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Everything posted by eebm

  1. Is there an option on this profile like there normally is for rogues that "Enable stealth all times"? Would be a very nice implement if it isn't already there, as stealth reduces the chance of being busted for botting :p
  2. Bro, I have had 13 accounts banned for botting now on warmane TBC. They do NOT issue 30day bans for botting, they only serve solid hard permanent bans.. AND the second time an account is banned for botting on the same IP within short time difference, they issue IP bans.
  3. disable training in the advanced settings and you won't have the "trainer" issue. (running back to start area)
  4. norsevpn is a very good secure vpn provider. They are also amongst the very, very few that has servers which enable you to use f.eks "Netflix USA" even after their massive "VPN BLOCKOUT".
  5. How is that easier? mostly every good VPN lets you download an app where you just click "start" or "chose server" then "start" and your IP is hidden and all of your traffic goes encrypted through another.
  6. lol mostly all the big server does. If they see the same IP botting after a previous account ban, you'll most likely get ipbanned :)
    This profile has taken two shamans from 1-70 without issues, what I like the most about this profile is how it uses totems for its own advantage. It's changing totem rotation based on the situation the bot finds itself in, another great thing about this fightclass is the survivability it offers. As the info states above, it really keeps just enough mana to throw in that extra heal which makes your bot able to run and run for hours without dying.
  7. DId you adjust the min/max MS? If you play on warmane put it on 500 - 900
  8. Linux. By configurating diffrent IPs via vpn per client opened
  9. Not at the same time no read the full post before asking:) i have seperate ips per wow, also be aware that if your ip gets banned on warmane, all accoibts you try to login to on the banned IP will be suspended. These accounts will work again in terms of game login once you get a clean IP, however the account will remain "Suspended" on the website and all account related settings including store, trade, services and donate will also be locked/suspended. The only way to lift this is to send email to warmane and by doing this you might end up getting the account banned unless you can convince them that you share IP with others because you live in an apartment or that you visited a friend or something blabla
  10. This one is free and pretty ok.. Now theres two other thats paied and will enable u to go backstab spec or combat spec, they also use kicks and evasion/sprint and poisons in a human way ..
    Works like a charm. Using correct poisons, fights "smart" (makes it look pretty human when the combat rotation deepends on the combat it's fighting) Overall this profile is as good as wrobot will let it be, the only thing that could improve this profile is better pathing and less "bottish" target following, (WHICH IS CAUSED BY THE BOT AND NOT THE PROFILE) Been doing x4 10hour intervals now, NO BAN and its 40+ hours since the first =)
  11. I've used this alittle for primal farming now, it actually does perform very well, especially if you allow the bot to kill hordes lol. My rogue is mid-endgame geared and is killing 95% of the hordes i encounter and the NPCs for primals.. Quick PVE summary: Good rotation, human like combat, very good stealth (secure) = PROs.. . Only PVE poisons and can be alot slower than a combat profile for pve/farming = CONs. Keep in mind I have not tested it at lower levels, only 70 and mid-endgame gear.
  12. then what is it? .. I run 12skinners 24/7 and fuck your ingame blablabla on warmane you need to put ms at 500-900
  13. Just out of the blue yes. They give no warrnings nor interactions, they just ban without any sight. So you can just stop watching the monitor its not gonna help ya lol
  14. CAUTION Warmane is now banning without ANY kinds of interaction/whispers/teleports/show ups! I¨ve given up 3accounts on purpose to verify/confirm this! There is no reason to monitor your playing besides the fact to dodge reporters, because warmane is not going to do anything you can detect with your eyes to confirm if your botting or not. If you use popular profiles like the ones available on these forums they will simply ban without any kind of "headsup" most likely because they know the pathing of these profiles..
  15. Does it use overpower every time it is available? :)
  16. @Droidz that was added in 2013 :D any ETA for it? :>
  17. Hello @Droidz , is it possible to get a healing mode added to the battlegrounder so that it will be possible to make propper healing profiles for the battlegrounder? This would be a very useful and beneficial feature as it would make botting seem more humanlike and also enable people the option to bot as healers in the battlegrounds without struggeling with the bot having a huge desire to engage combat as a dpser all the time.. AND also give the battlegrounder regen support, so that its possible for the bot to actually drink/eat so it wont run around out of mana or with low health looking like a darn bot :>
  18. making simple grinding or combat profiles are so easy that you don't even need to know what html is
  19. Hey ho, why does it not keep lightning shield up at all times? .. It seems to only do it before and after combat... (under lvl40)
  20. I run 4-9 bots on warmane 24/7. I use private VPN with diffrent ip locations for every char. Every char runs from 350-650minutes before a similar break. I fishbot and run AH selling up to 4hours a day with my main account. To whitewash my farming bots I have created a guild where I keep all the botters including my main and a few irl legit playing friends, in this guild I have all tabs bought and when I play on main I usually struggle to empty the entire guildbank for mats before its filled up again. Currently gaining about 2-8k/24h gold now. I do have a few break days every week as I work and have a family. All bots run custom fightclasses and profiles. I have been contacted by GM once because of the major golds I gain fron AH selling but since I use auctioneer and also snipe other peoples cheap auctions I have been able to avoid trouble so far. Been running this "small operation" for weeks now ?.. My best advice for a newblett botter is to use common sence, always keep things like "would i suspect this to be a bot" in your mind. Watch your bot as much as you can, and my biggest tip is; BOT like fuck on as many you want aslong as you keep the remote feature on and are able to reply whispers instantly and/or interupt bot to interact with people who follows you or grind at the same spot! Also make profiles that changes farm locations as much as once an hour and you'll be perfectly fine!!! :).. Note; second monitor for your bots while you play other games or on your main = SUPERB!! Happy botting!
  21. Just make your own?:P i dont use these downloaded profiles, i just try them to review them.
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