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Everything posted by salutcmwalol

  1. Do you think you could help me with that ? As soon as i'm getting out of the "profile editor", i'm totally lost (i dont know anything about LUA or /command ....
  2. Then when the bot is acting weird, go to the 6th section of the bot (just below the plugins part). You will be able to see the log of what your bot is doing. Sometimes, you can figure it out what is causing your bug by reading this part ? (for example, red sentence would be an error, blue is that the bot is looking for a waypoint ....)
  3. For example, i used to go to a special fishing spot (kind of duneon), and i had to kill mobs on the road. When i was launching the bot (and i didn't put off the "Loot mobs"), my character was doing the road in the other way, looting and skinning each mob i killed ... !
  4. When you plann to fish, you should put many things, such as "Loot mobs, Skin mobs, Sell/repair" or anything that could lead the bot to move to another place
  5. Hello everyone, I'm currently running my own Fightclass for my 2.4.3 Hunter on Burning Crusade (70). But i'm having a trouble. I was using Wrobot on Vanilla, and as the bot wasn't using auto shot to start a fight, I was able to send my pet, and then when the pet had enough threat, I would start autoshooting and anything. But on Burning Cruasde, with my profile, my character gonna start a fight by starting to auto-shot (even if i use PetAttack( ). Would it be possible to not starting fight with auto-shot, but simply by launching my pet, and then starting auto-shot or whatever else. Thx for your help
  6. Doesn't work for me, the plugin detect the food, but doesnt give it to the pet ...
  7. Little edit, seems that each profile i was using before was bugged or maybe corrupted. It workd with Ordush's Free Hunter Fightclass Thx ?
  8. Hello Droidz, I've just reinstalled the program, but the same thing happen When in try to open the menu without having a FC, it doesn't open. When i try with a FC from the website (Hunter from Eeny or McRo), the error occurs Here is the log: 21:29:07 - [Memory] Select game process: 31508 - Rha... 21:29:08 - [Grinder] Loaded 21:29:08 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 21:29:08 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (31 spell found) 21:29:08 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook... 21:29:08 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded. [F] 21:29:13 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Rodolphze\Desktop\WRobot\\FightClass\McRo Hunter.cs [E] 21:29:14 - Compilator Error : c:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Temp\0yrrmj2u\0yrrmj2u.0.cs(17,41) : error CS1002: ; attendu c:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Temp\0yrrmj2u\0yrrmj2u.0.cs(129,72) : error CS0117: 'wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager' ne contient pas de définition pour 'IsRepeating' c:\UsersXX\AppData\Local\Temp\0yrrmj2u\0yrrmj2u.0.cs(323,27) : error CS0117: 'wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager' ne contient pas de définition pour 'IsRepeating'
  9. Hello, i can't open the Fightclass Editor of my WRobot (Burning Crusade 2.4.3 version). I got this error message Thanks for your answer
  10. Got the same problem, and I have a good min/max latency
  11. With the release of Warmane, i encourae people to share profiles and also why not fightclasses Thanks :)
  12. Hello, come back with some news. Actually, I don't understand why but it's not working. Maybe you could modify the profile yourself and upload it on the forum ? That could be nice for everyone. Thank you
  13. Lol, what a mistake ... I checked several time ... will try this soon thanks, come back to you if it's not working
  14. Hi, thanks for the answer. I've tried your thing, but not working. I can share the profile of course The First one (Quete réput sporeggar zangar) is the on before the modification The second (test +) is withthe modification Thanks Quete réput sporeggar zangar.xml Quete réput sporeggar zangar test +.xml
  15. Hi, I have a problem. I made a profile to do a quest in Zangarmash (and it perfectly works) but when I turn the option "Repeat the quest" to "True", the bot do the quest only one time, and after that stay in front of the PnJ without doing anything next .... Could you help me please ? thanks
  16. actually there is few profiles available for WOTLK. There is a lot at Cataclysm profiles, but it's not working
  17. So, could someone upload some profiles ? Would be nice :)
  18. Hi wrobot users and staff, as we all already know, the continent of WoW (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom) has totally changed during Cataclysm. So, most of the profiles on the website, and profiles furnished with the bot are useless for BC users (profiles don't match). I think this post could gather Burning Crusade profiles, and each of us can participate I begin with 2 profiles from me : - First on (called Vie Primo) is here to farm Primal Life in Zangarmash -Second is to farm Mag'har reputation, by collecting collars and farming mobs $ Thank you Vie Primo Tourbe Zangar Test.xml maghar test.xml
  19. Try to put off in Products Settings "Use flying mount at all time"
  20. Hi, I just discovered why !!! In the menu of Wrobot ( Product Settings), "Using flying mount at all time" must be off, because each time you mine, it put on the mount. Thank you
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