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    eLucious reacted to Matenia in Healing in BG   
    It was never implemented. You can write your own healing fightclasses in C# that will heal friends. If you want to follow friends around in combat

    I suggest using C# code similar to this:
    public void Initialize() { FightEvents.OnFightLoop += FightEventsOnOnFightLoop; FightEvents.OnFightStart += FightEventsOnOnFightStart; Rotation(); } private void FightEventsOnOnFightStart(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() .Any(p => p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.Position.DistanceTo(unit.Position) <= 30) && !Me.HaveAnyDebuff("Idle", "Inactive")) { BlackList(unit); cancelable.Cancel = true; RunToHealTarget(); } } private void BlackList(WoWUnit unit, uint seconds = 15) { wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(unit.Guid, (int) (seconds * 1000), true); ObjectManager.BlackListObjectManagerGuid.Add(unit.Guid); new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep((int) (seconds * 1000)); ObjectManager.BlackListObjectManagerGuid.Remove(unit.Guid); }).Start(); } private bool RunToHealTarget() { WoWUnit healTarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit() .Where(o => o.Guid != Me.Guid && o.IsAlive && o.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && o.HealthPercent <= 80 && o.Type == WoWObjectType.Player && o.GetDistance <= 75) .OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance) .FirstOrDefault(); if (healTarget != null && healTarget.GetDistance > 10 && !Me.IsCast) { Logging.WriteFight("healing target found - chasing it to heal"); Me.Target = healTarget.Guid; if (GoToTask.ToPosition(healTarget.Position, 10f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Me.HealthPercent > 55)) { MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1500); return true; } } return false; } private void FightEventsOnOnFightLoop(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { //No friend to heal in range! WoWUnit friendInRange = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() .Where(p => p.Guid != Me.Guid && p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.HealthPercent <= 80 && p.GetDistance <= 35 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position)) .OrderBy(p => p.GetDistance) .FirstOrDefault(); if (friendInRange == null) { if (RunToHealTarget()) { cancelable.Cancel = true; } } else { if (friendInRange?.GetDistance > 30 && !Me.IsCast) { Logging.WriteFight("Running closer to heal target"); MovementManager.MoveTo(friendInRange); Thread.Sleep(2500); } MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000); } } For a resto shaman (vanilla) example fightclass, you can check out the source code here:
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    eLucious reacted to Matenia in interested in buying wrobot but...   
    Dude you're not funny, you're just ridiculously annoying. And you're not helping Droidz by scaring away potential customers.
    To OP:
    There isn't a whole lot of Cata content. But everything in the Legion section (and a lot in the MoP and WoD section) should work (almost) flawlessly on Cata.
    For fightclasses, you can just use the built in fightclass editor. It's easy to use and you don't need more than that. You can have a look at all the MoP fightclasses I posted (all done with the editor).
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    eLucious reacted to Matenia in interested in buying wrobot but...   
    C'mon dude, get a therapist and grow up.
    No wonder you were whining about your marriage falling apart on here like a year ago if you're this immature and lack even the most basic self awareness.
    Seriously, you could benefit a lot from getting professional help.

    For now, if you have nothing to say that contributes to the discussion, spare us. Nobody needs your self-promoting input. And everybody can tell what you're doing. People aren't as obliviousto your bullshit as you think. Most just don't bother speaking up because it's like yelling at a deaf person.
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    eLucious got a reaction from TheSmokie in Paying for someones time. Want to create a simple profile..   
    You're a compulsive liar. Stay away from Smokie. 
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    eLucious got a reaction from TheSmokie in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    Excited to jump into this project! 
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