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GoodGold Bro

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Everything posted by GoodGold Bro

  1. Just wondering. Is this a general issue for all classes? Im having this problem on my druids aswell. But only when in Travel (Flight) Form. It seems to be alot better when im on my Sky Golem. But the sky golem is so big and clunky. Reason for thinking that this might be a druid travel form problem is because logs posted from @mankin also shows druid.
  2. Not me, but Im signing in on this thread because I would love to know the same. Is this what you are looking for? -Pick up mail -Go to Auctioneer -Auctioning -> Start post scan (using your predefined TSM settings) -> Post all -Repeat for 10 mins / or log out or whatever. Yeh, that would make my life so much easier :D
  3. Try setting the "search radius" In General Settings to 5 (on your slaves).
  4. I have never used wrobot with multiboxer software. Its either one or the other. I use Keyclone (not isboxer) that works like a charm. no monthly fee. Most times I multibox with botting is when i do herb raid. Plant seed and harvest x 10 :DD (instead of selling seeds). 1 x main char is played normal and the other 9 is on bot in "Party" mode with "Serach radius:" set to "50" and follow on main char under general settings to avoid them running off to other nodes.
  5. Hi. Im multiboxing and sometimes multibotting. To be able to run 11 wow clients on my PC (with Relogger/wRobot), I had to make a few adjustments. First of all, I optimized my config.wtf (see attachment in this post). Also, I made it read-only. Very important. Then, I made some changes to the FrameRateSurfer.cs plugin (see attachment), 8fps is enough. 11 small Wow windows spread accross my screens. Auto_Loot.cs also added because this setting fucked up alot for some chars. Good luck! Feel free to post your tips and tricks. Config.wtf FrameRateSurfer.cs Auto_Loot.cs
  6. 1. Works like a charm for me on 2 different computers on the same local network. They have different local IPs, but only one IP out on the internet (like most ususal networks).
  7. Stop the bot -> Open General Settings -> Enter Advanced Settings -> Click "Settings" (to the right of the fight class)
  8. Version 1.0.0


    As I have been multiboxing and multibotting, Im am having issues when character-sessions havent been saving "auto-loot" on, so I tweaked Droidz "Auto Disable "Click to move""-plugin to make Auto-loot always be on. If you download them both and open in a text-editor, you can easily see that you can make these kinds of plugins to just about every on/off setting in game. wrobot needs to run for this to be active. Here is the original aswell: ps: my first upload. Let me know if there is any change u want to this.
  9. Yes! As a multboxer, this is exactly what I needed to lower the framerate on background clients. (No, editing config.wtf didnt help for all clients, only for some. Dunno why).
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