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Everything posted by Torug

  1. Same Question - Bot is never smelting - how to fix it?
  2. Tried many things (reduced Latency, faster Rotation option, frame lock, V-synch on/off, all addons off. Nothing worked to fix that no waiting for channel til end. Any suggested settings btw? What about latency, faster rotation option, attack before being attacked, movement option, calculate intertact/combat distance etc etc. Mb some of these option r the issue?
  3. Also getting these stutterstepping issue with Holy Fire before fight starts. really annoying und looks absolutely conspicuous - especially when mobs are moving. any fixes possible? And btw - any way to disable Mind Flay or fix to "spam" it? There is 1.1-1.5 Channeling Time left and he use it again, like 3-4 times in row - its burning mana down for nothing. He could instead using Wand.
  4. @Duskwood why not still farming Ogres all the time? Easy to kill, good respawn - no fucking person there. Instead he is farming some Wolves 7 level below me. Any way to "force" to use ogre Path?
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