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Everything posted by iakovos1990

  1. bro is work now with this wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack( 114250 ) >=
  2. help me please because i am new in lua script
  3. what text??
  4. is no work i try this returnResult = false; local name = GetSpellInfo(114250); local _, _, _, count = UnitBuff("player", name); if count and count >= 4 then returnResult = true; end print(tostring(returnResult) .. " - " .. tostring(count) .. " - " .. tostring(name))
  5. ok thankss i try!!!
  6. hi i try this (Selfless Healer) but no work!!!! CAN HELP ME PLEASE??? LuaScript: returnResult = false; local name = GetSpellInfo(114250); local _, _, _, count = UnitBuff("player", name); if count and count >= 4 then returnResult = true; end Research: true Var: returnResult
  7. download Firestorm wow
  8. any one help me with my priest player with this spell Purify Disease.how it work with lua script dispel my player???????
  9. hi bro i need for the priest this spell Purify Disease!!! can show me how it work please?????
  10. WHY NO WORK IN GAME??????
    very nice BRO!!!!!!!
  11. hi can fix druid feral please!!!!!! nothing attack on mobs and i am leveling
    CAN FIX DRUID PLEASE!!!!! i use feral but nothing attack
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