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Everything posted by Kalos72

  1. As to be expected, thank you!
  2. Ok cool...thanks. Do private servers allow this software or is it illegal still on most private servers? Is there a list of recommended private servers or anything?
  3. I am new to the idea, more use of Private servers. Is there a list of supported servers or anything?
  4. @DEakins You need to make the EXE just Wrobot now since the last Relogger update. However, it appears that last update might have broken Relogger as well so proceed with caution! :(
  5. I am not sure if I should start a new thread but...since I changed the file to wrobot.exe it now opens new client of Wrobot every 10-15 seconds. I had 17 before I closed it down. I have NO issues with opening Wrobot manually Not sure its helpfull since I couldnt determine which window was "current"... 18 Oct 2017 12H51 - fMEem.log.html
  6. Righteous! How about for quester profiles? Alot of the new gatherer profiles appear to be using the Quester module instead of gatherer, does that change the profile any or do I just open it in Gatherer but use in Quester?
  7. Sadly BetterSister, all I have is the coin to help fund the project. :) @GoodGoldBro - Yes, exactly that.
  8. Has anyone been able to automate the mailbox to positing in the AH utilizing TradeSkillMaster by chance? The 30 trips back and forth just to use a macro to port them at TSM prices is super time consuming but a really simple process...
  9. Is this still an issue? I thought I saw Droidz saying he was going to look into a fix...
  10. I BELIEVE these types of changes can be made at the profile level to override what Wrobot has...not that I am an expert though. I had similar questions:
  11. Quote for truth. DH rocks as well if its spec'd tank...
  12. I have had horrible results with the Shaman fight classes personally. If I use a good ele shaman Gnome Sequencer macro and run him manually he does ok. NOT like a DK of course, or any tank really. But comparing botting anything to the survivability of a blood dk is going to end in heartache. Blood DK's are super strong solo classes.... Honestly; running all my toons other than tanks feel squishy, but it might be more fight class then anything....imho.
  13. Is there a way to make a profile to go and train at the gatherer intervals? I am leveling several miners/herbers in Pandaland and this is getting annoying. :)
  14. Also, in your fight class is the difference mainly the "For Friends - Party" line that makes the difference?
  15. I was trying it with a warlock and I noticed the follower didnt always attack...is it a pet class issue?
  16. I assume you are using the leader to bot and the other 4 to run ISboxer? Always wanted to do this....or just use the Party Bot here.
  17. Got it, thank you again. :)
  18. On the other thread you mentioned healing not working very well, did the custom fight class help make it viable at least? Does anyone dungeon grind with Party Bot?
  19. So is that a: <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass=" wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false; />
  20. I see the CloseWhenTelported one is very useful... Is there one to force using a particular ground mount and disable flying for that profile?
  21. I would be willing to help fund this endeavor if that means it will see some progress, anything I can do to help actually. :)
  22. Do you need fightclass specifically for healing in Party Bot?
  23. So first, please note this isn't a whining post, just questions. :) Is Party Bot functioning as you might expect for other people? I can't get it to heal anything, sometimes it works if I use a tank versus a healer but even then its really wonky. Do I need to be botting with the leader in order the partybot to work properly? I wanted to use this on 4 toons and drive with my main, having the 4 support toons on the Party Bot.
  24. Is this an option yet by chance? Anyone have a fix if its not Wrobot supported directly?
  25. Yeah, this just sits there and tries t collect the quest, I already have selected. I even took it out to the site and it just wanted to hearth back... /sad
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