Version 0.5.1
Hey guys,
This is an extremely simple leveling Arms Warrior fight class that I am posting as it was requested.
I did not spend much time on this one, and will likely post a much more updated version in the near future.
It was tested and used to mid 40's, so it won't use new abilities although it still should function decent beyond that.
This will move abilities needed to Right action bars if not present.
Arms Warrior basic routine (Stays in Battle Stance)
Uses Blood Fury (Orc) or War Stomp (Tauren) situationally
Ability to pull with Charge
Bloodrage opener/refresh
Maintains Rend / Demoralizing shout debuff
Maintains Battleshout buff
Overpower on dodge
Choose between primary rage spender (Heroic, Slam, Mortal)
AOE situational usage of Sweeping strikes, Cleave, Retaliation, Thunder clap
Demoralizing Shout in emergency conditions (Cooldowns of AOE / low HP)
Execute on less than 20%
Adds abilities to action bars when trained as needed [Right two Action Bars]
Implement Range Pulling option
Allow Multi-spec options (Fury or Arms)
More situational AOE (Berserk WW)
Better Rotation
/Sit build for maintaining crit buff if spec'd
Again, this is a very quickly thrown together version. It may not be pretty, but it should hold you over until the real one is released.