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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. There is a feature but only for paid products and you need premium Seller rank to sell stuff here.
  2. Or if you want pretty much the same thing but for free, use this plugin for discord communication
  3. There is old mesh and new mesh which the pathfinder uses. That pretty much is true for you to use new mesh
  4. They check to see if the mpq file been edited and if is, downloads there own
  5. @pudge you need Push the variables on the stack then call the address by memory location
  6. Hello, This is the code they use for there custom MPQ and they check if the file is there and if its not then they download and replace the file with theres. @Droidz Might have to see if he can bypass it. the Mpq file name : patch-ruRU-i.mpq -- Filename: Controller.lua -- Project: Sirus Game Interface -- Author: Nyll -- E-mail: [email protected] -- Web: https://sirus.su/ local _CastSpellByName = CastSpellByName local _CastSpellByID = CastSpellByID local _CastSpell = CastSpell local ignoreSpell = { 7620, 7731, 7732, 18248, 33095, 51294, 2550, 3102, 3413, 18260, 33359, 51296, 3273, 3274, 7924, 10846, 27028, 45542, 2259, 3101, 3464, 11611, 28596, 51304, 28677, 28675, 28672, 2018, 29844, 51300, 3538, 3100, 9785, 9788, 17039, 17040, 17041, 9787, 13262, 7411, 7412, 7413, 13920, 28029, 51313, 4036, 4037, 4038, 12656, 30350, 51306, 20222, 20219, 2366, 2368, 3570, 11993, 28695, 50300, 51005, 45357, 45358, 45359, 45360, 45361, 45363, 31252, 25229, 25230, 28894, 28895, 28897, 51311, 2108, 3104, 3811, 10662, 32549, 51302, 10656, 10660, 10658, 2656, 8613, 8617, 8618, 10768, 32678, 50305, 3908, 3909, 3910, 12180, 26790, 51309, 26798, 26797, 26801 } local blockSpell = { 306647, 306648, 306649, 306650, 306651, 306652, 306653, 306654, } local function GetSpellID( ... ) if ... then local link = GetSpellLink( ... ) if link then return tonumber(string.match(link, "spell:(%d*)")) end end end local function SendClientReport( name, ... ) SendServerMessage("ACMSG_PROTECTED_LUA_CALL_DETECTED", name.."|"..strjoin(" ", tostringall(...))) end function CastSpellByName( ... ) if not ... then return end local id = GetSpellID(...) if id and tContains(blockSpell, id) then return end if not UnitAffectingCombat("player") then _CastSpellByName(...) return end if id and tContains(ignoreSpell, id) then _CastSpellByName(...) return end SendClientReport("CastSpellByName", table.concat({..., id}, ", ")) end function CastSpellByID( ... ) if not ... then return end local id = GetSpellID(...) if id and tContains(blockSpell, id) then return end if not UnitAffectingCombat("player") then _CastSpellByID(...) return end if id and tContains(ignoreSpell, id) then _CastSpellByID(...) return end SendClientReport("CastSpellByID", ...) end function CastSpell( ... ) if not ... then return end local id = GetSpellID(...) if id and tContains(blockSpell, id) then return end if not UnitAffectingCombat("player") then _CastSpell(...) return end if id and tContains(ignoreSpell, id) then _CastSpell(...) return end SendClientReport("CastSpell", ...) end function JoinBattlefield( ... ) return nil end function AcceptBattlefieldPort( ... ) return nil end function AcceptTrade() return nil end function GuildInvite() return nil end function EventHandler:ASMSG_CLIENT_VERSION_REQUEST() SendAddonMessage("ACMSG_CLIENT_VERSION_VERIFICATION", 739, "WHISPER", UnitName("player")) end
  7. I did this by memory while i am at work for someone in a discord chat i am part or, hope this helps. function Stun(SpellName, ItemName) if HasFullControl == nil then if IsUsableSpell(SpellName) or GetItemCooldown(ItemName) == 1 then CastSpellByName(spellname); end else if IsUsableSpell(SpellName) == nil or GetItemCooldown(ItemName) == 0 then UseItemByName(ItemName) end end end
  8. Hello, i am trying to work on the World Explore Achievement for people who ask for it but i am at a lost on where i am doing wrong, i used AchievementName and it comes back as false and runs but one go to next step (3rd try to fix.) i used AchievementID to see if i get the ID to return a true or false (works for some, not working for rest.) I am at a lost and after messing with it for hours, i thought to ask here where my problem is. Source code : has Full zepplin support etc. i just cant figure out what i am doing wrong. World Explore.rar
  9. After finding realmlisting, i was able to log in with my none modified client and was completely able to use SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Lesser Heal"); CastSpellByName("Lesser Heal"); i did get Dc tho, idk if its because of the lua injection or if its because of my T-moble hotspot, but over all it works. @Droidz you may want to check if they can detect l if a player is using lua for casting spells, they might not have a ban action in place, just a simple dc.
  10. You’ll also need a way to check if you have a bigger bag to replace smaller bag
  11. Idk if that’s a lua Function or if droidz uses memory writing for that but trying using normal lua CastSpellByName
  12. @Matenia still doesnt work, var Mash = new List<OffMeshConnection> { new OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(-9019.261f, 888.1429f, 29.62084f), new Vector3(-9020.968f, 890.6682f, 29.62069f) }, (int)ContinentId.Azeroth, OffMeshConnectionType.Bidirectional, true), }; OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.AddRange(Mash);
  13. @Alex1994xcx do you play vanilla or another patch? (Just wondering.) Also those profiles havent been updated for about 2 years, id recommend something newer, wrobot had a lot of updates since.
  14. or Dev Tools > Lua(wow) > past code > runcode
  15. @Alex1994xcx What profile are you using?
  16. Yes, there is a big bot player base. Idk what drive pirates means?
  17. Hello @Droidz, Can you add mesh to go threw the portal? -9019.261f, 888.1429f, 29.62084f First -9020.968f, 890.6682f, 29.62069f 2nd offmesh not working : var Mash = new List<OffMeshConnection> { new OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(-9019.261f, 888.1429f, 29.62084f), new Vector3(-9020.968f, 890.6682f, 29.62069f) }, (int)ContinentId.Azeroth), }; OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.AddRange(Mash);
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