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WRobot user
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Everything posted by Zer

  1. Hello! New project https://www.project-epoch.net/ custom server Vanilla+ based on 3.3.5a client. Right now on open beta test. Wrobot doesn't even see game client. I try 3.3.5a wrobot, 2.4.3, 1.12.1. Any chance it will work with this server?
  2. without this options FC is useless. All other options you are writing about can be done with basic class editor in 2 mins.
  3. Does it stance dance for overpower/whirlwind without rage losing? Does it have positioning vs 2+ mobs to make cleave work? Could it multidot(rend) all targets he is facing?
  4. thanks, forgot about that function. I see in log that bot make tries of buying items every 5 sec. Is it possible to make this faster, for example 1 try per 1 second or 0.5 second?
  5. Hello, I find my problen in bug tracker, dev said it will be fixed, but it is here for now. When caster finish the cast the string appears in log: [D] 11:23:53 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft not 100% of casts but offten. and but is jumping.
  6. No, almost all times it occured during combat or looting. Bot log is clear - normal operations. Tried another PC and got some errors too. I tried Elwynn forest, you think its zone bug?
  7. Hello. The bot worked fine last year, but I begin to get this error recently: Why is this happen and how to solve this? Sometimes bot works fine 1-2 hours, but sometimes 5 errors in 20 mins. Is this due to bot updates? May be it needet to check some options in bot menu or in game menu? Im running general Wrobot.exe (no WRobot No Lock Frame or WRobot No DX). I do not get this error when playing by myself.
  8. I uderstand. RunMacroText() doesn't need.just plain macro text in spell tab. TY!
  9. how it is possible to do? When I try: RunMacroText("CastPetAction(1)") or RunMacroText("/script CastPetAction(1)") I get this error. Option "Not spell, is lua script" is True.
  10. How to make Feed Pet with no programming, with regular Fight Class creator?
  11. + to this question. RunMacroText("MACRO") doesn't work at Vanilla, but on BC is ok. need the solution
  12. thanks for answers. Any ideas for warrior stance check?
  13. hello, thank you for the answer. Could I ask some more questions not creating new thread? - How to add in fight class warrior stance check? In vanilla its not a buff so buff check doesn't work. - When bot chooses target he binds to it and run strait to it, but if any player attack this target during bot run and target becomes grey (tagget by other player) bot do not stop attacking, but continue run and attack that target. Is it possible to fix? - Some pathing are bad. For example EPL, Silithus. Sometimes it is possible to swim 10 sec , than run in to the mountains and group of mobs and die. Is it possible to fix? or add custom pathing? - Battleground pathing not so good. AB is acceptable, but AV is totally bad, because of many mountains I think. Is it possible to fix? Or may be write down own path? Or download new AV pathing? - What does it mean "plugins" in the bot program? Where I can found some of them? - EMOTE, TEXT_EMOTE and SYSTEM chat messages soesn't work for me, possible to fix? - bot is always in move. is it possible to make him sometimes stop. Not pause (when player nearby) just stop and stand at one place continue boting process. May be some random intervals or some conditions for example lack of mobs in 50 radius?
  14. Hello, any ideas how to make bot run forward or backward according to some conditions, for example if more than 2 hostile units in 5 yards make 6 steps backward? Also I have turned on "loot chests" but bot do not loot any of them, any ideas why? And another question, how to make bot to not spam many times skills that are "next melee" like Heroic Strike.
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