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Everything posted by Bambo

  1. Bambo


    i know, that would be expected, but the other if statements are the problem edit: only happens sometimes, after char delete and fresh char it works again, really weird
  2. Bambo


    here is the logfile @Droidz i was level 3 and undead male the if statements returned false 9 Mai 2019 18H42.log.html
  3. I reported wotlk problem with race check about female draenei a few days ago. Today again I had false negatives as undead male on wotlk. It first happened to a customer. then i reproduced it. http://prntscr.com/nmhrvq
  4. also breaking my profiles partially
  5. I can recommend Matenia's fightclasses. He has a warlock too.
  6. i think it is not possible without plugin, it was requested quite a few times already but hasn't made it to the wRobot updates just yet...
  7. maybe i just get you wrong but it seems you think that these are 2 different settings... it is just one setting that can be accessed/changed from multiple menus
  8. Hey wRobot Community, i need to ask for your opinions. There is no better way than an online survey. -> Bambo's wRobot Survey! <- Everyone that enters the survey with their answers gets into the raffle of my profile giveaway: 1x Gold Making Plugin 1x Horde Vanilla/TBC 1 to 60 Quester 1x Alliance Wotlk Grinder 1x Horde Wotlk Grinder The 4 winners will be announced in roughly 5 days from the beginning of this post!
  9. The problem only seems to occur on my local server sorry
  10. Could be a thing of my local private server. @Dreamful can not reproduce the bug
  11. Here this is the same code executed on a male draenei: http://prntscr.com/nkaxfj
  12. Hey guys, with a male it works perfectly. http://prntscr.com/nkauye Has anyone an idea how to fix that? I just cant get it to true eventhough she clearly is a draenei
  13. Not a dead giveaway no. But obviously private stuff is way safer than public stuff that every random GM can buy for a few bucks.
  14. I just seen that all of it is in french lol.. not sure about this being an appropriate Terms page. The fact is though, we (digital good sellers) do not always have to refund everyone. In some cases you have legal obligations. But as @Matenia stated. The bot works. Getting banned is part of the overall thing. You can not use it as a Reason to get a refund. Because legally the reason matters the most if you have the right on a refund. You might see that different. It is not. Without a Reason, and you do not have one, you shouldn't get refunded. But PayPal is PayPal. We will see.
  15. Thats the most bs i have ever seen. Many countries have got laws that allow sellers of digital goods to not refund. All we need to do is mention it in the disclaimer. Stop. Making. Shit. Up.
  16. You got banned for botting and thats the reason you want a refund? You are out of your mind sir
  17. i am working on a wotlk 1 to 80 grinder as one click profile, it will also contain class quests. if you would rather use these free grinders you can link them together in one quester profile
  18. only private bots support retail afaik, and before you ask, no I can not get you any
  19. wRobot does not support retail servers
  20. You need to be a premium seller to encrypt the profiles i believe
  21. that is something which would be considered more advanced when just starting out with creating questing profiles. it would need you to do c# coding. afaik you would need to hook into the wrobot death state and then execute a spirit healer rezz according to the location of the bot like i said, definitely considered more advanced when just learning things. here is a good point to learn wrobot api: https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/api/index.html EDIT: i think dying on purpose is not a function of wow itself so you would need to be creative about this
  22. the problem is in your wrobot settings. increase the min max latency values
  23. I know for a fact that this is true, some GMs use wRobot themselves and help their bots a little to not get banned along with the others ^^ I think thats pretty funny though, couldn't they just "cheat" a high level char? probably not the rights or something like that
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