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Everything posted by Findeh

  1. I have no idea why is it a thing. As i sayd, it was reported for years. By me as well. And as i also said, previously private realms was a secondary project, now it's a main thing, so i guess it should be watched more, at least for those 3 years old bugs.
  2. There a lot places like this, actually. Just Thoradins Wall and Cenarion Hold are the most noticable. You can try to runn the bot in the Hordes Warsong Gulch camp, it will be even more fun. He ignores an entire mountain.. And will ignor almost every tree near it. Places like this are also exist in Dun Morogh, Badlands, Teldrasil, Winterspring, Tanaris and who knows where else. Also both Thoradins Wall and Cenarion Hold problems were reported many times. It seems like it's more complicated that it seems, so no result yet.
  3. Stop if teleported is working, but not in every situation. They know that and will make the right situation for you, so it was not working.
  4. This is common thing, yeah. Just report him back. Constantly, like once a day. Also for him. Prices will not go up with you reports, there are always more then you are able to report. But when you help GMs to ban bots, there is higher chance then they will come for yours next (just because there will be less tickets to delay them from doing that). The more work to do they have, the better. If there will be not much tickets they may start to patrol, just because they are bored, and when they patrol, nothing will save you, especially if your bots are the only one that left.
  5. Lost 5 bots because of this. 2 of them level 50+, others 40+.
  6. I'm going kind of suppor that partially. Sometimes, for people that are programmers it's a nightmare and joke as well. To many bugs that you can't workaround and no one going to fix them ever. Sometimes people fix part of them with paid or free plugins. It should not be like that, it should just work without 34 plugins that are fixing obvious things, that should work "from the box".
  7. Welcome to the club )
  8. Well, i don't know. Just sended you a ticket, so you were be able to see when it will be fixed.
  9. I'll tell you guys a funny botting story, that only boters will understand, i guess. True story btw. Back in 2008-2009 when wotlk was released i was using WowMimic for grinding. It was decent cheap grinder back then and skinning was profitable. The bot was only able to run in circle (no pathfinder, only moveing from point A to point B, to C and so on) and spam 1, 2 , 3 buttons. We were using macrosses instead of rotation and bot was just spamming button 1 each second, button 2 each 5 seconds and button 3 each 15 seconds or someething like that. Bot was also able to sell stuff to a vendor and mail the rest to the alt. Just so you understand how shitty it was. There was no mail checking by GM's back then, so, as you may guess, everyone was sending things to an alt and then sell it. Everyone except me, because i was paranoid (and moron, even more then i am now). Instead of runing 30+ bots and mail loot to an alt, like everyone did, i was running like 5 bots and was selling everithing myself with every bot. By hands.. And then one day chinese developers (or whoever they was) made an update for bot (and you was not able to reject update of your bot back then). With the new update, for some reason, instead of mailing to an alt bot was sending an empty ticket to GM (rofl). During one day hundreds of bots have "reported" themselves. It was so fucking funny, that i am laughing every time i remember this. Bot that spam tickets to gm, i can't even imagine how to do that on purpose. The forum was flooded with rage of the guys who have lost theyr farms, or was not able to bot and mail to an alt. And there was "smart" me, who was laughing at them all and giving advices like: "You should never mail to alt in a first place, because this way they may ban all you bots in one go, just by mail check" and so on. They was not even answering back then, and only after like year or two i counted that they were farming tones of gold with automated process almost without bans, and i was sitting there as slave with my shitty 5 bots, farming my 500$ per month, doing half work by hands and thinking how smart i am.
  10. Lol, i do hope you guys are just trolling with all that advices.
  11. Yeah, i've tried to do exactly that. But it seems like impossible task, at least at windows with my close to 0 windows scripting skills ?
  12. There will be a lot of text. Sorry in advance for my english, hope it will be readable without bleeding from both eyes. Different clients don't work. I do that. Got 20 copies of wow. And i do delete them all after each ban and create new one. They are targeting lan, no doubt there. The guy that runs "many" bots is clearly running like 3-4 per PC, or even less. Maybe even with VM, that's my guess to calm you ) Current solution - many network adapters or many vpn. It also seems that they are flooding the port from time to time. Maybe that's their check. My bots do disconnect atleast couple times befor ban, sometimes they can not even reach Wrobot server (according to the logs), so they clearly experiencing some short-time internet trouble. At the same time, bots at another PC with the same internet don't even disconect. So it's not internet globally, it's an only one adapter / pc problem. P.S. Also, if there are really guys, who is running 10+ bots per pc with 1 network adapter, 20+ hours per day, without VM, and they are not affected by mass bans, i'd assume that they have some kind of inbuild proxy or NAT within their provider network, that is, somehow, protects them by not leaking their real local ip. For example, if you will have adsl connection, it's mostly using vpn during each connect. Lets asume they gather statistic "how many connects from local ip x.y.z.n were done". If you are running 10 bots with the same local ip, you will hit that filter very fast. If you are running like 3, maybe you will not hit it. And if you change your local IP often (like every 12 hours atleas, because you are running adsl vpn), maybe you will not hit that filter as well. So you may think you are superior, but in fact, it's just a coincidence or your provider network architecture. It's just a theory, i'm not an network engineer or something, have no idea what i'm talking about )
  13. Running 15 right now. Just for the test. Still afraid to run at full capacity
  14. Have you tried to set up ForceBindIP? In my experiance there is no automatic way to catch up traffic and force it through a virtual network adapter. You have to manually start each program every time. Or am i wrong?
  15. And how that will help to use different virtual network adapters? )
  16. It's just don't work. You have to manually start every wow and every bot, so i did not bot this way.
  17. I have tried this, in my experience create 10+ network adapters, and force each .exe use different network adapter, and make it work automatically is harder then create a VM. But much less expensive. Maybe i just was doing it a wrong way.
  18. I wonder what will happen if you will change computers s routers pairs. I mean if you got PC1 + Internet 1 (router 1) and PC2 + Internet2 (router 2), what will happen if you'll make pairs PC1 + Internet2 and PC2 +Internet1. Will they continue to ban the same pc or will they start to ban a new one.
  19. You will not be able to run 5 + 5 bots and 2 vm on a pc that is able to run only 10 bots without VM. It's more like 3-4 bots instead of 10.
  20. There at least 3 things that no one mentioned here, that may be filtered by them, but i don't want to post that because if they don't use that, they may start to ) Have tested 2 of 3, nothing good so far.
  21. Is 1.12 supposed to lag like shit with VMware? Running 4gb ram and 6 cores just for 2 bots and they do lag hard, sometimes bots windows just freezes and they do not unfreeze till i change the window resolution or something like that.
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