1st problem:
So in Northrend/outland, when I use Grinding profile or sometimes quester. The bot doesn't fly above the ground, it uses fly mount but literally walking on the ground. Automaton already flies with specific distance relative to the ground which is AMAZING! but I am not sure why not implement the same thing for other profiles ? The problem with flying to the ground causes MANY troubles, one of them is when the bot try to fly above water, it will try to move inside the water (But it is mounted), which is why it cannot penetrate the water. Then, it creates a stuck problem and looks 500% bot trying to fly into the water. Pathing issue is really frustrating and unreliable.
EDIT: I would like to add to the first issue, when its using fly mount, it will try to use Ground mount route!!! Which look really strange for a person flying. It should go from point A --> F but since it is taking ground mount path, it will try to go from A-->B-->C-->D-->F. You get my point ? It will not go straight to where it should be, it will take ground mount path ?
2nd problem:
Normal players, or at least 90% of normal players will have in-game option (auto dismount), which means that they will dismount upon firing an ability! NOT dismount first > then use ability. For example, druid trying to herb something and mobs stops him. Druid cancels flight form ---> goes into human form 2 seconds---> then finally go into cat form. This really looks bad and looks like a bot. How it should be ??? Flight Form ---> Cat form. No need to click dismount then attack, if bot attempt to attack it will dismount automatically.