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(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\

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Everything posted by (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\

  1. Well, what u want to do, level up - go for http://prntscr.com/k267ec to level 20, then use grinder, look inside the forum, you will find lots of profiles, even some questers, that actually quest
  2. With Free Fight classes/profiles, etc, nothing bought except one plugin, which im not using, since its making my CPU burn xD
  3. Maybe you don't know how to config it properly, its working fine with me ?
  4. Sorry for late answer, was trying to fix it myself, sadly couldn't find solution, hope you can help, i'm running 8 sessions with only Proxifier active in background, nothing else(teamviewer, skype etc..) And the problem appears only 2/8 characters, but they are all with identical wrobot configuration, so its weird..also same classes/race 3 Jul 2018 18H21.log.html
  5. I have tried it all,Deleted DB, deleted wrobot, downloaded again, run on Automaton with the plugin only, problem still here, thank you for your support tho, if you can suggest something else, please do so.
  6. I was unable to PM you, but i posted screenshots, with plugin ON and OFF, ill send log here on PM
  7. Yes, i've done that: unpack this into your WRobot folder - everything in Bin goes into Bin - everything in Data goes into Data - everything in Plugins goes into Plugin Also i have only WhatsGoingOn, Whisper screenshot, ressurect on spirit heal(for warmane), Combine and AntiAfk Plugin, i hope this is useful.
  8. Hey nice plugin, but after activating it, my CPU usage went from 60% usually to 100% all the time, any advice you can give me?
  9. Hello, lately i increased the number of sessions i run(from 5 to 8 ) at the same time, and two of the bots are unable to sell items to vendor, also all of them are unable to repair themselves, any suggestions how to fix that? Thanks!
  10. Hello guys, its my first bug report, so please excuse me if i'm doing something wrong, thanks! Lets get to the point, when my character run out of mana/hp and is swimming, its not going to the land and start regeneration, but its staying in the water and trying to regenerate, and as you know its impossible to regenerate in water.
  11. On on Proxification Rules and check Action - it should be using your SOCKS5 proxy, because if its set to Direct it will connect with your IP address. Also i advice you to set Default to Direct and manage wow.exe to connect through proxy - http://prntscr.com/jh7r2z So everything EXCEPT wow.exe will connect through your IP and wow.exe through proxy.
  12. Yes, thank you, btw, as you can see http://prntscr.com/jfbks0 its socks5 format. I tested HTTPS and its Working, but not working for socks5.
  13. yes the proxy is socks5, not HTTP thanks tho i will try some stuff and see what happens, please let me know if u have some other ideas in mind.
  14. Yes, check result - http://prntscr.com/jf7zic wow_01 - http://prntscr.com/jf7z6f
  15. I bought proxy, but still doesn't work for me, http://prntscr.com/jf1l5r Proxy server added: https://prnt.sc/jf1lj5 Rules: http://prntscr.com/jf1m3k - host is missing, i've used *.warmane.com but it's same shit. please tell me what i'm doing wrong? Thank you!
  16. http://prntscr.com/jeypf8 Is this cause of the free proxy? if so, can you please tell me where to buy socks5 proxy, thanks!
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