definitely bugged again. Hope to see a fix soon ? Greetings
  19. https://wrobot.eu/files/ Look at the top there is a bar (under the grey color) with all the game versions.
  20. So recently I noticed the battleground product causes major fps drops, when I stop WRobot the game goes back to smooth (50-60 fps), the moment I press start on WRobot it drops to 10-20 fps, and it stucks very often, like there is a cpu/memory issue (in fact I noticed the cpu usage is huge, usually100%). I remember time ago running smooth even 4-5 battlegrounder together with no problems. Any idea about how to fix this? I tried even with no addon, same problem. I tried also that "max fps<50>" in the file settings but didn't work. Thanks for any help.
  21. A modified pqr version would be nice to have, specially for those times where I am in dungeon and I'm literally so tired that I can't focus well on doing the basic 1-2-3 rotation, and I just want to finish the dungeon asap and get the emblems and log out. However, I am still very careful even with wrobot, I got flagged by the sentinel anticheat recently, while using the auction feature on my main account. I don't know exactly what happened but after that, I switched the auction feature on a trash character and now it camps the AH day and night non stop, and I never got a warning. So stupid...
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