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stweily reacted to Amazing Snake in Script Macro
Hey, i search for the Script macro where you go with the mouse over a thing in wow and press this macro. Then normaly there should be a command in the Chat.
stweily reacted to Matenia in [Solved] Need Pet happiness macro!
if GetPetHappiness() < 3 then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet") UseItemByName("FoodName") end Haven't tested this. Instead of CastSpellByName and UseItemByName you can also just do
RunMacroText("/cast Feed Pet")
RunMacroText("/use FoodName")
stweily reacted to mbfme in hunter feed pet
better to use macro feed pet ingame and to bind it to general settings in wrobot, already existing thread are in the forum..
stweily reacted to minhoo in hunter feed pet
I can't find 1 fightclass profile with feeding pet function. I want to add this function to Mcro hunter.CS . Can some help me? Thanks a lot
McRo Hunter.cs
stweily reacted to k1ngstire in How to cast a area Spell? Like Starfall
Hello there.
Starfall is a Druid Spell and you have to select the area.
How to tell the Bot to cast it? It just selects the Spell and the Green area marker is visible. But it does not click again to cast it.
Is it possible?
stweily reacted to Droidz in Snippets C# codes for Fight Classes
Check if character/target have or not buff/debuff by spell id:
Use condition type "C Sharp Code" with Value:
wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(69369) Replace "69369" by your buff/debuff ID. Replace "Me" by "Target" to check buff/debuff on current target (you can also replace "Me" by "Pet" to check on the pet). Add "!" before this code to check if not have (de)buff ( http://www.tutorialspoint.com/csharp/csharp_logical_operators.htm ). To get list of player/target (de)buff id, you can go to tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > (if you want check your target (de)buff select npc in game) > click on "Player/target buff/debuff". -