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Everything posted by MrBramwell

  1. Still the bot shouldnt of ran back with pathfinding off. I'm annoyed that you cant have a an option to turn off running back. If you're fishing in a safe spot, you wont have to engage anything. And if you have decent bags, it'll take quite a while to fill it up. In that scenario there's no need for the bot to run back. If you're teleported, you're teleported. There's no inbetween btw. Fire up a server of your own, you'll see there's no way to move a player unless you're teleporting them, no matter the distance. If the bots co-ords change from something, and then suddenly changes to something else, I think its safe to say that you've been teleported. I would love for the bot to work properly, but at this point it seems it's more like finding workarounds for different scenarios, because you can't rely on the bot, that's what frustrating, cause the functions that actually do work, are solid.
  2. I just want to let you know that half the bot's functions doesnt work as intended. Take the stop bot if teleported for instance, that doesn't work. I had a fishbot going, and a GM ported me away, and the bot ran to the coords, eventhough I had turned pathfinding off aswell. GG
  3. Hey. Just wondering if its possible to unhide a file again ? I hid a grinder profile sometime back because one of my own bots got banned while using said profile - I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with the profile, and thus hid it from here to avoid anyone else getting banned, if it indeed was the fault of the profile. I've now levelled two other characters up past this profile and can confirm it's not the fault of the profile, and I wanted to "unhide" the profile again, is that possible ? Or do I have to create it again on here ?
  4. Great fighting class.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    <NORTHSHIRE VALLEY, HUMAN START LEVEL 1-6 GRINDER> Slower but safer Grinder route through the Human start zone. Don't forget a good fighting class! Has all class trainer locations ~ You can use autotrain Has a vendor/repair location ~ You can use Selling Loot and buy food/drink Level 1-6 Will include a level 6-10 grinder at a later date I recommend you take the first few kill quests, especially so, if you dont have an alt that can feed the bot with new equipment, as you'll get a new weapon. I also recommend you complete quests in EVERY area you go to. If you get reported by a player and a GM looks at your profile, he can see you've got no quests completed, which is almost a dead giveaway. So make sure to complete at least a few quests in each area. Personally, I let the grinder grind to the max level for the area, sometimes +1 level, and then run around completing the least annoying / straightforward quests and the quests which I know gives good equipment - An example would be the Defias questline in Westfall, to get the Instance Quest to kill Van Cleef.
  6. Version 1.4


    <SHADOWGLEN + TELDRASSIL + DARKSHORE, ELVEN START LEVEL 1-22 GRINDER> The elven starting area is probably the least used area, and therefore most safe place to bot, I wondered why there wasn't any grinder profiles, so I've made my own. Don't forget a good fighting class! Has all class trainer locations for both Shadowglen and Teldrassil ~ You can use autotrain (Includes Cooking, Firstaid, Herbalism and Alchemy trainers) - Trainers not included in Darkshore and beyond Has a vendor/repair location for Shadowglen, Teldrassil and Darkshore ~ You can use Selling Loot Level 1-6 in roughly (+/-) 1 hour 20 minutes ~ Slower, but safer 1-6 grind through neutral mobs, no deaths. Takes advantage of Neutral Owls in Teldrassil, and Foreststriders in Darkshore for safer grinding. Great profiles for Skinner's and Herbalist's! Avoids quest hotspots, making detection less likely Grinding to level 11-12 is possible with the level 6-10 grinder , but will take a while There will be another grinding profile for level 22+ in Ashenvale, but it will be a while. I recommend you set wrobots "Looting and Farming options" to Max 1 Unit near and Search Radius to 200 - There are furbolg camps around the place in Teldrassil, that can get quite messy. (Unless you're confident in your toon's ability to handle 2-3 mobs at a time) I also recommend you take the first few quests in Shadowglen you can find, specifically the kill quest, as this Grinder targets the quest mobs, and do the followup, which will give you a new weapon, and will help your grinder. The profiles are split up, to make levelling up more efficient. and minimize downtime due to deaths etc. As with any Grinder, make sure to keep your equipment updated, it will make the grind go faster and be more efficient.
  7. Version 1.0.1


    <WESTFALL Level 9-15 GRINDER> This grinder takes a slower, but in my opinion, safer route. It goes in a large circle, and targets Riverpaw Gnolls and Mechanical Golems in the north, Boars, Vultures, Red Defias and Coyotes, in levels 9-14 Don't forget a good fighting class! Has vendor options in both Westbrook Garrison and Sentinell Hill, will pick the closest. Great for characters with the Skinning Profession, aswell as Herbalism. Avoids busy quest areas for quests like "Killing Fields" and similar.
  8. Just use a VPN with split tunneling functionality, makes you able to do "Per app VPN's" That way you can force WoW through a VPN and Wrobot stays on your local machine. I know for example Express VPN has this functionality.
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