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Everything posted by nonstop1005

  1. lol i will get to it as soon as i am over this flu
  2. did you try the new one i redid for you?
  3. it tells you in the pic, it is stopping because it reached 200 blockages.. you are either running a profile that obviously needs work. or.. wait, is there any other option?? choose a different profile, or fix the one you have
  4. small profile covering what you asked for, no mail, no repair or vendor. enjoy icecrown frostweave.xml
  5. add them as a buff, and if you need them to happen at a certain time, add a timer to them in the top right corner
  6. ok, this is your modified ret pally let me know how it works for you Whathefak Ret Pally v1.1.xml
  7. ok, made several changes for you, let me know how this works Priest Holy.xml
  8. i will check it out with my priest and see what i can do
  9. 627 downloads

    this is set up in such a way that you do not have to tell the bot it is heals, when heals are not needed it will dps
  10. i found it best to put each spell in twice personally, i am using my own shaman heal profile atm for 2 manning instances also you do not have to click on the healer in the settings this way
  11. put the item id in the harvest window in you advanced settings
  12. i will work on 1 in the next day or so
  13. 12:33:20 - Mounting fly mount Schwarzer Reitdrache this is what it is saying for your mounting change your mount and see what happens
  14. i will try to build you a frofile for that area, what are the coords for the mobs you want to kill?
  15. there is a frostweave farm profile in the downloads, it is in s basin, i am having trouble understanding exactly what you are looking for.
  16. http://wrobot.eu/files/file/249-shao-tien/ 45 spirits overnight
  17. 644 downloads

    not mine but it is theone i use
  18. 681 downloads

    covers the while region of durotar
  19. does the profile that you are using have vendors or repair included?
  20. the jeeves plan will drop off the first 5-10 mobs ya kill.. if it takes that long
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