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Everything posted by Chiruca

  1. Hi. I am trying to make wrobot strafe after using frost nova with my frost mage fight class. I am using following C# code and it kind of works: wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { var me = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me; var target = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target; if (me.IsAlive && target.IsAlive && !me.IsCast) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.STRAFELEFT, 250 * 1); // strafe left during 0.25 seconds } }; Problem is that it fires, but keeps on looping. Any ideas how I can cancel it again?
  2. Hi. I am trying to use the addon SheepSafe (https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/project-2113) for polymorphing in my frost mage fight class. I need to fire following macro ingame: /script if (FindUntargetedTarget()) then SheepSafe() end Since RunMacroText is not yet implemented in Vanilla, I am not sure how to get this macro to fire. Any ideas?
  3. Just gave it a shot. Seems to be the same result unfortunately :(
  4. Do you have any recommendations regarding how much the ingame script memory setting should be set to? :)
  5. After hitting the 37 zone, the bot seems to be ending up stuck outside TB every time it has to repair. Same result on two different druids now. Have a lock hitting 37 soon aswell, so I am looking forward to seeing the result there :) In case you need it, I attached a log from one of the stuck druids. 28 mar 2017 18H35.log.html
  6. Here you go :) 27 mar 2017 15H26 - qxFTSvM.log.html
  7. Sure thing druid feral.xml 27 mar 2017 12H33.log.html
  8. Hi there. When running my fight class for my ferals in Vanilla, I am unable to get it to cast Faerie Fire (Feral). I suspect this is caused by the parentheses. Have anyone been able to find a work around this? Thank you.
  9. Hi there. After mailing items, the bot is unable to exit the mailbox dialog. This results in the character wasting time getting stuck and having to relog. Is there any solution to this? :)
  10. What about the relogger? Moved the wrobot to Google Drive, but it seems every time I change PC, the encryption fucks up my saved password and wrobot key. Is there any workaround for that? :)
  11. Hi. I am using different PC's depending on where I am located, therefore I would like to share wrobot settings between them. Is this possible in any way?
  12. Just checked the fight class. Immolate should be changed to be cast on "none" instead of on "target". All of the other damaging spells are reliant on having immolate active with this profile. However wanding seems to be broken.
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