Hello there,
Thank you for contacting us concerning the recent action taken against this World of Warcraft account. While we understand your concerns regarding the status of this account, we take matters involving the integrity of the game environment very seriously.
Please take a few moments to look over the Atlantiss rules, which you agree to when creating your account. They are located on our website here: https://atlantiss.eu/rules
The rules state that "Using 3rd party programs (hacks, cheats, bots, etc.), exploiting or abusing bugs in order to gain advantage (intentionally or not)." is an in-game offense. Additionally, the rules also state that "Atlantiss Staff takes no responsibility for the loss of accounts, characters or any in-game goods. It is in the users’ best interest to ensure safety of their data by taking security precautions (such as using a strong password or 2-Factor Authentication) and not sharing their account information with anyone."
After a thorough review of this account, we have come to the same conclusion as our initial findings. The account has been identified as having used unauthorized game modifications and thus is in violation of our rules. Access to this World of Warcraft account, has been permanently disabled.
Thank you for your continued correspondence in regards to your account and for respecting our position.
Game Master Daystar
Atlantiss Staff - Netherwing Server