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Everything posted by mich125

  1. Target Distance smaller 25 and in spell settings: check if spell is in good distance false Since this spell is in different range than your class fighiting range which is 5f
  2. @Droidz How to check for durability in quest profile, ive tried: <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="ObjectManager.Me.GetDurability &lt;= 30" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="GoOut" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true;" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> But it gives me the following error:
  3. So i can do it like this? Thread t = new Thread(() => { uint itemId = 24501; int questId = 9849; while (robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Target.Entry == 17157) { ItemsManager.UseItem(itemId); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } }); t.Start(); Seems to work, thanks!
  4. So i have a quest where i need to useitem on npc to spawn some small npcs that i have to kill for quest objective to complete. I use this code: Thread t = new Thread(() => { uint itemId = 24501; int questId = 9849; while (robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive) { ItemsManager.UseItem(itemId); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } }); t.Start(); But before he turns this quest, he has to do 3 more other quests nearby, and he keeps casting this item on other mobs from those 2 other quests, even tho this quest is already completed. Is it possible to add break if quest is completed but not turned yet? Or add only specific npcid to use this itemid on only?
  5. Yea i noticed it also, same when he dies under water, he just stands in ghost on the surface and cant reach body, its probably hard to fix.
  6. I have a question about my fightclass rotation. My combat range is set to 4yards, my class is feral druid. It is a bit weird below level 10, when he has Solar Wrath, and he always goes to melee range to cast it, is there any possibility to omit this for this spell?
  7. Damn this did the trick:D works perfectly now thx bro!
  8. No its not freezing, without wrobot ofc, also if i use wrobot without relogger it doesnt freeze.
  9. Wow stops responding the moment i connect to pc using rdp, if i use WRobot.exe -nodx -nolockframe without using relogger it works fine when i connect using rdp, so dnno why using relogger changes it.
  10. So i made a big profile to farm a dungeon. It works great till my character dies at some point of the dungeon, then character is at the start of the dungeon. But bot wont reset to 1st step, but instead will try to go to lets say step 10 path, and will run into the wall, since its a big dungeon. Any idea how to make him reset the profile to step 1 if he dies? Log for ex, after death he continues with next step, what i want is him to start from step 1 instead, same thing when he disconnects and reconnect. [D] 08:57:25 - [Quester] RunCode[46]: xxx [F] 08:57:28 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Swiftmend (Swiftmend) 08:57:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by [F] 08:57:29 - [Spell] Cast Bear Form (Bear Form) [F] 08:57:32 - [Spell] Cast Thrash (Thrash) [F] 08:57:34 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation) [F] 08:57:35 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Regrowth (Regrowth) [F] 08:57:37 - [Spell] Cast Bear Form (Bear Form) [D] 08:57:38 - [Fight] Fight stopped 08:57:38 - [Resurrect] Player dead [F] 08:57:38 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form) [F] 08:57:40 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation) [F] 08:57:42 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form) 08:57:46 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse [D] 08:57:49 - [Quester] If[47] [D] 08:57:49 - [Quester] RunCode[51]: [D] 08:57:53 - [Quester] New step (52): GoTo10th>Pulse Since my profile is in a big while true loop, i thought maybe its possible to do smth like this: <QuestsSorted Action="While" NameClass="Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause" /> Is it possible? But i would need "else go to step 1" i think? and there is no else action avalible? @Droidz
  11. @Droidz I pmed you this issue, but you didnt reply, could you plz check it out, its importatnt for me. I use remote desktop to connect to my botting pc. 1. If i start Wrobot using Wrobot.exe, it will run ok, but it will crash if i connect to my botting pc using remote desktop. 2. If i start Wrobot using WRobot.exe -nodx -nolockframe, it will run ok, and it wont crash when i connect to my botting pc using remote desktop. So it is all ok this way. But there is an issue if i use relogger. In relogger i cant use wrobot.exe, i have to use this other exe file, i do put -nodx -nolockframe, in general settings, additional Wrobot args, like that: It will run ok, but it will crash when i connect to this pc using remote desktop. It is like relogger doesn't use additional wrobot args that i putted in.
