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Posts posted by headcrab

  1. If your target is WoWPlayer or WoWUnit you can get it class:

    WoWClass targetClass = ((WoWUnit)target).WoWClass;
    swith (targetClass) {
      case WoWClass.Warrior: //melee
      case WoWClass.Paladin: // melee
      case WoWClass.Hunter: // range

    but in some cases you need also target specialization (for example, for Druid). Its possible, but only on battlefield. Look Battleground helper plugin, how it detects enemy healers, no problem to detect melee/range too


  2. 5 hours ago, Drwolftech said:

    Yes, but i use xml fight class for every class i play.

    I had the same problem with xml fight classes and solved it by this way:

    In fight class editor there is spell option "Lock Frame", true by default. In raids/battlegrounds there are too much events handled by robot, and this option can freeze your screen. Simply set false value for spells with heavy/long-calculated conditions, and it will unfreeze your screen. For spells with instant-calculated conditions you can leave true value. 

    Usually, C# classes dont use this option

  3. You can do some research with dnSpy. Download dnSpy.zip, unpack, run and open wManager.dll - and you will see how robot works. New versions are obfuscated, and is impossible to understand what's going on inside, but old are pretty clear (if you know c# or resembling language). Using old and new versions you can find similar places in code and even do patch, for example, change this 45f to 60f. Or understand, is it possible to customize robot with plugin

  4. 1 hour ago, scripterx said:

    Ok maybe I don't get your reply at all, but I just want to know where that 45 comes from.

    45f is hardcoded in FightBG private function. 

    Do you have decompiler? Try to find old, non-obfuscated robot and open function used in FightBG.StartFight. You will see something like this:

    	if (woWUnit.Position.DistanceTo(position) > 45f)
    		return Int128.Zero();

    In old versions you can change this value and recompile, new versions are obfuscated, only byte-patch can help

  5. You can patch wManager.dll this way:

    1) Make shure bot cant find bobber. Go to fishing water and run this c# code in developement tools: 

    Spell _f = new Spell("Fishing");
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    	_f.Launch(false, false, true);
    	Logging.Write("Bobber GUID = "+Fishing.SearchBobber());

    look in the log. If there always this strings, it means bot cant find bobber:

    [F] 19:10:33 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    19:10:35 - Bobber GUID = 0

    2) try to find minimum wait value to find bobber. Gradually increase 2000 -> 3000 until you see in log non-zero bobber GUID. This code will help you:

    Spell _f = new Spell("Fishing");
    for (int i=2000; i<3000; i=i+100) {
    	_f.Launch(false, false, true);
    	Logging.Write("Wait:" + i+ "   Bobber GUID = "+Fishing.SearchBobber());

     If found, you can patch program

    3) download and install dnSpy (dnSpy.zip)

    4) run dnSpy, open wManager.dll and find method wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.FishingTask.LoopFish (with many arguments)


    You will see obfuscated code, but there is string easy to find. It should looks like this (contains symbols ThreadStart):


    5) click on the method in the end of string (name can be different). You will open this method. Find in this method string "Others.Wait". This is place to patch


    6) Right click ans select "Edit Method (C#)". As argument type value you found, for example, 2500:


    7) Compile, save, and enjoy

    Never update your robot, or do this steps again, if updated, and fising not works as before

  6. Even better, no need to interrupt, simply remove ground mount for N milliseconds :)

    	private void mountDelay(int delay) {
    		if (delay == 0) return;
    		string mountName = wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName;
    		if (mountName == null) return;
    		new Thread(() => {
    			wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = null;
    			try {
    			} catch (Exception arg) {
    				Logging.WriteError("Exception during nomount: "+arg, true);
    			} finally {
    				wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = mountName;

    Will publish in next plugin version

  7. for me this works:

    robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += StateWatcher;
    	private void StateWatcher(Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable) {
    		if (state == null) return;
    		if (state is ResurrectBG && AutoBGSettings.CurrentSetting.ressBGpause) {
    			string mountName = wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName;
    			if (mountName == null) return;
    			wManager.Wow.Class.Spell mount = new wManager.Wow.Class.Spell(mountName);
    			new System.Threading.Thread(() => {
    				Timer mountTimer = new Timer(1000);
    				while (!mountTimer.IsReady && ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive) {
    					if (ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpellId == mount.Id) {
    						Logging.Write("stop mount");

    Solution is more complex, because ResurrectBG fires many times when player dead. Need to play with timers, but in general it works. I'll test it and will publish new version of plugin

  8. My previous solution dont work 100% and i found better (simply dont let to use ground mount for 1st second):

    		if (state is ResurrectBG) {
    			String mountName = wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName;
    			if (mountName == null) return;
    			wManager.Wow.Class.Spell mount = new wManager.Wow.Class.Spell(mountName);
    			for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    				if (ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpellId == mount.Id)

    I added it to my Battleground helper plugin, so you can simply install it and select option ResurrectBG pause

  9. ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile is useful function in many cases. To select lowest HP enemy, to multi dot, etc. But useless in pvp, because returns List<WoWUnit> objects with WoWPlayer exclusion (there is woWObject.Type==WoWObjectType.Unit condition inside this function). So, proper GetWoWUnitHostile is:

    public static List<WoWUnit> GetWoWPlayerHostile() {
      List<WoWUnit> result = new List<WoWUnit>();
      try {
        foreach (WoWObject woWObject in ObjectManager.ObjectList) {
          if (!woWObject.IsValid || woWObject.IsInvisible) continue;
          WoWUnit o;
          switch (woWObject.Type) {
          //case WoWObjectType.Unit:
          //  o = new WoWUnit(woWObject.GetBaseAddress);
          //  break;
          case WoWObjectType.Player:
            o = new WoWPlayer(woWObject.GetBaseAddress);
          default: continue;
          if (woWObject.IsInvisible) continue;
          if (o.Reaction <= Reaction.Unfriendly && !o.IsDead) {
      } catch (Exception arg) {
        Logging.WriteError("GetWoWPlayerHostile error " + arg, true);
      return result;
    public static List<WoWUnit> GetWoWUnitHostile() {
      List<WoWUnit> enemies = GetWoWPlayerHostile();
      if (enemies.Count == 0)
        enemies = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile();
      return enemies;

    This function selects enemy players first, and if nothing found, selects hostile units.

    I left some commented code in GetWoWPlayerHostile so you can see my 1st variant - 1 list with players and units together. But i think final variant is better for PVP and even for all cases

  10. Looks like WaitIsCasting broken. Does this code gathers herb (with normal latency, less than 500)? What you see in log window?

    WoWObject _t = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByName("Peacebloom").OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault();
    Interact.InteractGameObject(_t.GetBaseAddress, true, false);
    // this code works like Usefuls.WaitIsCasting();
    robotManager.Helpful.Timer timer = new robotManager.Helpful.Timer((double)(Usefuls.Latency + 200));
    while (!timer.IsReady && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) {
    while (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) {

    If not gathers, try to increase in 4rd string 200 -> 300...400 but not much more.

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