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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Plugin for autoequipping bags in Vanilla WoW. Inspired by the plugin "Auto use Bags" that doesn't work for vanilla I created my own. Most useful when starting new chars to enlarge the bag capacity. Supports hopefully all available bags in vanilla. If I forgot any, feel free to comment or to update the file yourself. Greets
  2. Oh a neighbor ;) I'm in Switzerland - stickin' with english for the rest of us. I had the problem with highlevel druid too - just went to retro-wow and made some instant 60 there. Nice for testing. Finally I'm glad to help, just started with wRobot 3 weeks ago and had to search the forum myself a lot for solutions to similar problems for my fightclass. Nice profile noe for general use as a casting druid I guess. Think it works fine for leveling in party. Regards and gn8 netquick
  3. Took a look in your file. There were few errors: - Can't use !ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage < 10 since you can't use negative "me" and correct writing is ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage >= 10 - Same problem as with my first file: for using self heal you have to target yourself first - Some InCombatFlagOnly checks made some problems too. - Guess you could remove Buffsection since care() and grpHeal() covers all already i think - It's still spamming travel form (was indoor while testing, so did nothing) - you have to take a look in that I guess. And I did the following: if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { care(); Buff(); //doing heals in group if (Party.IsInGroup()) { if (ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 20) { GrpHeal(); } if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { // new: grp Heals if (ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 5) { GrpHeal(); } } //care(); } if (!Party.IsInGroup()) { CombatRotation(); } // new: grp Heals } That way it acts as heal if in group and fights as normal when solo. My reply is attached. Have a good night (or day whetever you are) :-) netquick [Vanilla]Druid_PartyHealer_noFight-1.cs
  4. Oh my bad, forgot to remove that condition from settings as I copied from a larger project that I'm on. @eeny: I'm writing a fightclass that switches between different classes and roles without changing fc and will upload this if finished. Just sticked some snippets from that for the RestoDruid-Class. Now after removing unused condition I tried it by creating a 60 Druid quickly. Seems to work after some further tweaking. Only one issue I couldn't solve so far: As soon as in combat the healer stops to move and doesn't follow anymore. If the target is out of range he just does nothing anymore. Here's v3: [Vanilla]Resto_Druid_v3.cs
  5. Don't know if it's also possible and how to do in xml but here's a short example in c# that should to what you're after. I'm not very skilled yet and learned from default profiles and code snippets - there could be better ways to do it. I coulnd't test it due the lack of active accounts currently. But don't hesitate to ask back if it's not working or check the file yourself. Some important parts are commented. regards Netquick //edit: stupid me, first attached the wrong file and after i remembered there was a problem with healing all members but not the druid himself. Added v2 for that case. [Vanilla]Resto_Druid_v1.cs [Vanilla]Resto_Druid_v2.cs
  6. this is not mentionned. It even says WRotation and Party are 100% free - 100% should include officials. It seems the german translation is very out of date then. But I got it and leave as I wanted to test the product - not the subscription.
  7. yeah thanks - but why I should check in the description of a subscription when I am interested in the free trial - this makes no sense to me. Other than that the descripton says: "Eine Testversion (limitiert auf 15 Minuten, du musst Wrobot danach neu starten, um die Demoversion wieder zu benutzen) ist verfügbar, die Produkte WRotation und Party sind 100% gratis (ohne Zeitlimit). " I am looking for that version to test it. So it should be possible to use and try without a key.
  8. No there is nothing like that on bottom of "the" page but a big button called "Jetzt Testversion herunterladen" (download trial now) directly on the front page. No hint about needing a subscription. But thanks, I guess I know enough then. ;) regards
  9. Hi I just downloaded the trial version of WRobot to get an impression if everything works before I buy the product. When I start the program it asks for a license key. I followed the instructions but entereing a license key isn't covered in instructions. Where can I find a license key for trial? Thanks in advance netquick
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