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Posts posted by Mykoplazma

  1. Tool is only preventing to display the models on the screen they are still in  memory. You must unpack mpq find all models replace them with something very small ( like model of error box that white and blue thing that appears sometimes where there is nothing to display a place holder ). You can search for all textures and make them 8 x 8 and solid color, replace all spells with empty spell etc etc then pack everything to mpq name it  path-something.mpq and put it into game data folder with other mpqs. Of course if server allows mpq modification.

  2. Because all textures sounds model and whole continent is in the memory? Do you see a loading anywhere except the ship travel? You can teleport anywhere and the things will be there without loading because they are already loaded. You can cut down the textures, remove frames, make sounds 1 second long , change all buildings in sw to 1 cm3 chest etc to reduce memory load. Maybe there is some hack to unload models from memory idk.

  3. You need to use c# and objectamanger and then you must iterate thru party or just players around and then add it to a directory type with health values and find the lowest health value and get the guid of that player and target him in norma way of hidden focus way etc etc. It's quite advanced stuff if you are new to programming if you are not new it's quite easy. You can look at that plugin 

     It's quite nasty old outdated but it can should you a general idea how it can be done. 


  4. You must 'touch' the unit to get the info. For Development Tools:

    Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + "-------------Start------------------" + "\")");
    foreach (WoWUnit mob in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit())
        var name = mob.Name;        
        var baseAdress = mob.GetBaseAddress;
        var type = mob.CreatureTypeTarget;
        Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + name + " " + type + "\")");
    Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + "-------------Stop------------------" + "\")");

    There is another way to touch the unit ( without visible changing targets - nasty ye? ) You must use lua , focus and write the guid from scanning under focus then request the value. 

    Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + "-------------Start------------------" + "\")");
    foreach (WoWUnit mob in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit())
    	var name = mob.Name;        
    	var tmp = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid;
    	wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = mob.Guid;
    	string type = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(@"creatureType = UnitCreatureType(""focus"")", "creatureType");
    	wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tmp;
    	Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + name + " " + type + "\")");
    Lua.LuaDoString("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(\"" + "-------------Stop------------------" + "\")");

    And this is working solution for that problem. Credits for @reapler for showing the method with guid replacement. Tested on 2.4.3 nightbane and works here.

  5. Zalezy od profilu bg bota nie polecam bo robi takie ewidentne głupoty że ban po jednym dniu z reportu. Jak sie umie c# to można robić rotacje na poziomie płatnych z wczesniejszych rotation hackow ( pqr, soapbox etc ) 

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