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Everything posted by pala94

    Pretty good route, I got stuck in this point (inside a river): 30 3156,594 2310,055 209,3271 Troll_Raid 3156,594 ; 2310,055 ; 209,3271 ; "None"
  1. OK, I managed to make Relogger work:now it does exactly what I was looking for, except for the flight part. It walks from one zone to the other with the ground mount. Do I need to set a specific profile just for that action? - Edit: it may use flight path by himself sometimes, how do I train it to use flight paths? should I take it with the bot active?
  2. Thanks :) the problem was that I had downloaded a corrupted FightClass profile. Now it's working flawlessly!
  3. Hi all! I would like to ask if someone could clarify to me how to set up a profile like this one: 1. Gather Herbs in Highmountain for 2 hours 2. Logout for 3 hours 3. Login 4. Use Flight Master's Whistle 5. Fly to Aszuna 6. Gather Herbs in Aszuna for 2 hours and so on.. I am able to use single profiles, but I need to manually take my character in the other zone and switch profile. Is there a way to automate it? and if so, how to do it? Edit: I tried to setup Relogger, following the Tutorial on this Forum, but it keeps starting wrobot every 3-5 seconds until i stop it. I mean multiple sessions of wrobot, even it is already opened.
  4. Hi all! I have just bought my license and I'm trying to make the program work. I would like to farm Starlight Roses (Gatherer), so I downloaded a gather profile and put it in profiles; then I downloaded a Class profile (I'm Guardian Druid) and put it in FightClass. When I try to start the bot (play arrow) the program (and the game, also) crashes. The error is "sqMHWwnn.exe has stopped working" I am using Wow x32, and running the bot as an administrator.
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