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  1. Version 1.0.1


    Quester for the undead start zone (tested and 100% working). The quester does all the quests in the starting area. The only thing to do is to lern the spella at the trainer.
  2. Version 1.1


    Hello, this is my first quester profil. This profile works for level 80 chars if they were able to kill the elite mobs. Quests in this profile: - Netherwing Crystals neutral - Nethercrite Ore (only for miners) neutral - The not so friendly skies neutral (works if your char is able to attack flying mobs) - Picking up the pieces friendly - The booterang: A cure for the common worthless peon friendly (Is a bit buggy, just try on your server. Maybe you have to disable this step.) - Dragons are the least of our problems friendly - Disrupting the twilight portal honored The quest "A slow death" is not in this profil because there are bugs at nearly every server so i was not able to implement this quest in the profile.
  3. Hallo, ich erstelle gerade ein Quest Profil in WOTLK für Daily-Quests. Allerdings habe ich das Problem, dass mein Chrakter zwar das Flugmount nimmt, allerdings immer nur sehr knapp über dem Boden fliegt (auch zwischen den Quests für sehr weite Strecken). An sich wäre mir das ja egal, allerdings Mountet der Charakter immer ab, sobald er angeriffen wird (unter den Einstellungen habe ich angegeben, dass Kämpfe auf Reittieren ignoriert werden sollen). Hat hier jemand eine Lösung? Kann ich über den Questeditor vielleicht irgendwelche Flugwege angeben o.ä.? Schonmal danke für eure Hilfe.
  4. It works again on my character.
  5. same here =(
  6. Is the quester for horde or alliance?
  7. I had the same problem. At level 6 you can get this quest.
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