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Everything posted by Jensen-

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Borean Tundra 150 quests Horde Made on Warmane Lorderon Quests that should be done yourself due to bad server scripts or complicated mechanics Foolish Endeavors Kaw The Mammoth Destroyer The Assassination of Harold Lane Breaking Through
  2. while on quester bot on gatherer will skip all mobs that attack him and will try to open conteiner with mobs hiting him, wont fightback chain dying 22 kwi 2019 13H10.log.html
  3. got other quest that has several paths in water the one in descolace with sellfish and clams and druid does not use aquatic form, it that quest my chars spend 30-45min in water and still nothing
  4. yes all spots are underwater
  5. bump got a log from my druid 9 kwi 2019 11H10.log.html
  6. started 10bots on vanilla after 30-45 they all had errors
  7. marked points in the bot. i mean the position that you add when creating a profile sorry for my poor choice of words
  8. so my bot killed and npc to complete quest but it didnt die at the spot where it spawns and where its market with the point in bot, and bot has problem with looting it if its out of range, it will stand therer until either i restart it or i pick it manualy same goes for looting chests, when i made this screen the bot was runing 4 kwi 2019 12H29.log.html
  9. same goes for shaman ghost wolf wont gather items herbs when in ghost wolf form 24 mar 2019 11H26.log.html
  10. bot doesnt know how to use druid aquatic form gathering with it is impossible, when it shifts out from aquatic to cat or to normal it doesnt go back to aquatic will drown
  11. does this plugin work on tbc?
  12. { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(wManager.Wow.Enums.GossipOptionsType.trainer); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Trainer.TrainingSpell(); }
  13. dont pme about the code that i hided cuz it didnt work, you got it in the first post in this topic
  14. robot Manager.Helpful.Keyboard.Press Key(process.MainWindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Key.F1); change f1 with the numpad key
  15. because, if people sees this metod they will start doing it, and i can quess when the farm will change from mob/quest grinding to a specific spot farm,it will get fixed and no1 gonna benefit, i know i asked for a specific code but with it theres a metod that i would like to keep it for myself.Ye mby im selfish but i didnt see any1 sharing here or anyother place hes best farm metods
  16. var p = System.diagnostic.Process.GetProcessesByName("name"); foreach (var process in p) { robot Manager.Helpful.Keyboard.Press Key(process.MainWindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Key.F1); } when using this command im getting an error witch one is the name of the program the first line or the wow admin.... 12 lut 2019 12H23.log.html
  17. just ip
  18. make alchemy and sell transmute arcanite bar or something like that
  19. Ordush uprage tbc hunter fighting class please to something similar like you got in vanilla i dont want to change food manualy every few lvls
  20. after yday update bot is closing itself after few mins 4 gru 2018 12H45.log.html4 gru 2018 12H21.log.html
  21. i have the same problem with tbc 27 lis 2018 17H57.log.html 27 lis 2018 17H59.log.html 27 lis 2018 18H01.log.html 27 lis 2018 18H05.log.html 27 lis 2018 20H01.log.html
  22. var position = new Vector3(-1210.21f, 94.8587f, 134.453f); int npcEntryId = 8674; wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(position, npcEntryId);
  23. did it, still nothing
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