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Everything posted by Findeh

  1. I got a code for a chest opening (because it's not working by default). This code was tested like 1000-2000 times and it was working 100% of the times. About 4-6 month ago it suddenly have stoped to work. Bot is opening chest, loot it, but then just stays endlesly at the same position. I was not using that function long ago but now i need it again and after t he 6 month it is still broken. Whole profile is not working. My code is checking in a loop is there a chest spawned. And while there is a chest he is trying to loot it. So my guess, when he loots the chest, for some reason, bot continue to think that the chest it is still there, and are not going any further. Here is a code example: { WoWGameObject chest = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().FirstOrDefault(i => i.Entry == chestID); while (chest != null && chest.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(a, b, c)) < 5 && chest.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) <= 15) { if (chest.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) >= 5) { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(a, b, c)); Thread.Sleep(800); } wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObjectAutoLoot(chest.GetBaseAddress, true, false); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } Have tested it at 3 different realms, where it was working before, same problem at each of them.
  2. Yeah, but how? No turn keys in wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move. Only back, forward, strafes and up/down. If i understand correctly, this will be not a spin but an instant turn, or am i wrong?
  3. Thank you for a reply. Yeah, TurnLeftStop() is need. But it is not workiking just "from the box" if you add it in FC, for example. That's the problem. And i'm not sure how can i use MovementManager.Face() without any target. I need just to spin in one place for no reason, without any goal or something.
  4. Good day. For some reason lua code like: Lua.LuaDoString("TurnLeftStart();"); is not working. Maybe it's because it is Protected, or maybe i do it wrong, not sure. Anyway. How can i turn (rotate) character with a code? For some reason there is no function for that in wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move Thank you in advance for any advices.
  5. Prices is not a problem if a product cost it. I do hope it will. Till that moment private servers bot functionality was a questionable things. There are tones of bugs that have not been fixed for years. Previousli it was oviously, privat servers were like secondary project with cheap price for bot, while bot for official realms was a main goal with higher price. I really hope that from now on not only the prices will change, but we will also recive working meshes, elevators and so on as well.
  6. nwm. Deleted. I'm dumb )
  7. Bot don't have a list of "all quest items" to compare each item in your inventory with it before sale. You may add those items in to the "Do not sell" list by hands tho. It's located in the settings. It is not wery fast method but it will work for your goal
  8. It seems like wManager.Wow.Bot.States.StopBotIf.LastPos is not updating while bot is dead (in spirit form). For example, code like this in a loop: if (wManager.Wow.Bot.States.StopBotIf.LastPos != null && Me.Position.DistanceTo(StopBotIf.LastPos) >= 50) { Logging.WriteDebug("Short distance teleport detected"); } Will work perfectly while bot is alive. He will compare last position with a current one and will give you a message is it's true. But if you are in spirit, it seems like LastPos is always = your last position when you were alive (in a word, your corpse position). So Me.Position.DistanceTo(StopBotIf.LastPos) >= 50 will always return true if you are more then 50 metters away from your corpse. This make all teleports while you are dead absolutley undetectable.
  9. They do ban hard right now. This will not help them tho. I'm thinking that they might even have gm who is boting himself. Guess they should check him. + to that alot of chinese spam arrived recently there, wich is weird coincidence. In my opinion, there is 3 scenario even if they will ban all bots. 1) They will got tired after that, and bots will come back 2) They will continue to hunt bots but chinese will just farm by hands. 3) Realm will die (population will drop to theyrs common 200 ppl) but they will claim that it is populated realm.
  10. Yeah, totally agreed. I have to babysit all druids till level 42, and then after level ~60, when they have low hp for new expansion content and they can be killed by couple casters if they will not heal themselves.
  11. 1 mounth have passed. In additon to those 1.5 years it was reported already.
  12. Btw, it's not just about regenerane. Conditions about mana are broken as well. For example inside my FC i'm checking is there enough mana to heal and then turn back to a bear. If yes, then lets heal, if no, better fight to the death. And as a result of that bug, he always fight to the death, because thinks that he got no mana for healing and shapeshifting.
