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Everything posted by Jellypowered

  1. That's how I created this one :-p I prefer to do it as I go so I can test each addition. I don't like when the bot does something I wouldn't do if I were playing myself, I don't spam keys over and over so I don't want the bot to do so either lol.
  2. Thanks! I tend to be slow and steady, I'm a paranoid botter so I don't bot much. I usually only bot 3-4 hours a day off and on during the work week, so updates will be slow and steady.
  3. Sure, see description. I broke it down into what it does, when it does it, and hopefully why it does it. Edited original description to reflect changes and hopefully made it easier to follow.
  4. Version 0.1.2


    PLEASE leave some comment or feedback, if something needs changed, let me know. So just a little something I'm working on and wanted to share. I'm leveling a Warrior and thought i'd share my fight class so far. Currently level 68 and working flawlessly. No log spam, no attacking dead things. Should work even on a level 1. Didn't test but added some quick spells to get you to 10, once level 10 switch to protection and go easy mode. (I think) I'll update as I level more. *FEATURES* No Combat Spam. If a spell isn't usable or the target isn't alive, it simply doesn't cast it Works as early as level 1. (At level 10 you need to switch to Protection) Survivability Interrupts Cooldowns Easy? Talents so far: 1,1,2,3,?,?,? Due to the way Wrobot handles things, I'm just going to list the order of the rotation as in the file, if checks aren't met, it skips to next spell, this is all pretty seamless and fast. Pull (In this order) All spells have "is spell useable" and range checks, so it's not spamming this. 1. Heroic Leap, 2. Heroic Throw 3. Intercept. First damage section, check health status and use cooldown if needed. 4. Shockwave (If 2 or more enemys, checks if usable and facing enemys) 5. Ignore Pain (In combat only, health 50% or below) 6. Shield Block (In combat, checks to make sure we don't already have shield block buff) 7. Demoralizing Shout (Checks for no combat, 2 or more units in a 9 radius) I use this as a way of pulling more mobs close by, handy for farming 8&9. Victory Rush, Impending Victory (Checks if in combat, spell usable, and looks for Victorious Buff so you don't waste the free healing) 10.Focused Rage (Checks if have Ultimatum buff, if so, cast this to increase damage of shield slam) Interrupts 11. Pummel (If target casting, use this) 12. Spell Reflection (if pummel is not usable, and target casting, use this) 13. Shockwave (checks if target casting, if pummel and spell reflection not usable, check if facing then use this) Main damage Section 14. Thunderclap (If units are bigger than 1, and thunderclap is usable, use this) 15. Revenge (Uses every time avaliable as long as in combat and target not dead) 16. Devastate Misc and cooldowns 17. Taunt (If target is targeting other party member) Not sure i should keep this in here 18. Berserker Rage (Use if stunned) 19. Battle Cry (Use every time available) 20. Shield Wall (If the spell is usable, Im in combat, and health is 40% or below, use this) Low level rotation is at the bottom so its low priority. 21. Charge (Do I know charge, is my target alive, and within 8-25 yards, am I level 9 or below) 22. Execute (Rage 40 or bigger, is target alive and targets health percent below 20, am I level 9 or lower) 23. Slam. (Rage 30 or bigger, target alive, me level 9 or lower, in combat, and target in melee range (3 yards) ) So it seems like things may be out of place, but it works extremely well and I have very little down time. I'm level 68 now with this as of the update. No deaths even on things +3 levels above me. Elites my level seem to be no problem but i do have looms.
  5. I had to change the combat skills to "Only usable in combat" to make it not look like a retard. :) works great though.
  6. Edited so you could Start with a level 1. Edited - lock2.xml
  7. Using this from level 1 on Legion. Working great. Thanks!
  8. Good to know, Working now. Thanks for the amazing support. Nice FightClass too, I'm using yours :)
  9. I appologize I downloaded http://wrobot.eu/files/file/687-13-23-humana/ Which is listed http://wrobot.eu/files/category/120-grinder-wotlk/ I assumed it was a grinder profile since it was listed as such. I'll try a different profile just to see if I can get this working!
  10. Hello, Trying this out to see if I'd like to buy a license and I can't get grinder to start. Fresh install, Updated from the update tool. Made sure to install slimdx/vc2010/.net as instructed. When starting, this is the error i get. [E] 10:40:51 - Grinder > Bot > Bot > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Grinder.Bot.Doginepeapon.Vuhefik() Any help would be appreciated.
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