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  1. Great plugin. Works flawlessly for vanilla. Few small suggestions though. "bot hunters" like to chain sheep/fear/mindcontrol the mobs of their "suspects". And it instantly reveals a bot if the character just keeps stutterstepping after a feared or mindcontrolled target. Or if the "suspect" doesn't say/do anything after the target mob has been chain sheeped, regenerating to full hp, for 3 minutes. And maybe, if not a hassle, throw in an alert option when being attacked by a player, since the bot usually still fights players like a bot and can be exploited to reveal itself, by kiting the bot endlessly etc. So I'd love a chance to quickly disable the bot and defend myself in pvp situations. Every time I hear the death alert sound and notice that it was due to another player, then the first thing that goes through my mind is paranoia, "Ohh shit, I hope the bot didn't somehow give itself away." To sum it up; Could You perhaps add an alert option iin case the target mob is sheeped/feared/mindcontrolled and another option for when "being struck by another player" Then the addon would be perfect =) Keep up the good work.
  2. Great plugin. One small suggestion though. Could you perhaps add an option in the settings to disable the plugin whils't in combat? Currently it badly conflicts with Droidz "MoveinCombat" plugin, since it tries to "smoothly move" and starts glitching out. Droidz' "MoveinCombat" is also a mandatory botting plugin and currently I had to choose it over the "SmoothMove" plugin.
  3. I did disable the food/drink/ammo purchasing before I started up the session, it still ran to a different vendor inside the hut to sell (My vendor was outside). Anyway now all the gamebreaking stuff seems to be fixed. Thanks for the fast replies and keep up the good work =) PS! Have you thought about adding the option to HS on full bags for quicker vendoring? Could come in handy for grinding in remote areas. The less people see me running around as a bot, the safer I feel. I'll be waiting for the skinning fix plugin =)
  4. This time after dying it did use the correct pathways back to my corpse, navigated around the lake and didn't get stuck. And now the pathing seems to be fixed even when fighting mobs. So this might be somekind of strange glitch only I might be having :D All I did was turn the settings off like you asked and then turned them back on again. I did leave the "Avoid packs of higher lvl mobs" off, maybe that was it, even though it didn't fix anything the first time I turned it off, had to turn it off twice =) Still gets stuck looting the BoP beacon quest item until the corpse despawns though Sorry for panicking you :D , but I would still appreciate if you could release the skinning fix as a separate plugin.
  5. Turning off "Avoid Grups of higher lvl enemies" and "Smartpull" didn't help. I also forgot to mention that eventhough I turned off the option of the bot using the plugins own assigned vendorlist it still tried to run to a different vendor that I did not choose in my profile, so it appears to be overwriting my grind profile setting.
  6. Strange, my pathfinding seems to change a lot. It stops running around objects as elegantly as it used to and it can't seem to detect height (Z) anylonger (runs off cliffs, into small hills etc.) For instance, when I turn off the plugin, then it navigates through Camp Mojache nicely, CTM clicks every ~8 yards if it has to, but when I enable the plugin, then the first CTM waypoint is 100 yards away on the other side of the obstacle in Mojache's case - a lake). It also acts like this when releasing and corpserunning, instead of following the path over the bridge, it just runs and falls into the lake trying to hover over the lake back into the spot. Fighting aswell, instead of running in small CTM intervals as it did before, now it clicks ~80 yards ahead right to the mob, but doesnt realize that there's a hill inbetween and keeps running into it. Also I just noticed that after disabling smartpull it stopped going to the vendor after inventory got full. Just keeps trying to loot stuff even though inventory is full. After disabling smartpull all pulling slowed down, now after targeting a mob it stands in one place for ~2 seconds just staring at the mob before running towards it. Could you please later find time and release the skinning fix portion as a separate plugin? I remember Droidz mentioning in an old post that he doesn't intend to fix it. Would greatly appreciate it :)
  7. EDIT: FIXED, scroll down for more info Great plugin overall, but pathfinding in Feralas is a mess. When enabled, then the plugin pathfinding overwrites the bot's base pathfinding and it keeps getting stuck everywhere. Main problem area is around Camp Mojache, there are lakes around the town and it keeps running straight into the lake and gets stuck there. So corpserunning and vendoring is currently a no-no in eastern Feralas. Problem appears to be the lack of waypoints, which are too far in-between.and don't zig-zag around the lakes/rivers. When I disable the plugin, then everything is instantly fixed again and it doesn't get stuck anywhere. playing around with the options within the plugin doesn't help. 2nd problem is, that the quest oox-22/FE-Distress beacons cannot be picked up more than once, so it just gets stuck trying to loot them until the corpse despawns, which is ~5 minutes. Which again is fixed instantly when the plugin is disabled and the bot's base framework takes over. (Then it stops trying to loot them after ~10 seconds) Could you possibly release the skinning fix as a separate plugin for those, who purchased the plugin? or perhaps an option to turn off the plugin's pathfinding, so it would only use the features? It' the main reason I got it for grinding, since the base bot's skinner is buggy and doesn't work correctly even if the delay MS is increased to 800-1000. Now skinning works, but I have to babysit it for vendoring and corpserunning and it gets stuck behind trees/hills in remote areas. The bot's base pathfinding works perfectly for grinding in secluded areas, but the plugin's built in pathfinding messes it up. That's why I'm asking for an option to turn plugin's pathfinding off when not running a questing profile. :) This is constructive feedback, as I mentioned in the beginning that the plugin is very good overall and I'm sure these issues get ironed out soon enough, the creator appears to be updating it almost daily and he's doing a good job. The plugin works nicely for quest profiles, it seems to have been built around questing areas/profiles but gets buggy when used for remote area grind profiles.
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