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Everything posted by Paultimate

  1. You may want to read the question more closely. We aren't asking about the consistent follow distance. We are asking about partybot distance it can detect where the leader is before becoming abandoned.
  2. Id also like to know how to extend this. It seems like the party followers stop detecting where the leader is, and get abandoned if they get more than 75~ yards away. Thats way too short. This bot can detect players in a 1000+ yard radius, and is able to path entire continents. It should be able to find and path to leader from 300+ yards.
  3. How do I force the party mode bots to focus the target of the leader? Sometimes 2 groups of fighting forms and its silly. I want everyone fighting the same thing 100% of the time. Ive tried some tricks using party commands and fight-class entries to force all partymode bots to assist the leader as their focus, but they simply switch back to their own target after and its really frustrating. Why are they fighting something separate from what the leader is fighting when the leader and the mob the leader is fighting is in range and pathable? Ideally they need to abandon whatever their target is and switch to the leaders.
  4. @Droidz Thanks for this. After about an hour of painfull testing, I determined that the party leader is not being treated the same as other party members when parsing data in party chat. Right now you cannot use the party leader to give commands until [Party Leader] is also added. Im looking into it now to add.. I added the below and things work better for the party lead now (the lead would naturally be who is giving commands) LN 36 ((int)msg.Channel == 51 || ((int)msg.Channel == 2 || ((int)msg.Channel == 49 || msg.Channel == ChatTypeId.PARTY))
  5. Changing my 4k screen to 1080p is not what anyone wants to or will do. The above was an OK middle ground. Thanks though.
  6. That clear target macro is great. Helping me slowly un-fuck the limitations of party mode
  7. Fixed this (or improved it at least) with a tip on #14. However instead of disabling it, I set the scaling to windows controlled enhanced mode.
  8. Where can I change this and how? Some windows are very hard to navigate, and I saw the below image. It looks like its for changing fonts of the UI, but no idea. Thanks for the help.
  9. Any developer worth his salt could also be thought by some (not myself just an example) to include api docs. The sheer amount of questions he has answered and code examples he has written are far more work than a rough API document (or a wiki here). Self explanatory items don't need a huge amount of documentation, but other parts do. He doesn't even have to do it, but If the community if provided a wiki to start editing we sure as hell would start filling it out and brining in more people. Creating a wiki offsite/without mainpage link to it would just stagnate. This is a prime example of teach a man to fish vs. give a man a fish.
  10. I have been looking for a good hour now though other peoples work and testing things. Im sorry to have to make a post asking. How do I target my pet with a spell in CS? Also, does anyone know of an API resource for wrobot for CS? Would love to develop. EG of what I have for self targeting. I can change 'me' to 'pet' but it will still target myself for the cast, else if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 65 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Renew") && Renew.KnownSpell) { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Renew"); return; } else if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 65 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Rejuvenation") && Rejuv.KnownSpell) { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Rejuvenation"); return; } Thanks.
  11. Why exactly is something like this not a top priority? Gaining more developers and interest via even a rough API is directly related to not only profit, but enjoyment and quality of the product as a whole. Please give us a API documentation or at least allow the community to start one, but most of us are unsure how.
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