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Posts posted by KevinVapes

  1. Do you have the spikes without WRobot too? From the reading only i assume your WoW is lagging/spiking or am i wrong?

    Currently when i logon to WoW i ALWAYS have lagspikes for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, but after that no problems at all. Doesnt matter if started by relogger/with WRobot/without all etc. Dunno if it is one of my addons, there all up to date.

  2. I did everything right i guess, my alternate account is just a new WoW licence on my Main Bnetacc. I have only one Bnet Acc with 2 WoW Licences, On one i play legit as i did for years, and the other one is for botting (i also play there by hand too sometimes), since mounts/archievements everything is accbound i benefit from it also on my main. Goldtransfers im doing via Guildbank, since everything my bot earns will go to the guildbank anyway. For example i sold something for 70K - 50K go directly to my guildbank, in case my acc gets banned.

  3. Try to ask yourself - if YOU would write a 1-100 lvl quester profile (hard work, indeed!!! with testings, etc.) would you just public it for everyone to leech and dont give a damn about your work? No. You would try to make money out of it, or only give to special people. Same here. Im pretty sure there are lots of 1-100 profiles. But not for publicity.

    Also this is infact a feature that adds to the security of WRobot. Since not 1 million peepz run around with the same profiles, same paths, same quests etc. Which happened to honorbuddy too. Way too public, way too succesful, everyone using it. Honorbuddy is dead now. You can read from banreports on a daily basis.

  4. Hi guys,

    quick question to option "Pause bot if player nearby". The bot randomly stops for me even when a player is just flying over myself with his flying mount. How long does the bot stop if a player is nearby? Till he leaves? Also, what if the bot goes back to town to sell/repair? Obviously alot of player are there nearby, does bot pause forever then? 

    There is another option called "Disable if go to town" - is this for the scenario i just mention? So the bot does NOT pause when in town and players are nearby? Any of you using those options? I find it even more obvious to just stop and do nothing when a player is nearby. Imagine that happening in a farming spot, with 1 or 2 more people and bot does not farm anything cuz players are nearby. Hit me up with your answers :)


  5. 9 minutes ago, Jechtshot said:

    Only a few minutes in and it seems improved. Small spikes but not as vicious as before. The sound doesn't go "BURRMMMMM" yet. But there still are spikes though and it usually gets worse with time. I'm gonna have to test this all out for a little while and get back to ya! Thanks for the help!

    Since prepatch ( i assume) from WoW i get the same issues when i login, no matter if WRobot is running or not, i have huge lags/spikes for probably 30 seconds, after that everything is normal.

  6. Hi guys,

    im not sure if i missed something, but do we have a Ban Report Section anywhere here in the forums? I checked every category, but wasnt able to find a spot where people can report bans. I was curious to read some of those or what people did wrong, because i started to get greedy with WRobot. (Leaving bot running over night with relogger, going AFK alot etc).

    Thank you!

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jechtshot said:

    Hey guys. I've had this problem for a long time now and I thought maybe you'd know how to fix it.


    Whenever I have Wrobot on (just the program, not the bot) my computer experiences sudden 1 second+ freezes where sound and monitor (everything really) freezes up. It's strange because I can just have wrobot on idle but my computer still freezes up. It doesn't matter if I have WoW on highest graphical settings on, WoW on the lowest graphical settings on or WoW not on at all! The freezes then disappear whenever I turn of Wrobot. What's going on here? It sometimes ask me about Direct X, but only sometimes. Could it be that? I've ignored it because it only shows up like 10% of the time. Which Direct X is the optimal one?


    Thanks guys

    Well i can only guess a little bit. First try NOT using "WRobot.exe" but use Wrobot_no_DX.exe instead. Maybe it helps.

    Since you are experiencing this WITHOUT running WoW, it should be a problem with WRobot or surroundings itself. Try my first solution, im quite optimistic that it'll help.

    Give us a feedback!

  8. 12 hours ago, razilein said:

    Would be nice to even find a file with this name :/

    Its right in the WRobot folder. Relogger.exe.

    8 hours ago, eeny said:

    The problem with a relogger tutorial - is that relogger stores the account name , password and WRobot key in plain text on the screen.


    The product itself is easy to learn and rock solid to use.. just i don't feel like exposing myself like that.

    I might do a videotutorial for it, or general videotutorials for Wrobot. Im familiar with video-editing, youtube etc. since i have two YouTube-Channels. Considering creating a new account for it first. I played around with relogger a bit after our romantic PM-Session and i love it, its really super easy.

    If i find the time i will load it up in the tutorial section. (Dont even have time for my own youtube channels :D)

  9. 26 minutes ago, Dreamful said:

    you can bot in a VMWare if you want to do that.

    I guess i just keep it like that, if i get busted it is like it is... its the same account anyway.. and account-sharing is illegal too. So the only one playing it should be me regardless. As i said i already thought about losing my bot-acc and i dont care, it was 8 bucks.. and gametime is funded by my gold i make. As long as my mainacc is safe im fine with it. And i only hear that the botting licence is banned IF it really gets banned anyway. So i should be fine, i guess.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Dreamful said:

    Dont know if you play on a Private Server, but i actually got banned on my Private server couple weeks ago, Botted with a Bot Account but was login in with the same IP on my Main Account, even if didnt was logged in in the same time. They just saw the Ip and bannend all that accounts that match with the my IP.

    But yeah, if you Bot on Retail their dont ban your Main. I botted alot on Cata & MoP retail, my main never got banned.

    No privateserver. I play on retail legion. Yes i already heard that when you play many licences only the ones who where botted got banned. Never would run Wrobot on my main.

  11. Well that is crafty indeed.

    I should stop doing that - playing with my bot in the same group then. Otherwise i just could be some random multiboxer too i guess..

    But i cant get around letting the bot run on my second monitor and playing my main on the same machine (other monitor) i dont have any other systems.So bot and my main will always be on the same machine no matter what.

  12. Thank you eeny for replying!

    Yes im wondering why nobody asked those questions yet, since i find it quite interesting.

    I should consider sendhing him to town with a timelimit also.

    Another question, since i dont want to seperately open a new thread for it: If i play with my main and log into my "bot licence wow account" build a group with me and my bot and use party-mode on WRobot - is this dangerous? I mean i really dont care if my botted account gets banned or not. Im already fine with it, but my main is "involved" in this process then, if you know what i mean. Since the perso loot update i like to grind and farm alot with my main, my bot also gets the loot and i double the gold. Anyone Experience with this?

  13. Wazzap fellow member of this lovely WRobot-Community,

    i wanted to ask if anybody can give me tips of how to tell the bot when to repair the armor of my toons.

    As far as i watched my bot going repping, he does it very early on. You cant even see the "figure" that appears in the right middle of your screen, when your armor is about to break (Yellow/Red).

    So what i want to do is let bot only repair if my armos is still 1/4 good for example. Is there a way? I didnt finy anything in the general settings tab/advanced settings.

  14. Hi guys,

    i searched around a bit, but couldnt find anything useful. Are there guides/tutorials how to set up relogger effectively? Or better, what features are in relogger included. Can i set up countdowns, does he close the whole game, when does he login again, does he automatically switch to profiles etc.

    Thank you in advance!


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