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Posts posted by headcrab

  1. Ok. Because all want know, i'll write it here. 

    1. check AcceptBattlefieldPort is disabled on your server. Open developement tools and run C# code 
      Battleground.JointBattleGroundQueue(32); // this is random BG

      This starts BG queue, and should accept BG when it ready. If it works, you need no any modifications. If not accepts, LUA function AcceptBattlefieldPort is disabled on your server or works unstable. So, go to step 2

    2. download and install dnSpy

    3. in dnSpy open wManager.dll and find method AcceptBattlefieldPortAll  s1.PNG.1ef25ea2a1e2f3b3714438162426828f.PNG    

    4. right click and run menu item "Edit Method (C#)". You will see obfuscated code, but no problem. Find string with Battleground.AcceptBattlefieldPort and comment it  s2.PNG.00d15863ab0915ab8180d2e6d19f8f2c.PNG   

    5. compile and save.

    Voila, now your battlegrounder will accept BG with Battlegrounder helper plugin, because it uses alternative method.

    Dont update your robot, or do this steps after every update

  2. 17 minutes ago, Artud said:

    It still doesn't work for me, even with the plugin. 

    So, AcceptBattlefieldPort is disabled on your server. You have to patch wManager.dll:

    • open wManager.Wow.Helpers.Battleground.AcceptBattlefieldPortAll() method
    • find and comment string with Battleground.AcceptBattlefieldPort
    • compile

    After this bot will 100% accept BG with my plugin

  3. Can you target it with left button (i have not herbaist right now, so cant check how it works)? 

    If cant, try this code

    WoWObject _t = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByName("put here name of herb").OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault();
    Interact.InteractGameObject(_t.GetBaseAddress, true, false);

    but dont forget to put right herb name

  4. Not latency, but 3000 in my code 

    Spell _f = new Spell("Fishing");
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    	_f.Launch(false, false, true);
    	Logging.Write("Bobber GUID = "+Fishing.SearchBobber());

    Can you find minimum, maybe 2500 ?

    Fishing task not depends on latency, you will have to patch wManager.dll, or wait until @Droidz do it. Thats why i say "bad"

  5. Now all code is obfuscated and its impossible to understarnd what it doing. Maybe there is logical error in bot. But in previous versions there was this sequence in farming task:

    			Interact.InteractGameObject(gameObject.GetBaseAddress, true, false);

    And WaitIsCasting algorithm (with my comments):

    				robotManager.Helpful.Timer timer = new robotManager.Helpful.Timer((double)(Usefuls.Latency + 200));
    				while (!timer.IsReady && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast)
    				{	// waits until start casting but no more than Usefuls.Latency + 200
    					if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause)
    				while (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause)
    				{	// waits while casting


    Could you run this C# code in developement tools

    wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp= Usefuls.LatencyReal;


  6. latency is just server reaction time, you do not need so high settings. 500 ms is enough to get response from server. It recognises you start interact with herb node, and player start casting "Herb Gathering" spell. After this bot waits while player casting (infinite) and then looting (latency+2000).

    When gather manually, do you need wait 2500 ms before "Herb Gathering" starts? I think no.

    So, suspecting something else. I think it HumanMasterPlugin - it starts moving too early. Disable it and check herb gathering

  7. To find the cause go to fishable water, open developer tools and run this C# code:

    Spell Fising = new Spell("Fishing");
    for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
    	Fishing.Launch(false, false, true);
    	Logging.Write("Bobber GUID = "+Fishing.SearchBobber());

    Write what you see in log. Is there GUID value every time?

  8. I think you can call GetInstanceInfo.

    For example, if you use lua events listener (i never tried, but maybe it possible in grinding profile too), you can call it after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event:

    	private void MyLuaHandler(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) {
    		switch (id) {
    		case LuaEventsId.LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW: 
    		case LuaEventsId.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD:
    		default: break;
    	private void StartInstance() {
    		string[] dungeonInfo = Lua.LuaDoString<string[]>("return GetInstanceInfo()");
    		// name=dungeonInfo[0] type=dungeonInfo[1] difficulty=dungeonInfo[2] ...
    		if (dungeonInfo[1] == "party") {
    			// here you can check dungeon name
    			switch (dungeonInfo[0]) {
    			case "Gruul's Lair": 
    			case "another name":
    			default: break;


  9. you can try to make auto accept dungeon plugin, like i did in Battleground helper.

    For this you have to listen Lua event LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW, and when it fires, call AcceptProposal() function, or, if it disabled, click accept button programmatically. To discover name of button, type /fstack command, join dungeon queue, and when confirm dialog popup, put cursor above button and read it name.

    Plugin code should be like this:

    using wManager.Wow.Enums;
    using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin {
    	public void Initialize() {
    		EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += MyLuaHandler;
    	public void Dispose() {
    		EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs -= MyLuaHandler;
    	private void MyLuaHandler(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) {
    		if (id == LuaEventsId.LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW) {
    			// or Lua.LuaDoString("Button_name_you_found:Click()");
    	public void Settings() {
    		// no settings

    Of course, you can handle other events too (like invite accept and role select)

  10. Работает это так: бот проверяет качество вещей в сумках, и продает те, на которых галочка. При этом, независимо от качества, не продаются те, которые в списке Do not Sell, и продаются те, которые в списке Force Sell.

    Названия в списках должны в точности соответствовать тому, как они пишутся в WoW

    Медная руда - для русского клиента

    Copper Ore - для английского

  11. Условия на самом деле разные, посмотри в самый конец. Ну а код - пипец. Вместо этих 4 строчек в скобочках используй метод с сигнатурой:

    public void Launch(bool stopMove, bool waitIsCast, bool ignoreIfCast, bool castOnSelf)

    Думаю, с аргументами тут всё должно быть понятно.

    Regen - это время поесть/попить, если задано. Поищи в настройках

  12. Есть заготовка плагина для БГ. Делает примерно то же, что и аддон BattlegroundTargets, но в роботе: определяет состав и роли в группе противника. Все это складывает в таблицу, которой можно дальше пользоваться. Например, атаковать в первую очередь хилеров. Пока что просто спамит в инстанс чат количество противников и кто у них хилер (настраивается).

    Интересует кого такая штука или пофиг?

    Насчет атаки - нужна только идея, на какое событие посадить выбор противника


  13. Does it write "confirm" and other states to log and WoW console?

    If you think it clicks too fast simply add string

    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // or another value if 100 is not enough

    in the BattlefieldStatusHandler method, before string 



  14. 13 hours ago, Alex007 said:

    Same situation

    I uploaded new version, try to use LUA callback.

    In settings set spam=True to make sure plugin works.

    Also, try use wrotation and join to battleground queue manually - does it auto accepts BG?


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