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Everything posted by RonSwanson

  1. Is there a relogger for 1.2.1? I want to set it up on a schedule to stop bot at X time and then start up again at X time. Rinse repeat.
  2. This works in Wrotation but not in quester. When quester bot is running it keeps canceling itself but the Wrotation lets it cast correctly.
  3. How can Inhave the bot backup 4 yards or feet in the game? Can I use the movement manger or how can this be done. For example if target distance is less then 1 backup 4 yards so I am no longer standing ontop of the target.
  4. When you get a chance can you look into this please. Not being able to play a hunter is a pretty big deal. Thanks Im heading to sleep! @Droidz
  5. @Droidz Is there a way to fix this? On agrro if the bot is not close enough to the target it will stutter step to the target.
  6. Good stuff on the Darkshire/Duskwood Fixes, although the XP per hour is not that great at level 24. Maybe should add in more hot spots? (:
  7. Hunter [Marksman] [Leveling 1-80] [WotLK] - Dreamful.xml
  8. Hey I'm on my phone and can't get to the download section. But dark shire needs some work and well dusk wood in general, the waypoints goes bonkers in dark shire if you start at the flight master. 13-40
  9. I am playing a melee character and has search radius set at 20 but it seems to happen at whatever rate. When the bot goes to pull a mob it just like sits there and like stutter steps until it gets to the mob. It's kinda like what happened when a mob is fleeing. Any fix for this? With a melee character the bot should scan for targets, once the target is seen then the bot should completely run to the mob. Can I do this in code? Like in the pull method add if can't pull with a ranged ability then MovementManager.Moveto(targetobject.position) sorry I am on my phone. All I'm saying is there needs to be a way for melee character to move to the target instead of sitting there wait 2 seconds then stutter to the aggroed mob.
  10. At level 23this thing runs to STV that cant be right.
  11. Okay so it does work, you just need to uncheck the the quests ordered you do not need.
  12. I feel like that should be set to true by default. @Droidz
  13. Thanks for this, what bugs should we be looking out for stucks etc? OR just not moving to the next zone? Will the profile move to the next zone even without the flight path?
  14. Will test this later, good job man, this is some good stuff thanks for releasing this!
  15. @iMod So what is cast time actually doing and what is Timer doing. SliceandDiceTimer = new Timer(1000 * 36); I guess what I am asking is what is the difference between Spell.CastTime and Timer? And how would you use them together in a good fashion.
  16. Hey I am not sure if Cast Time is even being accounted for in C#. For Example Spell.CastTime = 2000 which would be a 2 second cast. I dont think the bot even cares for that value. I believe it does not care for the cast time value because I feel like in C# the bot interrupts its spells a lot. How can I get my Combat Rotation more fluent so each spell is used efficiently and not interrupted by the same spell and or the next spell in line. What is best practice for this Bot? I am asking this because I am writing a Wrotation so it needs to be able to perform better then a human.
  17. Has this update been pushed now? Update: Guess not, hunter can still not cast Auto Shot
  18. What do you think the ETA is for the next Vanilla bot update? (:
  19. When the bot goes to a vendor, it needs to check if the item is a quest item. The bot will just sit there and try and sell quests items in the bots inventory.
  20. Hey if you add a vendor to your profile the bot will sell your items fine. But after selling , the bot does not close the GUI completely and if it does it targets the vendor and tries to attack so it just sits there and stutters. I think this could be fixed if the bot would clear its target after selling items.
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