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Everything posted by testingz

  1. Working again. And no more Lua error since the last two patches as of today. Great work!
  2. can I disable this option and use memory cleaner plugin instead plugin?
  3. The log just says: [F] 00:47:41 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) over and over Its casted and not looted. As said in the other thread, worked yesterday. Today somehow magically not. Edit: I dont get it. And now it works again. What is causing this? How the character faces the water? @OP you might want to fiddle around with installing and deinstalling and the distance to the water. @Droidz the only remaining question is: why does the fisherbot /reload every.. 30sec or so? (it is not the memory clean feature) the thing with this is, the bot then recasts a fish attempt, makes the possible catch on the last attempt fall away. Which reduces greatly the possible amount of fish caught.
  4. Same here for me And also only a regular Fishing Pole.
  5. Question has been asked here already, no answer Please answer and have a fix, it's annoying. Is it necessary? (and no, it doesnt help reduce memory usage. its not like the memory clean plugin. after an overnight game crashed due to shutting down of toomuch memory usage) And 2nd: Suddenly the bot does no longer loot. It worked fine last night when beginning, but then I check back this morning and want to start the bot again, he casts but as soon as a catch appears, it doesnt loot and re-casts immediatelly I thought this was fixed upon a re-installation, wached it work again and then I alt-tabbed to windows and into firefox to reply in this post, tabbed back into the game and it was the same. still not using the bopper upon catch @Droidz or anyone can you please answer and resolve this? Mate, to be reeally polite :) I have paid 45,- to get a full license, can I please get a working fishing bot in return?
  6. The bot catches fish and either inbetween the fishing or after or before, there happens to be a /reload and the fishing gets cancelled. Happens at least once after a catch. Why is that? And what is it? @Droidz Used in 1.12 elysium
  7. Title, any quester out there for 1.12?
  8. Does this work with 1.12?
  9. No mobile app running, it's on PC. There was a launcher active, but not with running wrobots. Wowproxy that can be found in the taskmanager is also disabled, same as the StreamingAgent or how its called, also in taskmanager and checked in the launcher settings, it's disabled. Still the message pops up, why?
  10. Why wait? Because it can look silly when harvesting a node and the bot runs then away, when you initially came out of stealth and probably then adding a couple of mobs and not being able to re-stealth. How can you make it so the bot detects the node, runs up to it in stealth as usual, and then harvests and then waits until the stealth skill is off cd and usable again and then continues to move (stealthed) ?
  11. if you want to loot a mob then loot mobs has to be turned on, naturally, yes.
  12. yes, so far triggers both and then uses what is off cd. works okay what last does not work right currently is that the bot pops out of the stealthed cat or fighting bear form and then walks around in human form, until prowl is off cd and can be used again, which looks silly. Can you make it so that the bot always runs around in cat (and prowls when usable as before) and infight goes bear form, and keep that all the time? When you see my uploaded file, you see that I used a c-sharp code with no ! infront of it. Which probably will make it use cat form all the time, but maybe not use bear form then, hm? I have set use in move @cat form, but for some reason it gets ignored any clue?
  13. Does this also work during stealth? I have noticed it works very well with the mobs that spawn on gathering procs on nodes, but attacking mobs on the path (e.g felfire basilisk) when being stealthed, does not seem to work. I've switched to attack first, but then the bot also goes out of stealth with a few withered and some other non-minable basilisk and I dont want that. What fix do you recommend? I have not found one so far that does the described (ignore all other mobs as usual, but include felfire basilisks during run. Is any of that influenced by attack before being attack here? I've added the ID and link into the .cs file http://www.wowhead.com/npc=101868/felfire-basilisk Edit: Seems to magically work now
  14. do you mean ingame /reload in wow? I never had this issue before using wrobot. What couldve caused this? I have already downloaded the plugin MemoryClean but have not yet considered using it
  15. This system here has 16gb ram, 970gtx with actually enough memory. But how does this error occur and what should I do? I let my 4+ WoWs run all day. I just let the bots run for around 5-6hours last night, that is it. Solution?
  16. Edit: No that didnt do it. Even tho I added "is spell usable" to the other speed spell, it keeps using both at the same time. should this call a condition and not use stampede when dash can be used, vice versa? added the condition on both spells for the other one. Why is that?
  17. And added a condition to not use it when Dash is available. That did it. Thank you very much
  18. Testing it right now. Yes that could do it, because the stealth is spammed instantly after combat, so it might delay it abit and it would loot first. Edit: Works so far, great! Thank you :) Edit2: How would you do it on Stampede Roar? It does not get triggered what so ever. Conditions are set to me in combat=false and used in cat form only. But it doesnt get activated. I have even copied from the good bear profile here, including the spell settings, but that didnt work either. Any idea? I cant really copy paste you all the spell settings here, you could look into it fast, if you have a moment. I'd appreciate it! Guardian.xml
  19. Dont be so human and overthink too much. The way botters are getting caught is not due to warden, it's due to reports. Look at all the botters, running around in zig-zags, getting stuck or even flying through the air. Do you think other players are stupid? :) And you dont send letters without a custom subject, you never be so lazy and let the system pre-fill the subject by the items or amount of gold you send away. Via auction house transfer you use items like everyone else does. Possible rare drops, green ones used for transmog. And also I would not overthink that too much. Go straight with what you feel is right and keep instantly away where you feel not right about it and struggle to come up with an instant solution. And you use an extra account, possible registered with a different IP like from a phone and fake infos for the gold hoarding. Blizz could possibly also track from which bank acc/paypal you've bought that battle-chest, sure, but would they really do that effort? If you want to be super, super sure - purchase it with a prepaid credit card. All my learning from the past. So much error happens due to laziness. And almost no error ever occured in ways how people tell themselves the stories on how they assume it all happenes, conspiracy and unclear and all that. No. It's in reality much more simple, that's just getting overlooked and there is the false story and the guesses. And then the cascade of readers and listeners follows and share that again and rarely anyone every actually seeks proof. And here we are 2016 in our human life: confusion without actual proof. Ofc that has to change, in every level of our life here. Ofc also the internet. Everywhere. PS: When you type in google whatever you like to know about exploiting and bots, you also come up with wrobot. This is a public place, it is so foolish to write about exploits here that you want to experience them lasting. What I've shared with you is just common sense and nothing special which does not fall under the radar. You can say blizzard is aware of that because that is how a standard player plays. You dont play like an exploiter or a botter. You dress like a normal player does, you equip it with some epics and dont run around with the worst mount and green/blue clothes. What do you think other players will do with you? Look at the botters, all the DKs currently on my realm (which I wont report). All the same gear, the same hord standard wyphern mount. How long do you think they are gonna last? When you bot and do all that, you calm your nerves and be normal, you play like a normal player and act as if it's all allowed (and God allows it). Cheers
  20. So the bot is fighting and then going into stealth and then looting corpses and then popping out of stealth. How can I make it so that the bot uses stealth after corpses have been looted? Fight, loot and then stealth. How-to?
  21. Who ever took the time for rating this topic, could've just put in the answer? Same here
  22. Who ever took the time for rating this topic, could've just put in the answer?
  23. Jumping around is very crucial in getting detected less and being noticed more player-like. But when using the jump plugin available in the download section, the toon jumps even when gathering and so cancelling the gathering process and also jumps during combat, which seems silly. Is there a way to create a quick plugin or set a restriction to that already existing plugin, to not allow jumping during combat and when having detected a gathering node?
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