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Posts posted by KevinVapes

  1. 23 minutes ago, eeny said:

    Main Account botting is a big no-no for me.

    I have 4 botting accounts on different bnet accounts.  All running Tanaan 10 hours a day in 2 hour chunks completely afk with relogger... 4-5 days a week for the last 4 months.

     I may get one person a week? asking me to grp up.. no-one msg's to ask if im a bot.

    As long as your not botting in big chunks and you use a smart/solid profile you should go un-noticed with Wrobot

    Good idea, i should get familiar with relogger anytime soon. I just hate to "share" my account data if you know what i mean.. Does relogger completely close WoW, and starts it backup at that time you set it up and continues like nothing happened?

  2. 2 minutes ago, fearthekitten said:

    thanks for the reply!! :) i kept looking around the forums to see if anyone had been banned for about the same usage i would be giving it but i couldnt find anything

    Currently i bought a new battlechest on my same BNetacc. So i play my mainaccount and on my other monitor im running a bot. So far, bot runs every day, for 3-5 hours without ban yet. But i always have a eye on it. Wanna see how much gold etc. i can make within 30 days. Maybe its enough for a token to play further for free :P Bot made it to lvl 60 this moment.

  3. 1 hour ago, fearthekitten said:

    hey guys good morning, i just made this topic because well i have been really considering purchasing this bot for grinding a little bit and archeology level grind on my alts, but i just had insecurities as to if i would get banned using just those two things and what the risk is, i would only do it for about 2 hours a day while im working at the office and then just play on my own every now and then, im really insecure because i would be doing that on my main account.

    Same answer- to always the same question. Botting is always a risk. Dont use it on your mainacc if you cant handle to lose it. Even though WRobot was never part of a banwave, there is a chance a single person CAN and WILL be banned, ANYTIME. Its up to you. For your purposes you should be fine, you dont sound like a 24/7 perma Goldfarm-Botter-Type-Of-Guy. But still... nobody will give you a 100% save guarantee.

  4. 5 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    Okay Dreamful. I don't know much about your professional knowledge with this topic but you don't have to come call people with bad words just keep them to yourself. The point was already made in thread there was no need for more drama. This isn't the first time i see you in middle of drama...

    Kevinvapes is weird guy i got nothing bad to say about him. Couldn't we all be friendly like him? 

    Why the hell am i weird? :D I got manners and give my 2 cents always in a nice way! :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Runaro said:

    Really, you're a Web Developer?

    Interesting, cuz i've checked out your site and Portfolio..

    Your personal site, is just a DVI theme and from your customers the sites are Thefox, Lush etc. themes, nothing from you?

    Changing graphics and adding a slider doesn't mean you've created the whole code / design.

    Think about that, before you offer such services to a business, which doesn't need people like you.

    Apply cold water to burnt area?^^

  6. Well here i am again, i used "WRobot No DX" for a few days now without a crash, but i can almost reproduce when i FIRST start it up. Its always on the first start i dont know why. And then when i move to the "Advanced Settings tab" play around a little here and there and go out of the tab it crashes. Well, i can live with that as long as it doesnt crash while im botting. Im curious if anybody else has issues with that. But im quite sure it only has to do with my system.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Chybo said:

    Yeah tried pm'n him no answer :/ maybe he will see this thread

    Yeah he really needs a long time to answer PMs, dont be mad, thats nothing personal :D I think ive read something today about a new "family member" :) So, he is kinda busy.

  8. I can totally understand you, but i think that is up to Droidz. He is the administrator. You need to talk to him, or write him an PM instead. With more people to come, sooner or later the wrong people will come. We already have enough "mimimi this is not like Honorbuddy" douchebags inhere. This is a little community that likes to help each other and find new challenges and i like that very much. You dont lose the overview here. Sure, a few skilled members here and there, which share their work wouldnt hurt, but the download-section shouldnt be for everyone then. Maybe only for users with a paid subscription. I think you get the idea.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Chybo said:

    Hi I purchased the short subscription and I think the site needs to find some staffing for coding scripts because there were almost none for leveling 1-60 in questing on alliance I didn't check the horde ones.Lastly the website itself could use some upgrading visually which I would be more then willing to help out with as I am a Web Developer and Graphic designer and have a degree in the fields. I think this site has potential but it needs a better more experience staff to get it to where it should be.





