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Everything posted by Garub

  1. I'm in version 3.3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lua Script: Lua Script CastSpellByName("Revenge");retV=1; Return value research 0 Return value var retV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If I put this code to revenge, does it work? I used this code for the Heroic striker I do not know how this code works, but after I used Heroic Strike it worked correctly.
  2. I did the tests and found that it does not work, all the skills that inserted the rule "IsUsableSpell> Revenge> False" were not used. @Ordush, @Droidz give hints?
  3. Thanks, if anyone else who plays with warrior knows I would be super grateful.
  4. Thus? Do I have to do this on all abilities?
  5. Even putting revenge at the top of the priority, sometimes it is not executed, even if it is available. Who could help me? Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml 21 mai 2018 13H34.log.html
  6. Garub

    Deleting loot items

    I was looking for an addon to delete my garbage loot, the best addon I found was LootFilter, really very good, but it stops working for many times. I looked for another that did the same thing as him (delete my junk automatically) I did not succeed in my search. So my suggestion is that Wrobot has this option of deleting loot items by name or quality.
  7. I would like to thank you for your commitment, I finally got it, everything is working right. ^^ ?
  8. I just wanted the change to work when I was not in combat and when I was in combat. My limited English is not letting me understand, it would be possible to make this modification, if not Unfortune. Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml
  9. Open in Fight Class Editor and then in NotePad ++. I apologize for the work I'm doing to you, but I do not know how to add this to my Fight Class.xml
  10. The file is blank, has nothing written.
  11. like you do for your warrior cincture (circling around) your target?
  12. I've never been able to make the charge work out of combat, I'm frustrated, is there any way to force the Wrobot to use the charge?
  13. I'm having the same problem, could someone explain how to automatically attack the next target? (please explain in detail) Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml
  14. Would anyone have a complete Holy Paladin combat routine? Preferably for pvp, but if you have PVE that's fine.
  15. I have some questions / probrems: 1 - did I do a routine combat that includes Spell Reflection but never activates anyone could take a look? 2 - If we are going to imagine that I am fighting 2 targets alone, a warrior is on my target and a shaman is casting the Lava Burst (will launch at me), at that moment Wrobot identifies that this spell is being cast and activates Spell Reflection. Is it possible that this happens in Wrobot? 3 - When I am in dungeon with several mobs attacking me I lose the target of the mob as soon as it dies, example: 3 mobs in front of me kill one, and I have to click to have my character continue to attack the next mob. Is there any way to get Wrobot to take the next target? This also applies to arena and BG. Conditions such as, "get the next target with the lowest life" or "get the next target with weaker equipment" or "get the healer". Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml
  16. Garub

    Anti AFK

    does not work
  17. I'm having a problem, when my character uses an ability that will be used in the next attack he for all other routine combat functions and only resumes after that ability is used, I will explain for a better understanding. ============================================================= Using [Spell] Cast Heroic Strike (Heroic Strike) -------------------------------------------------- AT THIS TIME IT FOR ALL ACTIVITIES SO HE RETURNS AFTER THAT (Heroic Strike) AND USED. EVEN IF I HAVE RAGE. -------------------------------------------------- [Spell] Cast Revenge (Revenge) ============================================================= This is also true of Cleave. 9 jun 2018 13H25.log.html Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml
  18. Hello is there any option to not go without a target? Example, in the midst of several targets, your current target dies or disappears (rogues) automatically it takes the target closer or with a lower HP. For several times I had to click to continue hitting some target, did not want it, want it to take the next target automatically. ty
  19. I had the same problem, but I did not know how to report, because my English is limited. I have 8GB of memory in my computer. what value it was 37000 I changed to 57000. Tomorrow I will do the tests and see how it will behave.
  20. I'm looking for a condition to https://wotlk.evowow.com?spell=46968 , which would "target exactly in front of you" for the spell to work.
  21. Garub

    Machine learning combat

    I had another idea, how about doing a CROWDFUNDING to create this program. You could see with other programmers how much it costs to create the Machine learning combat, would pass to the community the value, and would wait for the donations to arrive. It might work.
  22. I was thinking about how to ease my combat routine and I had an idea. An intelligent combat routine could be created. How would it be: The WRobot harvests information at all times of the fights performed by the character, the more time the user leaves harvesting information, the better the optimization of intelligent combat routine, maximizing DPS and CC. This information could be made available automatically to the WRobot website. The user can disable data collection at any time. One important thing: optimization would take into account the enemy class and class (class). This is machine learning.
  23. Is there a "click on the map and the character walk alone to the right place?"
  24. What is the advantage of using .cs file instead of using .xml files? for routine combat.
  25. How should I proceed? I wonder where I can read a what were the changes this update.
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