  12. Its not about if plugin works lol, its about blizzard changes with 7.0 patch. Now you need to be in the same zone as party leader in order to get phased to his realm, which makes this plugin close to useless.
  13. Why would you even want a server hoping plugin, its useless after the nerfs, even on this plugin website you can read: As of 7.0 Server Hoping is pretty much dead, will leave this up if anyone wants the code.
  14. If this above doesnt work, try to put in optional settings "is complete" condition: You can use: return Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(questnumber); or if you need particular objective check: return Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(objectivenumber, questnumber); So for your example you should put in: return Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(38052);
  15. Hey bro, i am not sure if it will help you, but have you tried with both of those settings like that at the same time? Objective Count 1 8 Auto Detect Objective Count 1 True
  16. Captchas are in wow for years already as a security feature, probably you: a) typed wrong password to many times b) tried to login from different ip adresses on same account
  17. So i need bot to take a taxi, here is my code <QuestsSorted Action="While" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.ContinentId == 530 &amp;&amp; ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(45.09895f, 2741.531f, 85.17036f)) &gt; 500" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="var position = new Vector3(3078.104, 3602.156, 144.0669);&#xD;&#xA;int npcEntryId = 18938;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi)&#xD;&#xA;{&#xD;&#xA; if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(position, npcEntryId))&#xD;&#xA; {&#xD;&#xA; Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi);&#xD;&#xA; Lua.RunMacroText(&quot;/click TaxiButton1&quot;);&#xD;&#xA; }&#xD;&#xA;}" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="288000" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndWhile" NameClass="" /> What bot does: 1. Bot interacts with flightmaster properly 1. He uses the macro /click TaxiButton1 But in game it shows "There is no direct path to that destination". Route looks like this in game IF i manually mouseover my destination, route will be shown on map then, and macro that bot uses will work.
  18. Is there any possibility to add a condition so bot will use skills that increase his movement speed or blink him only if he is moving, and distance he is going is bigger than x amout of yards. What I am doing now, is using 3 conditions: 1. Me in move: true 2. Me in combat: false 3. Buff casted on me: travel form But there are still cases when it would be better if bot didnt use those skills, couse he has a very short distance to go before getting in combat or talking to npc etc... So 1 more condition would be usefull. Probably there is a way to do it using "C Sharp Code" condition and doing something like "if distance to next vector higher than x, return true". I dont know how to do it tho, if someone knows what i mean plz help:)
  19. +1 i had it today, all is need is a plugin that would jump once when standing on water in ghost i guess
  20. Ok i found out everything already, works perfect now: 1)I checked assign talents in advanced settings, it does use this macro every time it levels up. 2)I fixed this macro a bit so it wont try to change speciallization every level, maybe someone will find it usefull: /run local x=GetSpecialization(); id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(x); if x ~= 2 then SetSpecialization(2) end; TalentMicroButton:Click(); if PlayerTalentFrame then PlayerTalentFrameTab2:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow1Talent3:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow2Talent2:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow3Talent3:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow4Talent1:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow5Talent1:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow6Talent2:Click(); PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow7Talent2:Click(); TalentMicroButton:Click(); end
  21. Thanks! And when is bot using this macro? Every time he levels up? Do i have to check option "assign talents" in general settings for it?
  22. How can i make this bot automaticly pick talents speciallization? I am assuming it has smth to do with WRobot\FightClass\Talents files. I found a macro in a different topic, but bot doesnt seem to use it. Is it correct? /run SetSpecialization(2) /run TalentMicroButton:Click() if PlayerTalentFrame then PlayerTalentFrameTab2:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow1Talent3:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow2Talent2:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow3Talent3:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow4Talent1:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow5Talent1:Click() PlayerTalentFrameTalentsTalentRow6Talent2:Click() PlayerTalentFrameCloseButton:Click() end
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