    Theres a reason there are not that much profiles and i can 100% understand. Take honorbuddy for example - way too crowded. Everyone knows HB and uses the same profiles over and over. Easymode for blizz to bust everyone. To make such profiles - especially bigger ones for 1-60 or even 1-100 takes a lot of fckin time. Not even testing, debugging included. I wouldnt share the big work for free either.. i have mad respect for "eeny" for sharing his profiles, that he made for horde characters and they work great. To talk about the homepage. I think its alright and timeless. Im used to boards like this, nothing special but not bad either. Im sure the WRobot-Team has invested alot of time for everything and im thankful for that.

  10. Im not a big fan of battleground-botting so im not gonna support it, but for your wall-running problem: More info required. Which profile are you using? Did you set up the bot correctly? Advanced settings checked? etc. Maybe Screenshots?

  11. 46 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    i bot because i like to challange myself to create something that can't be detected and sametime i try to bot as much as possible while trying to not get busted. On runescape as example i got 67 million fletching experience (normally it takes you months to get) for me it took 3 weeks to get while botting 23.5hours/day average. NEVER got banned

    i don't bot the game because i want advantage ingame i bot because i like it

    Well "not getting busted" is not quite clear to me. The software itself is not detectable..yet. Ive read that enough already. But there are still players that report you and the more you AFK not answering players etc, and the longer yout bot, the higher the risk to get busted or am i wrong?

  12. 1 hour ago, BetterSister said:

    i'm botting and programming it just because i like the challange i face everyday. it's like driving fast car. My drug :D

    That is very interesting. So you basically have no actual "purpose" for WRobot, except to "make it better", or do you still make any use out of it at World of Warcraft?

  13. Hey guys,

    this time i want to talk about your purpose of botting? Why do you use WRobot? Where do you use WRobot and what goal are you aiming for?

    For my part - i use WRobot to level characters to level 100, to play them manually afterwards, cuz after all i still have fun playing WoW. And i will use it to farm some gold. What and where to farm - i still dont know. Maybe you guys have a idea what to farm. I dont think that minerals/herbs will give the biggest profit. Im using WRobot currently on live-servers with the newest content/patch.

    Im excited to hear from you guys!

  14. 3 hours ago, civicacid said:

    When creating a kill and loot quest objective I am noticing that Wrobot will kill one, mount up, and run past 5 or 6 others while being attacked by all, dismounting eventually and having to deal with all of the mobs. Is there a way I can implement a "dismount" feature to avoid this? I don't want to turn off (ignore fighting if on ground mount) as it is invaluable for the most part. Just a way to tell Wrobot, while you are on this quest, do not mount.

    I know what you mean, i watched my bot doing the same kind of yesterday. In Stranglethorn-Valley he mounted up, ran past 3 or 4 trolls to get to the 5th one, which he targeted, mounted off and had to deal with 5 mobs then, this is just one example. He picks his targets very random sometimes, even though other mobs are much nearer, he sometimes takes the one thats more far away. Unfortunately i dont have a solution for this, but im sure BetterSister or Droidz will post here soon to clarifiy. Maybe it has something to do with the Search-Radius, but mine is very low, so i cant really tell.

  15. Hi guys,

    just a quick question, how do i set up the bot to use spells only when a Procc happens? For example on my frost-mage using Ice-Lance only with 2 stacks of Fingers of frost? Im sure i must set up a condition but it does not work no matter what i do.

    Thanks in advance!


  16. 2 minutes ago, Runaro said:

    Keine Ahnung was genau im Router es verursacht, eventuell hilft auch nur der Reset.

    Hat schon genug Zeit in Anspruch genommen, um die Fehlerquelle auf den Router einzuschränken. :biggrin:

    Glaub ich dir aufs Wort!

  17. Firewall/Antivirus mal überprüfen.

    Allgemeine gerichtliche Entscheidungen wurden, wie Runaro schon sagt, keine getroffen. Es wurde nur ein Urteil - explizit für Honorbuddy gefällt, welches bestimmt, dass einige Features von Honorbuddy in Deutschland nicht genutzt werden dürfen.

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