  13. Unfortunately, yes. To the left is a lake full of death (level 27-30 mobs while bot is like level 20). Far to the left, alliance camp. To the right, mobs that slow you for 5 minutes and then again mobs of high level, up to level 31 sharptalon (https://classicdb.ch/?npc=12676), wich is death trap for level 20-25 bot. And bot is constantley runing close to it location without blackzones added.
  14. It's not even a wrobot client bug. It's wrobot server side. And it was working before as i mentioned it already.
  15. Good day. Exactly the same bug that i have posted Here: Unable to move down that road. Coordinates: Map name MPQ: Kalimdor My Position: 1419.178, -2253.302, 89.91604, "None" (It's a spot near lantern, just at the middle of the road) To: Map name MPQ: Kalimdor My Position: 1422.504, -2253.203, 89.92475, "None" Same coordinates, same location, but WotLK instead of Vanilla. Can you please add a connection as well? Here is a screenshot from WotLK realm:
  16. I don't want to push or something, but just curious, will it be possible to fix or should i abandon all my WotLK druids?
  17. P.S. I can add any additional material if needed (video, screenshots, log). Also i can give a druid that have learned a form spell, for testing.
  18. Have tested. Same bug for me. Only happens in WotLK so far. Have created a bug report here: Let's hope Droidz will be able to manage it soon.
  19. When Druid is in the Bear or Cat form, bot is trying to Regen (drink or just wait) till full energy or rage bar, counting it as a mana. So druid in bear form is just stuck forever, because he can't regen rage to 100% out of combat. In cat form, he will just wait till full energy, log file will say "Regen started". In both cases, if he got any water left, he will use it after each combat even with 100% mana. Doing that, he will lose all water very fast and then will just stand forever in bear form. This bug makes druids completley broken for WotLK. And it never happened in Vanilla or BC. Here are some posts with the same problem:
  20. Seems like all the same. Also, since you have started to fix something with a map, some of my other profiles broke. Now i can't level bots in ashenvale because some meshes missing and bots act weird. Reported here with screenshots: Also bot completley ignore the mountain at Mor'Shan Base camp (the warsong horde camp in the northen Barrens). To test it, you may just stand in the middle of the camp, near vendor, turn bot on and see how it runs to Ashenvale from there. Bot this an old problem, same as Cenarion Hold. The problem with Ashenvale meshes is new tho. Never happened before.
  21. This thing was reportet more then year ago, i guess, and since then like 20 more times already. I'v crated a bug report recently about exactly the same problem. There is a map screen shot, that shows how bad is everything. Tested at Nighthaven and Lightbringer.
  22. It looks pretty same as it was before. Running through the mountain, and through the 3 walls of the building.
  23. After the last update bot some Ashenvale meshes seems broken. For example, my bot can't get stight from: Map name MPQ: Kalimdor My Position: 1419.178, -2253.302, 89.91604, "None" (It's a spot near lantern, just at the middle of the road) To: Map name MPQ: Kalimdor My Position: 1422.504, -2253.203, 89.92475, "None" (It's near the same lantern as well) All i want is to force him move straight up that road. Instead of this he runs to the Barrens, then from the Barrens he runs to the river near the Orgimmar, runs north that river, enters Ashenvale near the Azshara and then run's to that second point. Ashenvale is bad in general. Bot stucks in trees and roots if any around. So i have alot of blackspots there, preventing bots from stuck or die. Everything was working almost fine 2 days ago. So that's a new bug, i guess. Here is 2 pictures. At the first one i'm in the first coordinates. At the second one, i'm at the second coordinates (just few meters away). Can you please add those mesh connections back? Thank you.
  24. Have not tested yet, but thank you. And sorry for that spelling, for some reason half of the words in the previous message was edited by translator i use.
  25. It have been reported like 20 times already. Pathfinding in silithus is completley broken. Bot does not know even a single wal or kill at Cenarion Hold. How to reproduce. Just to use any profile, set vendor to any guy who is inside the Cenarion Hold in Silithus. Press "Go to town", watch the pass builded an the bot inbuild map.
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