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Everything posted by homeslice
I'm using a heal spell in General Settings -> Food/Drink with 'not an item, is spell'. Drink is set to 5% -> 95%, but no matter where mana is, if I cast the heal spell, I sit to drink. This uses up way too much water. I have the same heal spell as part of my fight class if my HP gets very low in combat. I tried putting another instance of this spell in teh fight class to use at the end of combat, but about 15% of the time, it interrupts looting, adn I just leave loot on the corpse.
Can't Face Targets
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
Restart machine seemed to fix the wonky happy hop. I removed the NPCs and added them by pressing the "Add Target" button instead of manually putting them in. Seems to work now. All good ~ty! -
Trying to use the simplest Grinder possible. Tiny striaght-line path, reverse at end of path. Fight Class just casts Smite, and heals at 50% hp. Bot won't target mobs unless I manually click them while Grinder is running. Once in combat, but jumps and spins around constantly, won't face target. Playing on TurtleWow.
Drinks on Every Recovery
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
Still fiddling with relying on Fight Class to heal. Is there a way to have the Fight Class heal after combat? I tried adding a spell with higher HP boundary, and added a Not in Combat condition, but it seems to ignore it. I guess because it is not considering the Fight Class once it's done fighting. -
Pulls Too Many Mobs Around Corners
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
Got it. That should do it. I had "Ignore fights when traveling" disabled, but I didn't see that one under mount options. Thank you! -
Drinks on Every Recovery
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
Yes, I understand how to adjust my fight class and heal settings to adjust for this issue. But this is not a fix. Healing activity in combat is not the same as out of combat, and shouldn't need to be. Mana and health have 2 separate recovery thresholds, and it they should be able to be handled separately. I can go up to about 6 fights without drinking with the right settings that include a single heal after combat. To correct for this issue, I have the choice of drinking every 2-3 fights, or entering more fights with less health, and dying more. -
Pulls Too Many Mobs Around Corners
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
I will try that option in Path-finding. I don't want to blacklist these spots, because they are normal parts off the path. The issue only comes up if the bot targets something around a corner, and runs past other mobs to get to it. Is there no way to tellthe bot to stop and fight once it's in combat, instead of blindly running off to the next target? -
Drinks on Every Recovery
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
That's wrong. The bot will stop to drink every time it stops to heal. If the mana threshold is set from 35% to 95%, and you finish combat with 100% mana, and cast a single heal spell, it will stop to drink. -
When the bot picks a target and starts pathing toward it, if it has to go around obstacles (buildings, structures, etc.) it is ignoring the mobs it's pulling along the way. I turned off "Ignore fights when traveling", and that did not fix it. I reduced interaction distance to 25 (down from 45), not sure yet if that will do it yet, but that shouldn't be the required fix. The mobs in question were on the attack list on the grinder profile.
Drinks on Every Recovery
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
Why not? is there a feature in development? It doesn't make any sense to heal via spell between combat, and then use up water with 80% mana. The problem isn't that water is so valuable, but: (A) It looks bad to be drinknig after every fight, especially with so much mana already (B) Running out of water means you can't drink when you're supposed to, and then you have to make too many trips back to town. -
Every time I need to heal for recovery, it also drinks, even if it is not below the mana recovery threshold. Help?
No, it doesn't wait, it just goes right back to fighting, ignoring your low HP, and usually dies.
When fighting in the water, the bot appears to ignore food settings. The logs don't show "Regen [Started]", it just loots and hops to the next fight. I've seen this in multiple locations, took awhile to figure out what the common thread was, but water appears to be it. If I'm swimming, I can't eat, obviously, but it doesn't appear to be trying to.
I'll post logs when I have some relevant ones again. I have tried clicking, around, too, but it doesn't seem to help. e: playing on a vanilla private server, haven't tried a reinstall
I generally babysit my bot pretty hard, and I often have to stop it, because it's running into too large a pack or whatever. If it's already picked a mob and is running towards it, though, I have a hard time getting it to actually stop. I hit stop on the program, and my toon just keeps running. I try sitting, jumping, turning, hitting forward, backward, whatever. My character just keeps running toward it's target until it runs right up to them. This usually results in death. I image I look like a broken bot, too. Any ideas on how to actually stop my character when I stop the bot? It's really frustrating ....
Thanks, this seems to do it. Sometimes, it seems like I still wander a bit off. Does this control the max distance form the hotspot, or from wherever the character is at the time? I think it's chaining so it goes from the hotspot to X yards away at max distance, then X yards away from that again. Is there a way to stop that?
I feel like I've seen this setting somewhere, but I can't seem to find anything now that I want it. I am doing a very basic grinding profile, but it's dangerous to go far from the hotspot. I am farming 2 kinds of mobs, and they span a fairly broad distance, but if I run too far away from the spot I want to stay, I run into more problematic mobs. So, how can I set it to only walk X yards from the hotspot? I'd much rather restart and stand still awaiting respawns than die over and over. Thanks!
Healer Fightclass
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
What should I do with that? I added a C# Code condition, and plugged that in, didn't seem to change his behavior. When I drop below my chosen HP%, he casts renew on himself before casting it on me. e: sometimes he just casts on himself, and doesn't heal me at all. -
Healer Fightclass
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
update: I switched: "Cast spell on" to "none", and he heals the warrior again. Still burns a lot of mana on himself unnecessarily, and also won't heal outside of combat. I would much prefer, as you say, to have separate conditions for healing himself, Is there addition C# code I could plug in to force him to not cast on himself? -
Healer Fightclass
homeslice replied to homeslice's topic in WRobot for Wow Vanilla - Help and support
I have done that, and it seems to just make it worse. The setup i use now uses the following settings for each healing spell: For friends (party): true Cast spell on: target Cast spell on self: False Everything else in Spell Settings is default, and there are conditions for target health percent, and target buffs (for renew, pws, etc.) With these settings, it doesn't seem to heal the warrior at all. -
Hi All! I am trying to get a priest to follow my main (warrior) and heal. I'm working on the Fightclass through the Fightclass Creator. The problem I have is that, when conditions for a spell are met, the priest casts them on my warrior, and also on himself, which eats mana like crazy. I have Product set to Party, "Healer" is turned off under Product Settings. In the Fightclass, I have "For friends (party)" set to "True" for the healing spells, and consitions set to "Target Health Percent" & "Target Buff". For ex, for PW:S, I have Target Health % under 90%, Target Buff PWS set False, Target Buff Weakened Soul set Fasle. When the warrior drops below 90%, priest shields the warrior, then shields himself. Same with renew. Here's the .xml as it is. This is a work in progress, so it may be different by the time you reply ... Thanks! gheals.xml