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proxy reacted to dirtyjobs for a file, dirtyjobs-tbc-ret-paladin FINAL
This FC comes with options, these have to be set first to use the FC. check the attached picture if you need to know where to click. its the cog next to Fight Class field in the general settings.
The options are as follows:
You can choose what blessing to buff, for yourself, and for party members. You can choose what aura you will use. There is an option for lay on hands @ >12% hp. You can choose between Seal of Command or Seal of Justice. When you choose Seal of Justice (the bot will judge so mobs don't flee in fear), for what it does after that, you can pick 2 options: Option 1 after judgement of justice is on the target, the bot will use seal of command til its dead.. Option 2 is instead of using seal of command, the bot will instead use seal of justice (for stun procs) you cannot use option 1 and 2 at the same time. also if you have a draenei paladin there's an option to cast gift of naaru @50%hp and >25% mana this bot will automatically heal itself with holy light @ 50% to turn on options set them to TRUE!
some cannot be on with others. ( SOC, SOR, and SOC options cannot be used interchangeably unless it stats in the description )
I am happy with this FC for what its purpose was, solo grinding. I no longer am playing a paladin so I wont be updating this because I do not have a toon to test with... I can still add features but only on a per donation basis, in which the customized FC will be given directly to you personally and not posted on here. send me a message on this board for more info.
proxy reacted to Jasabi for a file, [FREE] iTalents - Talent Manager for Vanilla and TBC
Automatically sets talents when you level up!
Tested and working on Vanilla and TBC
Go to http://armory.twinstar.cz/talent-calc.php and select your expansion. Select your class and set talents. Click on "Link to this build" in the right corner. Copy this part of the link.
Go into iTalents settings and set the Talent string as that value.
It will always learn the first Talent tree first and will go in order from left to right. You can add multiple talent strings though. So if for a frost mage for example you want it to learn Frost first. Something like this: Add that Talent string first. Then complete the build with Arcane and add the Talent strings like this: 0000000000000000000000000000000005353203000351001 0000000000000000000000000000000005353233000351001 2302502010020000000000000000000005353233000351001 Recommended Items to use with this for a full AFK experience: Not fully AFK yet, but being worked on regularly:
Join my Discord for any help: https://discord.gg/anAu7QA
proxy reacted to pedrooky for a file, [Quester]-[H]-Undead-to-Orc-Starting-Zone
This is just a very simple profile to have Undead toons go from their start zone to the Orc / Troll starting zone (most quester profiles start from there)
It will:
Walk to Brill trying to avoid mobs Walk from Brill to the zep loading area Wait for the Orgr zep, then get in Get out of Zep after it's docked Walk to Orgr and set your hearth stone to Orgr (should be easy to remove this by just un-marking that step, but untested) Walk to Orc/Troll start zone To use it make sure to load as Quester profile and from the undead start zone, that should be it.
Thanks to @Arcangelo for some of the Zep logic.
** Provided as is with no support, although feel free to give any suggestions. **
proxy reacted to eeny for a file, Paladin Vanilla 1-60 by Eeny
Retribution Paladin Fight class usable from 1-60. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
Will heal at 40%.
Will only Judge Crusader only if you learned seal of command
Will keep BoM up until you get BoW at 14.
Uses Ret aura however at low levels will use devotion aura.
Hammer of justice to interrupt spells
Hammer of wrath if > 60% mana and mobs < 20% health
Lay on hands if low Bot health / mana.
In built tag avoid.
This is one of the fight classes i have bee using to pump out lvl 60 vanilla bot accounts using my grinder.
any recommendations / bugs send me a PM.
proxy reacted to Nubia for a file, TBC Train Level
Are you tired of stopping your leveling to go learn your spells every level ?
TbcTrainLevel lets you learn spells more effectively in order to speed up the leveling :
Every 2 levels from 1 to 10 Every 6 levels from 10 to 60 All levels from 60 to 70 How to use : Add the TBCTrainLevel.cs file to the Wrobot Plugins folder.
After this, start up bot, go to the tab called "Plugins" and turn "TBCTrainLevel.cs" by on.