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Everything posted by Enraged

  1. NEVERMIND! It looks like the settings are updating, they just aren't reflecting the change on the Quester UI. Quest profile also is not reflecting the changes.
  2. Hey gents, Has anyone had luck with updating "Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.SaveModifiedGeneralSettings" or "Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.SkipPickUpQuestAfterXSecondes"? I have attempted a few different ways to update this, but the calls do not seem to be doing anything. I also have attempted to call "Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.Save();" in hopes that maybe that just needed to be invoked for it to write to the XML file. Been bashing my head against the desk about this one, hoping that I am just missing something simple, don't want to have to revert to manually writing to the XML directly. Thanks in advanced, -Enraged
  3. @deka880 Hopefully this can hold you over until I release a real version. This is only Arms at the moment, which I choose to level my warriors with. Will introduce Fury options.
  4. Version 0.5.1


    Hey guys, This is an extremely simple leveling Arms Warrior fight class that I am posting as it was requested. I did not spend much time on this one, and will likely post a much more updated version in the near future. It was tested and used to mid 40's, so it won't use new abilities although it still should function decent beyond that. This will move abilities needed to Right action bars if not present. Features: Arms Warrior basic routine (Stays in Battle Stance) Uses Blood Fury (Orc) or War Stomp (Tauren) situationally Ability to pull with Charge Bloodrage opener/refresh Maintains Rend / Demoralizing shout debuff Maintains Battleshout buff Overpower on dodge Choose between primary rage spender (Heroic, Slam, Mortal) AOE situational usage of Sweeping strikes, Cleave, Retaliation, Thunder clap Demoralizing Shout in emergency conditions (Cooldowns of AOE / low HP) Execute on less than 20% Adds abilities to action bars when trained as needed [Right two Action Bars] TODO: Implement Range Pulling option Allow Multi-spec options (Fury or Arms) More situational AOE (Berserk WW) Better Rotation /Sit build for maintaining crit buff if spec'd Again, this is a very quickly thrown together version. It may not be pretty, but it should hold you over until the real one is released. -Enraged
  5. @Matenia You are correct, I re-downloaded and it appears that it is no longer encountering the stutter problem that it was prior. Thank you for the invite, I definitely am a fan of your work and fightclass, and encourage anyone else who tests this one out to pick up his for the real deal.
  6. Version 1.0.2


    Hey guys, This is a simple fight class that I started working on to get used to WRobot libraries and systems before I start making more feature rich classes. The point of creating this when other great ones exists (Matenia's Vanilla Frost Mage), was to include feature options and test my limits. If the reception is good on this free demo class, I may produce a few more, or devote more time and create high quality paid classes. This has been tested to 40, at which point it will still function, but will not add new mana gems or NEW abilities learned (New ranks should still be fine) to its arsenal. I have to thank Matenia's Vanilla Frost Mage profile for the inspiration, and highly recommend his if you are looking for a fully functional quality paid profile. === THIS HAS NOT BEEN HEAVILY TESTED WITH ADDITIONAL PLUGINS === ** If using HMP or other plugins that manage Food/Water, you will need to disable the Food/Water options in those plugins for conjured food/water to be used and updated automatically** Features: Frost Mage basic casting Customizable Rotation options Fire Blast on CD Scorch on target Low HP Counterspell on spellcast Able to use wands (*Still testing stability) Uses racial passives when applicable (Current: Undead / Troll ) Uses latest Armor Types (Frost / Ice) Move's skills required to Action Bars (Two Right Bars & Bottom Right Bar) Move's new skills to Action Bars as you train them (*Still testing stability) (Checks every 15 min for update) Frost Nova and Kite Blink Kite with Nova if enabled Mana Shield on hp loss Create latest Food/Water/Gem if enabled Automatically will update General Settings to use Food/Water/Gem TODO: Make Ice Block optional Make Mana Shield optional Improve Kite pathing Add Sheep feature Add AOE features Update Action Bars to reflect Spell Rank being used Add Potion use in addition to current Mana Gem usage Include spells for 40-beyond Include option for additional Talent/Specs Thanks for testing it out, and let me know what problems you encounter so I can improve upon this! -Enraged
  7. @Droidz Just a heads up, you forgot to include "using wManager.Wow.Bot.States;" in the first example of C# fight class with Finite State Machine.
  8. Just about an hour ago I started getting errors on startup of WRobot about version being out of date or a firewall preventing connection. This is not happening every time I start up, sometimes it will start, although it takes 2+ mins for it to load. Very fast connection and high end computer setup. Anyone else experiencing this? Also am getting DNS errors when trying to reach forum site currently 5/6 times. I do use PIA for a proxy, but was having these problems even with proxy disabled.
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